• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Mar 22, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 48 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 48
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 48
  3. Negative: 15 out of 48

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  1. DD
    Feb 12, 2008
    Some people just don't get it...
  2. EricC.
    Feb 2, 2008
    Pitchfork blows these guys to ugly little bits, and they absolutely deserve it. Ripping off good bands doesn't make you a good band. It just makes you a shameless ripoff. Being shamelessly horny all the time doesn't help either. They want your respect so bad, but don't give it to them. They suck and have no idea what good rock music is, only how to copy it.
  3. MackieM
    Jan 25, 2008
    If I could pick 11 I would. This band is the best thing to happen to music since the sex pistols. And P.S. Jason Hill touched my arm after the concert tonite.
  4. B
    Oct 9, 2007
    Sexy album, sleazy lyrics, catchy hooks. I don't understand how anyone could call this predictable; I've been listening to this album for 2 weeks or so and I'm still somewhat surprised by some of the changes. I can't wait for the new album! If it wasn't for track 9 I would give this a 10.
  5. robbyh
    Nov 9, 2006
    This cd is so damn good it's cool to hear something that is not over produced like say my chemical romance
  6. jimmyt
    Mar 12, 2006
    I agree with wha zat, Pitchfork's review of this CD is CLASSIC. Please put it up on the site.
  7. danilel
    Feb 8, 2006
    kik ass cd
  8. dylanl
    Feb 8, 2006
    the best "smaller" groups ever they will hit it big soon good from song 1 tell 10
  9. SplashM
    Dec 28, 2005
    There wasn't anything as dirty or as fun as this album in a long long time. The snotty vocals and sexy groove of Luis XIV is exactly what has been missing from Rock & Roll for so long. They take what the Stones & the Pretty Things did and just run away with it. This is the album that many bands want to record but just can't!
  10. DennisD
    Nov 11, 2005
    definitely derivative, but what isn't? this is a fun cd, and catchy as hell... with an attitude that makes me think these guys could care less what I think
  11. BrianH
    Oct 6, 2005
    C'mon. If this CD isn't doesn't have you grinning and singing along, there's definitely something wrong.
  12. ErinA
    Sep 25, 2005
    This CD is always in my CD player!!! I never had a favorite band intill i was introduced to Luis XIV. I am in Love!!!!
  13. whazat
    Sep 1, 2005
    Where's pitchfork's highly amusing review on here?
  14. wazsie
    Jul 29, 2005
    I got so flamed by one of my best friends for liking this. Yes its derivative, hell they basically steal a whole genre of music. But come on, there has been no paradigm shift in music in the last 30 years, it
  15. LuisI
    Jul 28, 2005
  16. RGirl
    Jul 12, 2005
    Take it easy, it's just a bit of fun. Not life changing but definitely life enhancing all out cock/tit rock. Cathc 'em live to see what the fuss is about.
  17. SudS
    Jul 7, 2005
    Sure the rock is derivitive of every single glam rock band of the past couple of decades but so what? Revile in the albums over the top and overtly raunchy lyrics. It's mindless dirty fun with decent pacing and guitar hooks.
  18. Kierewieb
    Jun 11, 2005
    Original? Not really...but hey, what is these days? I just like it a lot!
  19. Mr.P
    Jun 10, 2005
    It took me a while. At first I thought it was kind of irritating how crude some of his lyrics are. Then slowly I began to become engulfed in the cockiness and swagger he delivers. I didn't give it above a 10 just because some songs are not great (ie, Ball of Twine) although it's growing on me... almost Kings of Leon style. Good strong music and for a relatively unknown band this It took me a while. At first I thought it was kind of irritating how crude some of his lyrics are. Then slowly I began to become engulfed in the cockiness and swagger he delivers. I didn't give it above a 10 just because some songs are not great (ie, Ball of Twine) although it's growing on me... almost Kings of Leon style. Good strong music and for a relatively unknown band this CD delivers. Also, download "Grand Apartment" by them. It's phenomenal. Expand
  20. jaecha
    Jun 8, 2005
    The Strokes revitalized a style of music that seems to be one of the common trend these days. However, unlike Louis whatever, they did it with originality and sincerity. You do not have to go past the first song on this **** record to see through these fake ass piece of ****. Since indie rock or whatever you want to label it seems to be trendy as the outfits these clowns wear, it is The Strokes revitalized a style of music that seems to be one of the common trend these days. However, unlike Louis whatever, they did it with originality and sincerity. You do not have to go past the first song on this **** record to see through these fake ass piece of ****. Since indie rock or whatever you want to label it seems to be trendy as the outfits these clowns wear, it is inevitable that we will see more *** bands like Louis whatever. Expand
  21. SoupTinkle
    Jun 5, 2005
    This is the single worst album I have ever heard.
  22. BK
    May 18, 2005
    It's not often an album comes out that generates such a huge negative reaction from me, but this one certainly does. It's derivative, hollow and full of irritating and unearned faux-rock-star swagger. The only reason I didn't give this a 0 is because it's kinda fun to wallow in my intense hatred of this pile of garbage album. Look ma! I hate it even more than I did the It's not often an album comes out that generates such a huge negative reaction from me, but this one certainly does. It's derivative, hollow and full of irritating and unearned faux-rock-star swagger. The only reason I didn't give this a 0 is because it's kinda fun to wallow in my intense hatred of this pile of garbage album. Look ma! I hate it even more than I did the first time I listened to it. Expand
  23. carlos
    May 16, 2005
    good way of mking music, good beats.
  24. DavidM
    May 5, 2005
    It's fun, it's sharp guitars circa glam period, and they're funny....so, it's rock n roll.......more songs like paper doll, and they get a ten.......
  25. jof
    Apr 24, 2005
    amazin sound, amazin lyrics... these are guys are very creative...
  26. Karolina
    Apr 17, 2005
    wonderfully delicious.
  27. EB
    Apr 14, 2005
    I didn't know if I was going to like this CD, but it's surprisingly good. What sets them apart from the New Wavers and post-punkers is that one gets the impression that this band really doesn't take itself seriously. There's lots of cheekiness throughout. It's quite entertaining, actually. Oh...and I bought Bloc Party's album, and liked that, too (it's I didn't know if I was going to like this CD, but it's surprisingly good. What sets them apart from the New Wavers and post-punkers is that one gets the impression that this band really doesn't take itself seriously. There's lots of cheekiness throughout. It's quite entertaining, actually. Oh...and I bought Bloc Party's album, and liked that, too (it's actually my favorite of the year, so far). But I also happened to like this one. Expand
  28. steviep
    Apr 14, 2005
    Its modern bowie and who could'nt love that
  29. ss
    Apr 13, 2005
    Look, do me a favour. If you're looking for "fun" music, or "stuff you can dance to", invest in the CDs by Bloc Party, Franz Ferdinand, M.I.A, or LCD Soundsystem. Heck, I'd even recommend the Killers before this one. But don't try to justify purchasing such a tasteless, unoriginal, shameless rip-off, bandwagon-jumping fraud of a record by saying "it's fun". Okay, so Look, do me a favour. If you're looking for "fun" music, or "stuff you can dance to", invest in the CDs by Bloc Party, Franz Ferdinand, M.I.A, or LCD Soundsystem. Heck, I'd even recommend the Killers before this one. But don't try to justify purchasing such a tasteless, unoriginal, shameless rip-off, bandwagon-jumping fraud of a record by saying "it's fun". Okay, so it's not that terrible. But it's really not worth the money. Attitude wise, they try too hard; musically, they don't bother trying at all. Expand
  30. Dan
    Apr 8, 2005
    It provides you with what you could expect from a band like this. Great energized songs, not much depth, but still fun, and a good rock album.
  31. LisaH
    Apr 8, 2005
    I liked this. It's fun and campy, juxtaposing addictive, catchy tunes with some hilariously sleazy lyrics. Don't really like the last two songs, though, but good overall.
  32. SteveN
    Apr 8, 2005
    I bought this CD about week ago and I can't stop playing it.This band is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
  33. dennisb
    Apr 8, 2005
    Predictable?!? You have to be kidding me. This album has more unpredictable twists & turns from song to song than a six flags rollercoaster on a moonless night. The one consistency throughout is that it never loses it's sense of fun. If you're a death-rocker who craves musical angst, or you're dumb enough to think radiohead is the second coming of christ, you might not like Predictable?!? You have to be kidding me. This album has more unpredictable twists & turns from song to song than a six flags rollercoaster on a moonless night. The one consistency throughout is that it never loses it's sense of fun. If you're a death-rocker who craves musical angst, or you're dumb enough to think radiohead is the second coming of christ, you might not like this CD because it won't make you angry or suicidal. Otherwise, turn it up, stomp your feet, and have fun. Expand
  34. DG
    Apr 7, 2005
  35. JohnR
    Apr 6, 2005
    Weeeeeeak! Predictable and incredibly irritating to listen to...Last time I trust advice of a friend who "knows" music. :P
  36. Sean
    Apr 6, 2005
    this album is stupid

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 18
  2. Negative: 2 out of 18
  1. The Best Little Secrets Are Kept is loaded with a raft of inspired songs that burst out of your speakers like they were on fire, mixing the sparkle of the best glam rock, the low-down crunch of the best of classic rock bands like the Stones, and the direct lyrical approach of poets like David Lee Roth or... Bon Scott.
  2. Alternative Press
    Pathetic. [Jul 2005, p.182]
  3. Best Little Secrets Are Kept pays homage to the fairer gender with punchy glam-rock guitars, winking double entendres and Hill's swaggering Rocky Horror Picture Show-style vocals.