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Generally favorable reviews- based on 48 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 48
  2. Negative: 7 out of 48

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  1. HeatherD.
    Sep 6, 2008
    This album is awesome.
  2. JuanfraV.
    Oct 3, 2008
    Excellent return to music by NKOTB.
  3. GarryG
    Oct 1, 2008
    What's amazing is I never liked NKOTB back in the day but this album justifies there music greatly, this is probably one of the best albums I've heard this year, hopefully they come back strong.
  4. AmyS.
    Oct 1, 2008
    Awesome album!! I can't stop listening to "Grown Man" and "Dirty Dancing."
  5. Kristen
    Nov 27, 2008
    The Block is completely amazing! I can not help but listen to it.... Every time i hear the songs I like them better than I did before. I saw the guys in Philly and in Atlantic City and what entertainers they are. The music and the "men" are so much hotter!
  6. RebeccaL.
    Dec 5, 2008
    Love Them!!! The Block is Awesome just like NKOTB!!!
  7. Tracy
    Oct 4, 2008
    Unbelievable! Once a fan, always a fan. For all of those who sai they were a joke ans we were a joke...I guess we get the last laugh!
  8. CS.
    Oct 9, 2008
    What the critics fail to realize is that as artist's you have to try something new. NKOTB were at their peak in the late 80's early 90's so their sound then was what was happening way back when. Now its 2008!!! I LOVE the new album, its modern and it goes right along with whats poppin on the radio now, I think their choice in producers was excellent. These guys are in their What the critics fail to realize is that as artist's you have to try something new. NKOTB were at their peak in the late 80's early 90's so their sound then was what was happening way back when. Now its 2008!!! I LOVE the new album, its modern and it goes right along with whats poppin on the radio now, I think their choice in producers was excellent. These guys are in their 30's so I was not surprised by the sexually driven tracks I actually play them louder! Its a fun album and they still have "IT" I don't care what the critics think this album is a 10. If you want to hear some fun tunes get the album. Expand
  9. JenniferB
    Sep 25, 2008
    I love this ALBUM!!!! It is different catchy and even block haters will end up dancing to this at the club. I will catch you bobbing your head to it while I have it cranked up in the car.
  10. PrettyA.
    Sep 8, 2008
    The Block is awesome! And was meant for NKOTB FANS and those who are open to new music. How can I describe it, "It's like a Love letter from NKOTB to the Fans" and everything else is a blur. We don't care if the critics give a bad review...because its not about what they think, it's about what NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK FANS THINK! And New Kids Rocked it. This is a interaction The Block is awesome! And was meant for NKOTB FANS and those who are open to new music. How can I describe it, "It's like a Love letter from NKOTB to the Fans" and everything else is a blur. We don't care if the critics give a bad review...because its not about what they think, it's about what NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK FANS THINK! And New Kids Rocked it. This is a interaction between New Kids and Us the Fans. We are happy, who care what everyone else thinks. Rock On New Kids. Expand
  11. TiffanyR.
    Oct 28, 2008
    This album rocks. I am addicted to it and I can't stop listening to it. The concert as wasesome as well. I love Dirty Dancing.
  12. JecsicaR.
    Sep 3, 2008
    Many have tried & have failed to reach the popularity & success that NKOTB once had. After a long time awaited, they're finally back & stronger than ever. Their new CD 'The Block" proves they still have "The Right Stuff" & are still "Hangin' Tough."
  13. AngelaH.
    Sep 4, 2008
    This music suppose to entertain, when Im listening music I dont need to hear about serious issues. I can watch the NEWS for that. It's really good pop danceable music. Awesome for clubs!
  14. [Anonymous]
    Jun 12, 2009
    This truly is a great album! A tremendous show of how they have matured and their music has as well. It's one great song after another. I have tricked my husband & friends by making them hear the songs before telling them who it's performed by and every one of them loved what they heard!
  15. DennisA.
    Oct 16, 2008
    Best New Kids album yet, and best pop album to hit the scene in over a decade. Strong and fun, the New Kids have done it again, and done it better than ever. NSYNC and Backstreet should bow to the godfathers of POP!!!
  16. ChristieK
    Oct 27, 2008
    I love this album!!!!
  17. PEARL
    Sep 15, 2008
    I've been a fan and always will be a fan. who cares about what these critics say. we the fans and the kids themselves must be so used to the 'bashing' that it is the last thing we need. they still rock! the comeback is one I've been waiting for and cant wait to see them in three days in Toronto! and yes, love the album!!!
  18. TamN.
    Sep 27, 2008
    This cd is one of the best cd's ive heard this year! i think they did an excellent job, and a very successfull comeback!
  19. bradb
    Mar 18, 2009
    Incredible. Give these KIDS a chance.
  20. MelanieM.
    Oct 20, 2008
    I was an NKOTB fan back then and while I was a bit skeptical, I, as a 29 year old am falling in love all over again- with the music. I am no longer a child and don't care for bubblegum pop! Had they delievered more of the same, I'd have been very disappointed. NKOTB have grown into men and they're singing to their core fan base- GROWN (SEXY) WOMEN! Summertime is a nostalic I was an NKOTB fan back then and while I was a bit skeptical, I, as a 29 year old am falling in love all over again- with the music. I am no longer a child and don't care for bubblegum pop! Had they delievered more of the same, I'd have been very disappointed. NKOTB have grown into men and they're singing to their core fan base- GROWN (SEXY) WOMEN! Summertime is a nostalic piece that is good for just that, but the best tracks are Grown Man, Big Girl, Click Click Click, Single, Full Service and 2 in the Morning. Hands down! Honestly though, even the fillers are solid tracks. I bet if you'd listened to the album not knowing who it was you'd have liked it. I did just that to a male friend of mine and he was shocked cause he was totally into it! Open your minds people! Expand
  21. MattS.
    Sep 3, 2008
    I have to admit I listened to New Kids in high school when it was NOT COOL. When "The Block" came out, I downloaded it instantly and it is I believe one of the best pop albums in the last 5 years. The beats are tight and the guys sound like they did when I was quarterback!!
  22. Kendrap.
    Dec 2, 2008
    I absolutely love The New Kids! All of their music is great and i went to their concert and they are amazing live... i dont think they could have a bad cd.
  23. Laury
    Sep 4, 2008
    Look, it doesn't matter what critics say. This album is for old fans who missed the guys during all these years and wish to take a trip down memory lane. While it may not be the best pop album of all time, I don't think it's any worse than, say Justin Timberlake. The guys didn't make a comeback to please critics and make new fans, they're doing it for old times Look, it doesn't matter what critics say. This album is for old fans who missed the guys during all these years and wish to take a trip down memory lane. While it may not be the best pop album of all time, I don't think it's any worse than, say Justin Timberlake. The guys didn't make a comeback to please critics and make new fans, they're doing it for old times sake, they were a big part of my childhood and I'm just happy to be able to relive it. Expand
  24. RachelB.
    Oct 17, 2008
    Being a big fan when I was 14 I was worried that the new album wouldn't stand up to my adult tastes. My worries were for not as the album is really good, i even have co-workers stopping in my office and asking who's playing on my laptp!!
  25. SonyaM
    Sep 7, 2008
    This is a great album! And I think if people could let go of the past then they might see that. Firstly, the bonus tracks on the deluxe version are garbage. They are total fillers that shouldn't even made the cut. And the song, Close to You, from the Itunes version is amazing so buy it there! Click Click Click, Put it on my Tab (w/ Akon), Full Service (w/New Edition), Sexify My Love, This is a great album! And I think if people could let go of the past then they might see that. Firstly, the bonus tracks on the deluxe version are garbage. They are total fillers that shouldn't even made the cut. And the song, Close to You, from the Itunes version is amazing so buy it there! Click Click Click, Put it on my Tab (w/ Akon), Full Service (w/New Edition), Sexify My Love, Stare at You, Dirty Dancing, 2 in the Morning, Single (w/NeYo) are great songs and should be hits if people can minds. I'm not crazy about the contributions of Teddy Riley, PCD, and Timbaland. This is the best album of the New Kids career and it's b/c it is their music and not Maurice Starr's! Give the kids a break. They have finally proven that they deserve their legacy. Expand
  26. GA.
    Jan 30, 2009
    It's been over the decade for me to wait for listening NKOTB's brand new album. I mean seriously, Jordan and Joe's solo album is good album but it's not NKOTB's. The Block actually it's a good one, compare to all previous album. Nice tune and enjoy to listen. But there are some flaws to have a 10 from me. Too much electric and vocal sync, additional artists It's been over the decade for me to wait for listening NKOTB's brand new album. I mean seriously, Jordan and Joe's solo album is good album but it's not NKOTB's. The Block actually it's a good one, compare to all previous album. Nice tune and enjoy to listen. But there are some flaws to have a 10 from me. Too much electric and vocal sync, additional artists that most of them don't give the value added (like PCD) and last, it seems that NKOTB have only a little bit self esteem about their musical talent so they have to invite so many "new musicians" so their music will sound to the up to date music. For a guy who has a guilty pleasure to sing or hum song like "My Favourite Girl", "Since You've Walked Into My Life" and "Games (The Remix)", "The Block" album just merely a nice comeback attempt for NKOTB. But for the next album (if there are any), I hope New Kids On The Block will gain their confidence about their musical talent and bring me a very own NKOTB's music. For now.., my humming will add the song "Stare at You". The last word for me at this moment, "Somebody said somebody would last too long, somebody will be going strong" Expand
  27. AveryB.
    Nov 16, 2008
    When I was young, I hated this group. But at the time they were on MTV (I know how weird MTV playing actual music) so I had little choice at the time but to listen. I wanted to be as objective as I could and listen to the entire album. I have to say, even for someone who does not like this music; they did a good job. Their fans will be very happy. I can remember all the screaming my When I was young, I hated this group. But at the time they were on MTV (I know how weird MTV playing actual music) so I had little choice at the time but to listen. I wanted to be as objective as I could and listen to the entire album. I have to say, even for someone who does not like this music; they did a good job. Their fans will be very happy. I can remember all the screaming my sister did when we were kids. I bet they bring that kind of happiness to their fans again. Summertime is the high light of this album. Expand
  28. JeffreyB.
    Nov 29, 2008
    Its just "OK". Seriously, Face the Music is still one of the best R&B/Pop albums around. Whether you like the New Kids or not, measure their careers on that album, because their other material doesn't even come close.
  29. JosephA.
    Sep 6, 2008
    It's not bad.
  30. Jerome
    Sep 7, 2008
    The 100 rating by the LA Times guy is legit. He gave it 4/4 stars. That being said, he's definitely a shill or trying to earn ironic cred.
  31. SeanP.
    Sep 25, 2008
    Believe it or not, the LA Times really is a crappy newspaper. I mean it. I used to read it.
  32. JamesB.
    Sep 8, 2008
    God help us, this recycled trash sticking its ugly head out of obscurity is anything BUT music.
  33. DirkDiggler
    Sep 4, 2008
    I doubt the LA Times writer would agree to the 100 rating that MetaCritic assigned to his review. It was a 70 at best.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 12
  2. Negative: 2 out of 12
  1. The problem facing New Kids on the Block on their 2008 reunion The Block is the same one they had on their last album, 1994's "Face the Music": the quintet are no longer kids and don't quite know how to be adults.
  2. The Block bears no distinguishing marks aside from a compulsion for sex, sex, sex with a lover whose name, apparently, is Girl.
  3. Believe it or not, though, they've got the right stuff.