• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: Sep 4, 2015
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Universal acclaim- based on 177 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 8 out of 177
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  1. Sep 7, 2015
    Never been an Iron Maiden fan (I had only listened to the number of the beast). Gave this album a try and it was totally worth it. Definitely better than 95% of heavy metal music that is out there. I don't know how the old fans feel about it, but if you even slightly like heavy metal music give this album a try.
  2. Sep 7, 2015
    Excellent sound quality, never ending harmony guitar solos. Thanks for showing young musicians what is electric guitar for Iron Maiden... When is the next gig?
  3. Sep 16, 2015
    I'm not able to describe this legacy album in just a few words, but I'll do my best.

    I was expecting something similar to the relaxed classic heavy metal style album, like they did with the albums after Bruce's comeback. They didn't... instead they surprised me. I'm still trying to understand how they did something so much different from their usual sound style and even more surprised
    I'm not able to describe this legacy album in just a few words, but I'll do my best.

    I was expecting something similar to the relaxed classic heavy metal style album, like they did with the albums after Bruce's comeback.
    They didn't... instead they surprised me. I'm still trying to understand how they did something so much different from their usual sound style and even more surprised on how they did this without loosing their distinct and perceivable sound style.
    I didn't need a confirmation from Iron Maiden. I could say they are the fathers of heavy metal, the fathers of my childhood, even without having heard the album from X-Factor and on.
    But they still leave their watermark, with every new album. And this is not a watermark. This album is a legacy for all of us.
    I will not say anything about their songs. I will only comment for Bruce's voice.
    Bruce is amazing. Despite his condition, and his age, he sounds great. His voice reminds me now of Balls to Picasso, but even better. Especially the "sick" touch in the Empire of Clouds epic-saga-epos, and more precisely from 10.30 and on.

    If you are to listen to this album and especially if you were a bit disappointed with their previous works, listen to it with your eyes closed, out in the wind if possible or on a balcony and be relaxed when you do so. Don't judge it from the 1st time you listen. Give it a couple of rounds. Once you start feeling the magnificence of the drums on each loop, the change of every sound on every rhythm, giving you a different feeling on each loop, on every different riff, and the deep voice from Bruce, all the feelings you felt long ago, during their golden era, will come back to you.

    Up the Irons!
    They are our fathers forever.
  4. Sep 4, 2015
    By the time they announced the tracks and their respectively lengths we could know that this album would be something like Maiden's last two, with a little more "power short songs" than those previous mentioned.
    The Book of Souls sounds like A Matter of Life and Death, with some flavor of the 80s. Their most powerful songs, like the opener "If Eternity Should Fail", "Speed of Light", "The
    By the time they announced the tracks and their respectively lengths we could know that this album would be something like Maiden's last two, with a little more "power short songs" than those previous mentioned.
    The Book of Souls sounds like A Matter of Life and Death, with some flavor of the 80s. Their most powerful songs, like the opener "If Eternity Should Fail", "Speed of Light", "The Great Unknown", "When The River Runs Deep" and "Shadow of The Valley" may take a couple of listening to get the right mood of them. But as their last two albums, their greatest works are at the most progressive songs. "The Red and The Black", "The Book of Souls" and the 18-minute epic "Empire of the Clouds" are the highlights of this double album. For the ones that loved A Matter of Life and Death, or those that prefer "new Maiden" style, this album is gold. For those that are not too much into it, like me, you will have the feeling that it lacks more powerful songs, with major and catchy riffs and lyrics. We can't argue about the quality of the sound though. This is why Maiden is still among the greatest, if not the great metal band still around.
  5. Sep 4, 2015
    With such classic albums as Number of the beast and powerslave in their history, one could be forgiven for assuming that their best days are long in the past. The Book of Souls proves that when dealing with Iron Maiden, all bets are off. Here we have an album that can sit proudly in the pantheon of great albums, it's peers will be night at the Opera, machine head, zeppelin 4 and theWith such classic albums as Number of the beast and powerslave in their history, one could be forgiven for assuming that their best days are long in the past. The Book of Souls proves that when dealing with Iron Maiden, all bets are off. Here we have an album that can sit proudly in the pantheon of great albums, it's peers will be night at the Opera, machine head, zeppelin 4 and the wall.
    Each song is fresh and vibrant. Each riff sharp and we'll placed. The chemistry that these 6 musicians have is almost zen like. Given we now know That Bruce dickinson had an undiagnosed cancer while this album was being recorded, his vocals are exemplary. I'm my opinion empire of the clouds is Maiden and specifically Bruces Magnum Opus. If you only listen to one metal album this year, the book of souls must be it.
  6. Sep 4, 2015
    A great album with epic songs like 'The Red and The Black', 'Empire of the Clouds' and 'The Book of Souls'.

    Bruce's voice sounds great again, specially in "The Book of Souls".
  7. Sep 4, 2015
    For me the best album after Killers and i will explain why :
    - first the incredible quality of the sound of this album. This sound is a pure jewell
    - second the ambition of this album : remember that Bruce had a cancer and after 40 years of singing its still of of the best metal voice of the planet. The lyrics shine and roarr. - third the work done : my god ! The guitar solo are
    For me the best album after Killers and i will explain why :
    - first the incredible quality of the sound of this album. This sound is a pure jewell
    - second the ambition of this album : remember that Bruce had a cancer and after 40 years of singing its still of of the best metal voice of the planet. The lyrics shine and roarr.
    - third the work done : my god ! The guitar solo are gorgeous, epic, technicals, like only iron maiden know to make it. The rhytmics goes to tribal ones to come very structured. Great work !
    And last : buy this f....ing album !! its a masterpiece !!!
  8. Sep 13, 2015
    Very strong album. Iron Maiden is back after five long years and delivers an album with some really great songs.

    Bruce's voice holds up really well and sounds great on Book of Souls were Iron Maiden start to explore some - to them - new ground. Long tracks with varying pace and power. Long instrumental parts with violins etc and it sounds great! I'm confident this will be remembered
    Very strong album. Iron Maiden is back after five long years and delivers an album with some really great songs.

    Bruce's voice holds up really well and sounds great on Book of Souls were Iron Maiden start to explore some - to them - new ground. Long tracks with varying pace and power. Long instrumental parts with violins etc and it sounds great!

    I'm confident this will be remembered by the fans as a strong album and that the small change in style will be appreciated by most. For me, the songs Empire of the Clouds, The Red and the Black and Book of Souls are instant classics!

    This might be their best album since their golden age in the eighties.

    Fantastic! Up the Irons!
  9. Sep 4, 2015
    Another epic album from London's finest. Simply not content to keep re-writing the same album like many of their peers (Metallica, AC/DC et al), the Maiden take their time with each release and produce something fresh and interesting. Much stronger than you might expect it to be.
  10. Sep 4, 2015
    Best after Brave New World. A true masterpiece. Blew away with all the tunes, riffs, solos and most importantly Bruce. Iron Maiden is the best band of the world. Period
  11. Sep 9, 2015
    I am a big Maiden fan and love almost all their work. I really wanted to love this record especially after reading all the glowing revues before hearing it, but truth be told I think it's an very weak album. Most of the riffs are just slight reworkings of old familiar favorites. The overall feel is that they are trying too hard to do something epic, something like their own version ofI am a big Maiden fan and love almost all their work. I really wanted to love this record especially after reading all the glowing revues before hearing it, but truth be told I think it's an very weak album. Most of the riffs are just slight reworkings of old familiar favorites. The overall feel is that they are trying too hard to do something epic, something like their own version of Trans Siberian Orchestra, but they just fall short and the songs all song the same and lack the power and focus I am accustomed to from these true masters of the genre. Empire of the Clouds is just a long mess or over repetitive nothingness that never has a focus or build up or payoff. Rime of the Ancient Mariner it is not, and not even close. Red and Black is perhaps the best but even it has the familiar undertones of the main riff of Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

    Sure Bruce sounds great as always and the musicianship is excellent, but the mixing, and overall live feel just comes off sounding less crisp, heavy and hard as I usually expect from Maiden. There's not really a single memorable song of the bunch and I don't foresee any of these songs ending up on my favorites playlist. I laud them trying to be different, but different isn't enough, it also has to be good, and I just don't feel it from this effort. Sure it's better than most of the crap that comes out from everyone else out there today, but as a Maiden album it is arguably one of my least favorite.
  12. Sep 4, 2015
    Better than TFF, but nowhere near the old classics. Still, great overall musicianship proves that they still have it. It's just the ideas that are gone. Plus, like on last several albums, there are songs where Dickinson just won't stop singing (and it's pretty much clear that those are songs that he wrote)!P.S. Take a special look at "The Red and The Black"'s instrumental part, it's oneBetter than TFF, but nowhere near the old classics. Still, great overall musicianship proves that they still have it. It's just the ideas that are gone. Plus, like on last several albums, there are songs where Dickinson just won't stop singing (and it's pretty much clear that those are songs that he wrote)!P.S. Take a special look at "The Red and The Black"'s instrumental part, it's one the Maiden's (and HM's) best ever! Expand
  13. Sep 11, 2015
    1 If Eternity Should Fail: average.

    2 Speed of light: Bad but good vocals, Bruce doing well. Music very well played as you would expect from legends but nothing to 'hook' the listener. 3 The Great Unknown: Yep good. A 'go to' track on this album. 4 The Red and the Black: Pure Harris, good, uses a lead guitar whilst Bruce sings....works! Heaven can wait 'whoah o whoahs take away
    1 If Eternity Should Fail: average.

    2 Speed of light: Bad but good vocals, Bruce doing well. Music very well played as you would expect from legends but nothing to 'hook' the listener.

    3 The Great Unknown: Yep good. A 'go to' track on this album.

    4 The Red and the Black: Pure Harris, good, uses a lead guitar whilst Bruce sings....works! Heaven can wait 'whoah o whoahs take away from solid track...

    5 When the river runs deep: Ave/boring

    6 Book of Souls: Yep good, not epic but solid. Would be good live heaps of classic Iron Maiden guitar work.

    7 Death or Glory: Below average

    8 Shadows of the Valley: Good, great guitar melodies/solos, will return for more of this. Heaven can Wait 'whoahs' luckily don't take too much away from this...

    9 Tears of a Clown. Good track, catchy, good hooks great solos. Lyrics somewhat disrespectful if written about Robin Williams...

    10 The Man of Sorrows. Average track.

    11 Empire of the Clouds. Yep average Mariner esc track, some good stuff, nice on a long car journey, but won't be looking it up for a specific listen...

    Overall, I'm a huge Iron Maiden fan, my first ever 'owned' album was Number of the Beast when I was 8 years old, these guys are Gods to me. But I call it as I see it, and unfortunately not enough great guitar, chorus or vocal hooks will keep me interested in 'The Book of Souls'. By god they know how to play their instruments though...

  14. Sep 6, 2015
    Rolling guitars roll of the proverbial lick of a modern-classical riff's tongue, conjured by the never-ending nature of each propulsive word, so passionately disseminated by the timeless and undying brilliance of Bruce Dickinson, who's vocals have not seen a day of wear or tear, even with the weighing burden of cancer, his gritted teeth determination and tenacity are reflected in greatRolling guitars roll of the proverbial lick of a modern-classical riff's tongue, conjured by the never-ending nature of each propulsive word, so passionately disseminated by the timeless and undying brilliance of Bruce Dickinson, who's vocals have not seen a day of wear or tear, even with the weighing burden of cancer, his gritted teeth determination and tenacity are reflected in great light here.

    Key songs for me are 'The Red and the Black' - 'Empire of the Clouds' - 'Speed of Light' and perhaps the eruptive intro, arguably the strongest ever from Maiden, 'If Eternity Should Fail'
  15. Sep 6, 2015
    Fantastic Double Album! I have Been a Big Iron Maiden Fan since the early Eighties and cannot believe the energy they put on this album. Even after 40 years, they are still on top of the game. I can't wait for the World Tour! Up The Irons!
  16. Sep 7, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Iron Maiden fans have tried to be a patient bunch, this time having to wait five years for the new studio album. That last album was The Final Frontier, 76 minutes spread over ten songs, which had some fans debating whether a change to shorter tracks should be considered for the future. Surely they’d got all this prog rock stuff out of their system? Would they change direction?
    So, 16th studio album The Book of Souls arrives, all 92 minutes and eleven songs of it, including the longest song they’ve ever composed, the eighteen minute Empire of the Clouds. Time to turn to chapter one….
    If Eternity Should Fail, the first of two sole Dickinson credited contributions to the opus and initially planned to be a song on one of his solo album ventures, kicks off proceedings with an eerie synth intro before pouncing into life with a thudding rhythm. And so the journey begins.
    The pace continues with Speed of Light breathing life into the ghost of Deep Purple, a catchy romp recalling the spirit of such tracks as Two Minutes to Midnight, with the first serious touches of light and dark and varied pacing being added to the album in the form of The Great Unknown.
    Initially recalling such moments from Maiden’s past such as Run Silent Run Deep and the Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg, The Red and the Black expands into a muscular and expansive musical workout lasting some six minutes, with stadium-friendly ‘whoa whoas’ thrown in for good measure. To this listener the guitar melody following the vocal line proves a touch distracting, but it’s a minor quibble. Also touched with a dash of the ‘whoa whoas’ is slow burn opener Shadows of the Valley, although as with many of the slow opener tracks on this album it doesn’t overextend the passages as they have been guilty of doing in the past. There appears to be no past influence on the focal point of When the River Runs Deep, which slows the pace to introduce a lurching sludgy chorus.
    Breaking out as the bigger and uglier bastard son of Mother Russia, the massive chorus asks big questions of Dickinson’s range which he answers, all the more impressive when one considers during this time he was suffering the burden of two cancerous tumours in his tongue and throat. It also contains arguably the most memorable moment of the album, a frowning musical breakaway that changes the tone and pace completely.
    For all the different tones and emotions on the album one thing that can be felt is a sense of having fun making the album, something that has been missing to an extent since 2000s Brave New World. Embodying that is Death or Glory, McBrain’s playful drum beat powering along a song with a glorious pre-chorus and chorus that, unsurprisingly given the subject matter and feel of the song, recalls to an extent Aces High.
    With its hands in the air chorus, the considered Tears of a Clown manages to be introspective without falling into cliché. A reminder too that it is not only history and fiction that supply much of their material, as they explore the mysteries of depression as embodied by the suicide of Robin Williams. This introspection leaks through to the next track, The Man of Sorrows, albeit with a darker tone laced through it.
    Sign of the Cross. Rime of the Ancient Mariner. When the Wild Wind Blows. The epic has long been a staple for Maiden, more so in recent years, and here we are served the longest of them all. Clocking in at just over eighteen minutes, some five more than previous longest Ancient Mariner, here we have a piano-playing Bruce (on his second sole album credit) recounting the doomed tale of airship R101. You might expect a song of that length to have pretty much everything thrown into it, and it does. Joining the piano are slabs of orchestration, but nothing feels forced or extended for the sake of it, even down to the clever guitar breaks that for all you Morse code lovers out there spells out SOS as the airship staggers into peril. It really is quite a journey.
    As it is for the whole album. After four spins this listener still doesn’t feel as if I have absorbed all the nuances, and for some that much of a slab of music might test patience levels. But if you’re willing to give it a few goes you’ll find each journey becomes more and more gripping and interesting.
  17. Sep 7, 2015
    As normal...This IS Maiden! Wonderfully imagined and a full "Live" feel. A treasure to any longtime fan and sure to win many more of a new generation!
  18. Sep 9, 2015
    Iron Maiden was able to craft through the years a sound of its own, it's instantly recognizable when you start listening to an Iron Maiden song and you know it's Iron Maiden for sure!
    With this said, it's notable the classical "Iron Maiden sound" has changed through the years, and even more after Bruce Dickinson returned to the band (it may sound like it was yesterday but more than 15
    Iron Maiden was able to craft through the years a sound of its own, it's instantly recognizable when you start listening to an Iron Maiden song and you know it's Iron Maiden for sure!
    With this said, it's notable the classical "Iron Maiden sound" has changed through the years, and even more after Bruce Dickinson returned to the band (it may sound like it was yesterday but more than 15 years have gone by since his return) and Iron Maiden was able to craft a classical, yet edgy and modern heavy metal/hard rock blend which is unmatchable and no other band could create a similar sound.
    So I give the Book of Souls a solid 9. I wouldn't say it's the best iron Maiden album, but by far one of the best, it can match Brave New World (but doesn't surpass Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, and Somewhere in Time in my opinion).
  19. Sep 15, 2015
    The best album since Virtual XI!
    I love this album very much and every song is masterpiece !
    Bruce sings very pleasant!
    One of the best iron maiden albums ever!
  20. Oct 11, 2015
    The Book of Souls is, simply put, an AMAZING record! On par with if not better than what's widely believed to be their "Classic" records from the 80's. Needs to be absorbed slowly given the mammoth running time in order for all the nuances & uber-musicality to be uncovered. A Masterpiece in the making!!! :)
  21. Oct 2, 2015
    In my opinion this is Maidens finest album since Somewhere In Time. Scarcely a dull moment, and some absolute belters on there - the title track in particular is superb.
  22. Mar 2, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing Album. A familiar sense of speed and power, complete with longer songs and varying tempos. The ending song "Empire of the Clouds" is one of the most impressive anthems I've ever heard. The instrumental breaks complete with Dickenson's genius vocals perfectly end the album. Well done. Expand
  23. Apr 26, 2021
    Never thought I'd be an Iron Maiden "traditionalist"...but this is just a big prog-y for its own good, in my opinion.

    They'd been heading towards this double album of highly dynamic epics for quite some time, and I'm normally well in favour of such eclecticism. But if I wanna listen to space rock, I'd frankly rather stick on some Floyd. Don't get me wrong: bloody good album, by most
    Never thought I'd be an Iron Maiden "traditionalist"...but this is just a big prog-y for its own good, in my opinion.

    They'd been heading towards this double album of highly dynamic epics for quite some time, and I'm normally well in favour of such eclecticism. But if I wanna listen to space rock, I'd frankly rather stick on some Floyd.

    Don't get me wrong: bloody good album, by most standards. Just not one this particular punter will be sticking on very often, for purely personal reasons (it's a bit long and drawn-out, for my tastes). Perhaps it'll be a journey more suited to your own palate.
  24. Sep 15, 2015
    Iron Maiden's The Book of Souls falls into a similar field as Black Sabbath's 13, Judas Priest's Redeemer of Souls and AC/DC's Rock or Bust. This is a band that just knows what their style is and how to make their fans happy. The band doesn't have to worry about producing hits anymore so many of these songs are crafted into longer pieces. Its great to see a double album with just elevenIron Maiden's The Book of Souls falls into a similar field as Black Sabbath's 13, Judas Priest's Redeemer of Souls and AC/DC's Rock or Bust. This is a band that just knows what their style is and how to make their fans happy. The band doesn't have to worry about producing hits anymore so many of these songs are crafted into longer pieces. Its great to see a double album with just eleven songs on it. I found several similarities to Powerslave which is certainly one the band crowning achievements. The guitar work is great. Steve Harris' bass lines are just like the bands classic tracks again and Bruce Dickinson comes back from all his recent health issues and sings with great power. I can't wait to hear many of these songs done in a live setting. I highlight If Eternity Should Fail, Speed of Light, The Red and the Back, and Empire of the Clouds. Expand
  25. Sep 7, 2015
    Such a great variety of songs that are both hard and contemporary. Tears of a Clown' is worth checking out on its' own just for the fact that it is dedicated to Robin Williams.
  26. Sep 11, 2015
    A masterpiece, one of their finest works. And don't let any boring naysayers tell you otherwise.
    I can't even pic a song to rate their best. Maiden mixed everything that they learned over the years and made a double album out of it.
  27. Sep 21, 2015
    To be honest, I didn't really expect that much from this album. At first the single 'Speed of Light' was a "meh" for me, but after re-listening to this whole album couple of times, this is their best album after The Final Frontier.

    Great work maiden!
  28. Sep 25, 2015
    I love lengthy songs, so Empire of the Clouds is the best thing that could happen to Maiden. Tears of a Clown, The Man of Sorrows, If Eternity Should Fail, Speed of Light… These guys just can't write a bad album!
  29. May 14, 2016
    I had high expectations for this album, but, like always, Iron Maiden exceeded these expectations. "The Book of Souls" is one and a half hours of pure heavy metal-greatness!
  30. Jan 12, 2016
    The Book Of Souls by Iron Maiden. A german review.
    Diese Scheibe ist schlicht und ergreifend eine der herausragendsten Alben der jüngsten Musikgeschichte. Die Jungs hauen ein episches Meisterwerk nach dem anderen aus den Boxen. Dies war nach dem eher schwachen The Final Frontier nicht unbedingt zu erwarten. Besonders gut sind Empire Of The Clouds, Tears Of A Clown und der Opener If
    The Book Of Souls by Iron Maiden. A german review.
    Diese Scheibe ist schlicht und ergreifend eine der herausragendsten Alben der jüngsten Musikgeschichte. Die Jungs hauen ein episches Meisterwerk nach dem anderen aus den Boxen. Dies war nach dem eher schwachen The Final Frontier nicht unbedingt zu erwarten. Besonders gut sind Empire Of The Clouds, Tears Of A Clown und der Opener If Eternity Should Fail.
    Die Bewertung fällt nicht schwer: 10/10

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Oct 2, 2015
    Forty years down the line, Maiden has proven that they’re still the best metal band in the world; we never had any doubt, but The Book of Souls is one hell of a reminder.
  2. Sep 21, 2015
    An album that wouldn't be out of place if it had come out 30 years ago.
  3. Sep 11, 2015
    The flipside of all the editorial freedom is that rather too much of the album is made up of endless midtempo guitar chug, which can feel like a bit of a chore after a while.