• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Apr 1, 2008
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 13
  2. Negative: 2 out of 13

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  1. Sep 28, 2022
    Being a huge Anti-Flag for many many years, This is my favorite AF record just behind The General Strike. I really like how all the songs flow from the 1st track to the last. Modern Rome is burning down, Spit in the face and Good and Ready are some of the best punk rock songs in the past 20 years. Everything sounds great and the aggression is still there. Great job Anti-Flag!
  2. Jul 5, 2011
    I was disappointed by this album overall. The sound of the lyrics was way different than previous albums, which I attribute to the affiliation with a major label. The lyrics sound as if they were all written to be sort of anthem-esque, which is fine for a few songs, but when a whole album is written this way, it comes off overly epic. Bothered me a ton and i won't even listen to this songI was disappointed by this album overall. The sound of the lyrics was way different than previous albums, which I attribute to the affiliation with a major label. The lyrics sound as if they were all written to be sort of anthem-esque, which is fine for a few songs, but when a whole album is written this way, it comes off overly epic. Bothered me a ton and i won't even listen to this song anymore. Its meaningful message and this bands history is this album's only saviors. I love AF... which is why I have such strong feelings about this album. And as far as punk music goes... didn't do it justice. Collapse
  3. dmdd
    Jul 5, 2008
    This sucks compared to the previous albums.
  4. MaxH
    May 3, 2008
    If you compare this to their later albums it is less political and less anarchy influenced. Though most of their stuff is usually pretty boring this hit the lowest point. Thanks for trying, Anti-Flag. Go back to Underground Network or Die For Your Government.
  5. Ahmet
    Apr 10, 2008
    This is Anti-Flag. They're fighters of the old-school punk.
  6. Steve
    Apr 8, 2008
    This is the first I have heard of Anti-Flag, so I have no previous work to compare to but I liked this a lot. Not necessarily punk in the purest sense, but each song delivers something worthwhile.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Alternative Press
    Bright Lights is a super-serious record that demostrates some super-serious song craft. [May 2008, p.130]
  2. The Bright Lights of America, Anti-Flag's second major-label album and eighth overall, proves for the billionth time that good intentions don't always make good music.
  3. 40
    Unfortunately, despite now working with David Bowie producer Tony Visconti, who infuses their angular, system-smashing screeds with timpani ("Good and Ready"), brass ("Shadow of the Dead"), and harmonica ("Go West"), Anti-Flag still don't possess the innate pop sensibility that's allowed Against Me! to make a mainstream move.