
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Aug 26, 2021
    Its brevity means that The Ballad of Dood & Juanita can initially seem a bit slight, yet it's ultimately quite sturdy, an album that gains its strength from Simpson's dogged dedication to the concept -- there's nothing extraneous in his songs here -- and the impeccable execution of the band.
  2. 70
    The Ballad of Dood & Juanita, is his most rugged and resilient yet. Simpson’s third release in just the past twelve months, it’s yet another example of his unfettered ambition.
  3. Mojo
    Aug 20, 2021
    The only unsatisfactory element of The Ballad of Dood & Juanita is that it's too short. [Oct 2021, p.92]
  4. 80
    ‘The Ballad of Dood & Juanita’ is not just a faithful, fun celebration of a traditional sound, but that of a traditional form, too.
  5. Aug 20, 2021
    Dood and Juanita works so well because Simpson sounds comfortable within this form and just beyond it.
  6. Aug 20, 2021
    As much as you have to admire Simpson for making such an oddball and ambitious record, the album rarely transcends its tale.
  7. Uncut
    Aug 25, 2021
    Brilliantly realised. [Oct 2021, p.31]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Sep 7, 2021
    The masterful blend of bluegrass and traditional country elements on display here rests more comfortably within his wheelhouse than somethingThe masterful blend of bluegrass and traditional country elements on display here rests more comfortably within his wheelhouse than something like the zonked-out boogie rock of "SOUND AND FURY," but Simpson ably proves "comfortable" need not mean "boring" while continuing his genre-bending hot streak, spinning a yarn both sincere and satirical in equal measure with all the style and flair of a seasoned storyteller. Full Review »
  2. Aug 24, 2021
    Great songs and an incredible lineup of musicians. Juanita with Willie Nelson is a standout.