• Record Label: EMI
  • Release Date: Apr 16, 2021
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 89 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 73 out of 89
  2. Negative: 11 out of 89
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  1. Aug 31, 2022
    Weak, stale, boring, and poorly mixed. I'm not sure who this was made for, but it definitely doesn't sound good.
  2. Jan 4, 2022
    Only just got around to listening to this album after almost a year and whilst this is by no means the worst album I've ever heard, it is weak. It leaves GVF in the same position as they were in their previous release in my opinion, as lacking a clear artistic identity whilst failing to bring anything new or interesting to the table.

    In an attempt to seemingly distance themselves from
    Only just got around to listening to this album after almost a year and whilst this is by no means the worst album I've ever heard, it is weak. It leaves GVF in the same position as they were in their previous release in my opinion, as lacking a clear artistic identity whilst failing to bring anything new or interesting to the table.

    In an attempt to seemingly distance themselves from the inevitable Led Zeppelin comparisons, the vocalist seemingly tries to introduce more varied vocal techniques compared to previous releases, such as falsetto, to get himself away from the whole Robert Plant thing. Unfortunately, it isn't well performed and just results in some pretty terrible screeching that I really do find difficult to listen to. What really sums up this album as a whole for me is the final track 'The Weight of Dreams', which feels something like a 'Stairway to Heaven' pastiche culminating in a sloppy guitar solo which the producer has tried to cover up with some questionable compression and panning decisions as it goes from average to downright poor.

    Overall, there is average songwriting, less than convincing performances and pretty poor production (the levels of compression on this thing border on being obnoxious at times and suck out whatever life their may have been to start with that would've made underwhelming performances more forgivable). At best, GVF might be competent enough musicians to satisfy a desire for a classic blues rock sound in the modern sphere, but with forgettable lyrics, unimaginative songwriting, poor production and sloppy musicianship at times (which I didn't really feel with their previous album even though I wasn't a fan of that either), I do not think this album is a good one.

    With the scope of recording, production and studio possibilities that are available to GVF to diversify their sound and hopefully find a unique voice, I really hope their next album is more interesting and more well-executed.
  3. Oct 11, 2021
    Its a masterpiece. Cant wait to see these guys live. My prediction is there gonna be BIG!!
  4. Jun 2, 2021
    Brilliant album. I haven't had a song land in my top three for over a decade - Built by Nations landed at number two the second I heard it. Critics seem to complain this band is not original, yet fawn over derivative and tedious bands in other genres. This is real classic rock, and is technically magnificent. Why can't it just be brilliant at what it is? Can't stop listening to this album.
  5. May 16, 2021
    unbearable pastiche of far greater bands which should really sue them for copyright infringement - and for assaulting their ear drums...
  6. May 16, 2021
    I got as far as the 8th track of 12 in my first ever sitting of Greta van Fleet and I admit I ‚Like your Stuv‘. I know nothing of Greta so far and am undecided on the gender of the lead vocalist - to my ears a cross between Noddy Holder and a nordic Sia. I also admit that the lyrics are at times childlike or maybe smacking of european english but they‘re given volume thanks to the depth ofI got as far as the 8th track of 12 in my first ever sitting of Greta van Fleet and I admit I ‚Like your Stuv‘. I know nothing of Greta so far and am undecided on the gender of the lead vocalist - to my ears a cross between Noddy Holder and a nordic Sia. I also admit that the lyrics are at times childlike or maybe smacking of european english but they‘re given volume thanks to the depth of sound around. Acid test will be if my german wife, who likes ‚die Sonne’ from Ramstein, will take instantly to the first track ‚heat above‘. Expand
  7. May 10, 2021
    Disco muito bom, as letras, melodias, instrumentação e ambientação ficaram maravilhosas, com certeza um disco que irei ouvir de ponta a ponta diversas vezes
  8. May 6, 2021
    You can hear the evolution in their music and there are some great songs on this album that to me are some of the best from their young careers. Without a doubt their best album yet.
  9. May 4, 2021
    All the critics saying that this album had no memorable lyrics or riffs.....are we listening to the same album? The riffs in Age of Machine, The barbarians, and Stardust chords just to mention are riffs that do not come around often. They have been laser beamed in my brain and they are freaking awesome! These guys can really play and the dude can sing like hell. Expected this album to beAll the critics saying that this album had no memorable lyrics or riffs.....are we listening to the same album? The riffs in Age of Machine, The barbarians, and Stardust chords just to mention are riffs that do not come around often. They have been laser beamed in my brain and they are freaking awesome! These guys can really play and the dude can sing like hell. Expected this album to be okay but they blew me away! Expectations destroyed. Give it a listen. You won’t be sorry you did Expand
  10. May 2, 2021
    The Battle At Garden's Gate shows nothing but improvement and growth from Greta Van Fleet. This album is undoubtedly a cornerstone in the band's career showing that they have what it takes to produce music that is exciting and spine-tingling. With this album, it seems the band has further discovered their sound and place in the world of rock 'n roll. The only aspect of this album that isThe Battle At Garden's Gate shows nothing but improvement and growth from Greta Van Fleet. This album is undoubtedly a cornerstone in the band's career showing that they have what it takes to produce music that is exciting and spine-tingling. With this album, it seems the band has further discovered their sound and place in the world of rock 'n roll. The only aspect of this album that is somewhat lacking is the lyrics. At times the lyrics can seem corny but I have no doubt that as the band ages the lyrics will come naturally. Expand
  11. Apr 29, 2021
    Haters gonna hate. I don’t care about the Led Zep comparisons what I care about is one of the most powerful voices for decades & fantastic musicianship- we should embrace talent like this. Some great epic & rousing choruses make for my favourite album of 2021 so far.
  12. Apr 29, 2021
    Perfection! I don't care what critics say or write.
    I really enjoy this album.
  13. Apr 24, 2021
    One of the inadvertent lessons of the pandemic has been that there is merit to slowing down and taking a step back from our hectic schedules. What better way to do that than with sprawling sonic landscapes that demand compete focus to fully appreciate them? And 6 minute lead single Heat Above is the case in point. Beginning with a church organ, this promises to be a religious experience;One of the inadvertent lessons of the pandemic has been that there is merit to slowing down and taking a step back from our hectic schedules. What better way to do that than with sprawling sonic landscapes that demand compete focus to fully appreciate them? And 6 minute lead single Heat Above is the case in point. Beginning with a church organ, this promises to be a religious experience; worshipping at the altar of classic rock and we are not disappointed.

    Chief among these influences as always been Led Zeppelin but on ‘The Battle at Gardens Gate’, the band develop their sound and test the stillwaters. Greta Van Fleet worked with mega producer Greg Kurstin and his production has created a full and expansive production, focusing on layering the instrumentation to create deep tracks that beg to be explored.

    On The Barbarians, the squelching, saturated wah wah guitar intro settles into an almighty groove reminiscent of great blues rock from the 70s. On Trip the Light Fantastic, the Wurlitzer organ gives way to a powerful guitar riff.
  14. Apr 23, 2021
    To me this is the first real Greta Van Fleet album. They’re finally beginning to craft a sound of their own. Not that their early stuff was bad, it was just very similar sounding to Led Zep. I think if Battle At The Garden’s Gate had been their first one, there may have been some talk of the singer sounding like Robert Plant but musically I hear Rush and even Pink Floyd, along with garageTo me this is the first real Greta Van Fleet album. They’re finally beginning to craft a sound of their own. Not that their early stuff was bad, it was just very similar sounding to Led Zep. I think if Battle At The Garden’s Gate had been their first one, there may have been some talk of the singer sounding like Robert Plant but musically I hear Rush and even Pink Floyd, along with garage rock. It definitely would not be the hatefest we see now from so many. I’m looking forward to hearing future music as they continue to mature and evolve. Overall it’s a great album. Expand
  15. Apr 22, 2021
    GVF wanted to evolve from their Zeppelin-wannabe criticisms, despite the previous albums being subjected to unreasonably harsh scrutiny, and they did so spectacularly. Do Zeppelin sounds still permeate throughout the record? Yes. But this time, the band has masterfully blended diverse classic rock inspirations and pushed forth more authenticity in search of their unique musicianship.GVF wanted to evolve from their Zeppelin-wannabe criticisms, despite the previous albums being subjected to unreasonably harsh scrutiny, and they did so spectacularly. Do Zeppelin sounds still permeate throughout the record? Yes. But this time, the band has masterfully blended diverse classic rock inspirations and pushed forth more authenticity in search of their unique musicianship. Moments of Rush, Queen, REO Speedwagon, Soundgarden, Guns N’ Roses, and many more scattered throughout the album. Meanwhile, GVF has pursued more refined, profound, and mellow tunes instead of relying mostly on straightforward stadium hard rock in previous albums. The band also explores different sounds, ranging from the psychedelic “Age of Machine” to 90s grunge “Caravel” and progressive rock epic “The Weight of Dreams”. The overall product is less coherent, formulaic, and predictable compared to their previous works, offering a more exciting listening experience because you are not sure what to expect next. Has GVF found a distinctive sound to stand out with other bands? As of now, they still carry on a mixed bag of classic rock inspirations, but this record sets them apart from most modern bands in the mainstream rock radio, and they are getting much closer to a GVF sound than a Led Zeppelin cover band.

    “The Battle at Garden’s Gate” has consistent production quality and phenomenal musicianship throughout the album. Josh continues to deliver extraordinary vocal performances and conquer exceptionally high standards that have been set since his first works. His bridge in “Heat Above” still reverberates by my ears and his outro verse in “Tears of Rain” takes my breaths away. Jake elevates the album with contagious riffs in “My Way, Soon” and “Caravel” accompanied by ambitious solos in “Broken Bells” and “The Weight of Dreams”. Bassist Sam flawlessly supports the backbone of the songs while taking on spectacular new roles - playing soulful organ in “Heat Above” and piano in “Light My Love”. These extra instrumental elements join forces with strings in “Broken Bells” and “The Weight of Dreams” to produce a rich multi-layered musical landscape. Last but not least, what a performance from Dan! His powerful and colorful drumming has been a significant driving force throughout the album, keeping the band tight and raising the emotions to higher levels. I have nothing but praise for the rarely seen musicianship from young rockstars in the 2020s decade. “The Battle at Garden’s Gate” is already a modern classic for me (and potentially the album of the year), regardless of what critics have to say. The overall listening experience is very cathartic, ethereal, and mesmerizing. Give it a try and you will surely enter an hour-long trance experience that culminates towards a climactic three-minute guitar solo with fantastic drumming and strings.

    Highlights: Heat Above, Broken Bells, Age of Machine, Tears of Rain, Stardust Chords, The Barbarians, The Weight of Dreams
    Rating: 9.7/10
  16. Apr 21, 2021
    The entire album seems to be lacking in memorable riffs or notable moments. It’s preformed well and features pretty smooth musicianship, but falls apart in the lyrics department. They seem to be taking themselves way to seriously, and thus the album sounds dull and boring. Not nearly as fun of a listen as their other work. Overall left me unsatisfied. I hope in the future they can take theThe entire album seems to be lacking in memorable riffs or notable moments. It’s preformed well and features pretty smooth musicianship, but falls apart in the lyrics department. They seem to be taking themselves way to seriously, and thus the album sounds dull and boring. Not nearly as fun of a listen as their other work. Overall left me unsatisfied. I hope in the future they can take the best parts of this album and their old work, mash them together, and make some kind of happy medium record. Expand
  17. Apr 19, 2021
    Was concerned that this album would've been more of what we've already seen and heard, but the growth in their music is very apparent. Great band, very much enjoyed the album!
  18. Apr 18, 2021
    When the world first heard Greta Van Fleet they rejoiced in a band that emulated the old rock classics. Especially Led Zeppelin.
    More than anything just Led Zeppelin.
    Their EP became very famous, like them, and therefore their debut album was awaited with high expectations, but it was unable to answer them, and it was actually a mediocre album, that ended up going unnoticed. Now 3
    When the world first heard Greta Van Fleet they rejoiced in a band that emulated the old rock classics. Especially Led Zeppelin.
    More than anything just Led Zeppelin.

    Their EP became very famous, like them, and therefore their debut album was awaited with high expectations, but it was unable to answer them, and it was actually a mediocre album, that ended up going unnoticed.

    Now 3 years later they come back with an album that really makes them sound more mature, which is a very good thing, and there's also a noticeable and growing improvement in their sound.

    I honestly enjoyed the album, and I enjoyed it much more than its predecessor.
    Frankly that wasn't very difficult to achieve, but having done it means a lot, especially if they're hoping to have a longer career.

    It has issues? Of course, the main one is the length, and this is due more than anything to the fact that although the songs are well structured, they're nevertheless very similar. Sonically and vocally.

    What they lacked was knowing what should have been left out of the final tracklist.
    Still there are pretty good songs in there, and the album is a nice musical experience.
    So I can definitely recommend it.

    Notable Tracks

    > Broken Bells
    > Tears of Rain
    > The Barbarians
    > Trip the Light Fantastic
    > The Weight of Dreams
  19. Apr 17, 2021
    JUST AWESOME ROCK&ROLL MUSIC. Technically impressive and top-notch production. Real evolution of their, already excellent, 70's hard rock style.
  20. Apr 17, 2021
    I like the fact that the band has varied tempos throughout the album which makes it sort of sound like Prog Rock. It sounds slightly different from their other stuff. The way it sounds slightly like Prog Rock may be why official reviewers are giving it low to average reviews. I think the album sounds brilliant though. The Weight of Dreams is a great almost 9 minute song that keeps mostI like the fact that the band has varied tempos throughout the album which makes it sort of sound like Prog Rock. It sounds slightly different from their other stuff. The way it sounds slightly like Prog Rock may be why official reviewers are giving it low to average reviews. I think the album sounds brilliant though. The Weight of Dreams is a great almost 9 minute song that keeps most listeners entertained and has a pretty cool solo in the middle of the song. While songs like My Way, Soon will entertain the listeners who listened to the band's first album. It has a groovy tempo and tune. This album is also great with technical stuff. This album is great and will most likely keep me coming back for more. Expand
  21. Apr 17, 2021
    There's so many high points in this album! It's fantastic. It feels like GVF is moving more toward a sound of their own, and producing some spectacular tracks in the process :) It's one of those albums that get even better the more you listen to them. There's some real gems in the songs that weren't released as singles too, I listened to stardust chords maybe 5 times before I could moveThere's so many high points in this album! It's fantastic. It feels like GVF is moving more toward a sound of their own, and producing some spectacular tracks in the process :) It's one of those albums that get even better the more you listen to them. There's some real gems in the songs that weren't released as singles too, I listened to stardust chords maybe 5 times before I could move on to the next track.... Trip the light fantastic didn't strike me as hard during the first listen but now I'm obsessed. The vocals on most of the songs are just SO impressive, and I personally find Josh's style quite unique, even if in a similar vocal range than others, the whole yodel thing is really cool, and the transitions from screeching to soft and clear are also very impressive.
    I really don't understand some of the hate the album is getting... of course it has some similarities to other songs and bands in the same genre (isn't that how genres are defined.... ?), but to say that this album is ripping anything off, you just really have to be looking for something to hate.... first they say they're copying zeppelin, and now it's like 20 bands, at once ......, proving once again that haters will hate no matter what you throw at them.
    9 out of 10 just because otherwise what will I rate their next album?
  22. Apr 16, 2021
    I don't understand the constant criticism that GVF sound like music that came before them, now that same criticism with even their own music with this new album... Yes, it does. It sounds like great music that I enjoy... why wouldn't I want more of it?

    There's enough flare and change to push things forward incrementally while still sounding exactly what I love. Great album. Easy
    I don't understand the constant criticism that GVF sound like music that came before them, now that same criticism with even their own music with this new album... Yes, it does. It sounds like great music that I enjoy... why wouldn't I want more of it?

    There's enough flare and change to push things forward incrementally while still sounding exactly what I love.

    Great album. Easy to enjoy end to end. It's hard to say that about a lot of modern albums.
  23. Apr 16, 2021
    Now Greta Van Fleet sounds influenced by a more variety of 70s rock bands and less hard rock style like Led Zeppelin, but with a modern feel due to the production. We are still waiting for "the Greta sound".
  24. Apr 16, 2021
    Brilliant album that doesn't fail to deliver what's expected. Wonderfully atmospheric and technically sound.
  25. Apr 16, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Eles estão evoluindo deixem os garotos em paz tem artistas péssimos por aí sendo aclamados pela critica simplesmente por serem mais conhecidos Expand
  26. Apr 16, 2021
    I was very very excited about the album from the singles, and upon first listen i found it to not quite live up to my (admittedly high) expectations but I have listened to tracks a couple more times and they have grown on me quite a bit, something I find pretty common among greta van fleet songs. Overall I enjoyed the album quite a bit.
  27. Apr 16, 2021
    Good stuff, they are getting better and coming into their own. Excited to hear where they’ll go from here
  28. Apr 16, 2021
    Album of the year? I say YES, and best Greta Van Fleet album so far. I enjoyed it so much!
  29. Apr 16, 2021
    Taking it up a notch and kicking ass. Technical excellence, brilliance and keeping me coming back for more
  30. Apr 16, 2021
    After a solid first listen, and putting things objectively, this second album is a pretty good one! Like it's been said before, it doesn't break any barriers, specially in the rock game. But it showcases that rock genre is still capable of ascending to the stars and take us to a hell of a good ride. GVF are one of the few bands that can make us feel good and be proud about today's music,After a solid first listen, and putting things objectively, this second album is a pretty good one! Like it's been said before, it doesn't break any barriers, specially in the rock game. But it showcases that rock genre is still capable of ascending to the stars and take us to a hell of a good ride. GVF are one of the few bands that can make us feel good and be proud about today's music, and they are just getting started! Maybe their music will grow in quality over time, and become more and more round and original, more of their own. You know, it's always like this, and in rock genre it's not always easy to please the critics or the mainstream tastes right away. I think their work is getting more unique, definitely. Expand
  31. Apr 16, 2021
    If you love real Rock and Roll, produced by musicians who can actually play their instruments, then Greta van Fleet will leave you breathless and satisfied with this new album. Don't pay attention to those hipster idiot journalists who knock any band that doesn't sound like their heroine Cardi B. Listen for yourself and you will be a fan in no time!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Apr 19, 2021
    Greta Van Fleet aren’t offering anything innovative or original, and much of their appeal surely comes from listeners’ appetite for simpler times of players plugging in and rocking out which will never truly be rekindled. Hand yourself over to a psychedelic song of praise like Trip The Light Fantastic, though, or fall into The Weight Of Dreams’ fathomless nine minutes, and this legitimately might be the next best thing.
  2. Apr 19, 2021
    Greta Van Fleet has taken full advantage of their moment. They've cleaned up the mistakes of their first album, fleshed out their atmospheres into some truly lush and breathtaking territories, doubled down on their heavy rock edge, and crafted something that is far better than it has any right to be. Bask in it without feeling any shame.
  3. Apr 19, 2021
    They are at their best on their more epic material, particularly Broken Bells and eight-minute closer The Weight of Dreams, which moves up through the gears from an acoustic intro to a brilliantly overblown Jake Kiszka guitar solo. Elsewhere, however, the material is more pedestrian, and the quieter moments don’t always sit well with Josh’s vocals (default, indeed, only setting: a histrionic screech).