• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Feb 24, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
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  1. Feb 26, 2017
    Love Little Big Town's new Breaker album. I especially love "DRIVIN Around"... it brings me back to my early days of driving with the radio blasting and windows down just cruising with my best friends! Powerful harmonizing voices on one of the best songs on the album! Congrats to all!!!
  2. Jul 2, 2017
    Got this album today. Immediately I was impressed by the opening song, "Happy People". It's soft and has a warmth to it, then you have a few upbeat songs that follow, Then you get to "Better Man" written by Taylor Swift and it is an easy stand-out song, especially seeing as it was the lead single for the album. "Rollin" follows it and I really like this song, it is catchy and makes youGot this album today. Immediately I was impressed by the opening song, "Happy People". It's soft and has a warmth to it, then you have a few upbeat songs that follow, Then you get to "Better Man" written by Taylor Swift and it is an easy stand-out song, especially seeing as it was the lead single for the album. "Rollin" follows it and I really like this song, it is catchy and makes you want to dance. "Beat Up Bible" is religious and I am not always a fan when singers implement religion to their songs, however, Kimberly sings this song beautifully and that improves the song a fair bit.
    My overall rating is 7 out of 10. I like this album, but it could have one or two more songs that had more powerful harmonies that Little Big Town are well capable of. If I had any dislikes I would say that the production is a tiny bit off. It has pop influences throughout but the songs have a repetitive sound to them. Overall I think it's a great modern and classic country twist.
  3. May 27, 2017
    John - This was almost a great album, and it almost had some excellent songs on. However, there was always something holding those songs back; Lost In California went on for too long, Rollin' had very strong verses but a messy chorus, and Drivin' Around had the opposite. And then we had Beat Up Bible and When Someone Stops Loving You, which needn't have been included at all. Those and theJohn - This was almost a great album, and it almost had some excellent songs on. However, there was always something holding those songs back; Lost In California went on for too long, Rollin' had very strong verses but a messy chorus, and Drivin' Around had the opposite. And then we had Beat Up Bible and When Someone Stops Loving You, which needn't have been included at all. Those and the other slower tempo tracks all seemed to be bunched up at the end of the record as well, which just gave the feeling that it was starting to drag in my opinion.I will be listening to some of these again, which is saying something as I'm not a massive fan of country music, purely for the chilled and summery atmosphere, and the at times beautifully poetic lyrics. Also, probably the most varied album we've reviewed thus far, which is a breath of fresh air. On the whole, a frustrating effort from Little Big Town, which could have been a lot better it is. But having said that, I very much enjoyed listening, and I'll certainly be keeping an eye on them and their future releases.

    Tilly - I've always been a pretty big fan of Little Big Town's singles, but have never felt the urge to go and listen to a full album as I didn't know if it might feel as if you were listening to the same song over and over again. However, it came as quite a shock to discover that this is the most varied album Kritikon has reviewed so far. Of course there are the typical country music songs such as Beat Up Bible, which not being religious myself, kind of felt like a waste of an album track despite the well written lyrics, and perhaps When Someone Stops Loving You as well. For the most part though, each track felt insanely different to the last, and of course being a group that shares vocal time, you never get tired of their voices. Overall, The Breaker is an album packed with beautiful lyrics, amazing harmonies and catchy hooks, and I'll eagerly delve into the rest of their discography after listening to it.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Feb 24, 2017
    For as much fun as Wanderlust often was, the sound of The Breaker is really the band’s wheelhouse.
  2. Feb 24, 2017
    Little Big Town cherish the gentler moments, and this ease with sensitivity turns The Breaker into something of a quiet triumph: it's intended as a balm, and it succeeds.
  3. 91
    Although the rest of The Breaker may not be blessed with the T-Swizzle magic, there are some more strong contenders for your next breakup playlist.