• Record Label: Omnivore
  • Release Date: Jan 28, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 1 out of 5
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  1. Jan 31, 2014
    This music glides across the ears, never indicating how deeply its hooks are sinking in; these songs wind up growing in the subconscious, suggesting how Matthews knows precisely how his obscure art works.
  2. 60
    Matthews’ ageless voice remains warm and inviting as he winds his way through this hour long set, creating a wistful yet never regretful mood.
  3. Jan 31, 2014
    The problem with this rather chugga-chugga, one-speed record is that he doesn’t persuade you that he feels sufficiently strongly to let it all hang out on record.
  4. Mar 31, 2014
    While there’s a yearning for youth about the album, it also has calibre that’s to be celebrated. Matthews’ voice, his mastery of mood and storytelling shines through, lifting this to a satisfyingly high point of achievement.
  5. Uncut
    Jan 31, 2014
    The mood is melancholy, the voice crystal clear, the folk-based songs deadly direct. [Feb 2014, p.78]

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