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Generally favorable reviews- based on 48 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 48
  2. Negative: 8 out of 48

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  1. Aug 15, 2012
    As A musician myself I don't understand these negative/low reviews, The airborne toxic event are one of the most unique bands I've heard in awhile, all of there songs are enjoyable and catchy, They've quickly become one of my favorite bands, next to sublime, SOAD, Foo Fighters and Blue October..
  2. Apr 2, 2011
    The Airborne Toxic Event's self titled debut album sounds way too much like any other band. It sounded like Interpol, The Strokes, and other similar bands which would usually be fine with me, but for this album, it just sounds plain unoriginal. The album isn't TERRIBLE, but it just sounds like a knockoff of other really good bands. All In All, It has a few good ideas, some of the lyricsThe Airborne Toxic Event's self titled debut album sounds way too much like any other band. It sounded like Interpol, The Strokes, and other similar bands which would usually be fine with me, but for this album, it just sounds plain unoriginal. The album isn't TERRIBLE, but it just sounds like a knockoff of other really good bands. All In All, It has a few good ideas, some of the lyrics are worth noting, and Mikel Jollett's vocals sounded really good at times, but this debut album has nothing to show for it. No sense of creativity or originality. I still have hope for The Airborne Toxic Event and I do await a second album only if it's a lot different from this one. C Expand
  3. Feb 13, 2011
    Just... Yes. I adore the entire album. Gasoline and Missy are my favorite tracks. I enjoy the mix of melancholy in some tracks and energy in the other. The lyrics were surprisingly good, too!

    Can't wait for the new album!
  4. DylanA-C
    Oct 5, 2009
    TATE is a strong opening album, with catchy and inventive songs, interesting lyrics, and strong musicianship. It really bothers me how Pitchfork seems to be doing its best to drag this album down. I can understand all the other reviews on the site, but Pitchfork's...ah, well... 1. They did NOT steal the drumbeat from Arcade Fire's Neighborhood #1. Frankly, as much as I love TATE is a strong opening album, with catchy and inventive songs, interesting lyrics, and strong musicianship. It really bothers me how Pitchfork seems to be doing its best to drag this album down. I can understand all the other reviews on the site, but Pitchfork's...ah, well... 1. They did NOT steal the drumbeat from Arcade Fire's Neighborhood #1. Frankly, as much as I love Arcade Fire, that song embodies one fo the absolute most generic drum beat possible. Is Arcade Fire stealing from We Are Scientist, then? Are they stealing from the Arctic Monkeys? As a jazz drummer, I was so glad to hear some decent drumming in TATE...not notable for innovation, but not generic, and with enough improvisation to keep me interested and impressed. 2. Emotional vocals are hardly unique to Bright Eyes. 3. Neither is a distorted microphon unique to the Strokes. 4. Accusing TATE of being inspired by success rather than musical talent is based on nothing but angry speculation (and possibly displeasure at TATE's um...success) I could go on, but as all music inevitably borrows from others, I find it odd that Pitchfork accuses of TATE of not giving birth to their own sound...when, by combining certain characteristics of the bands that they "ripped off," they indeed to create their own sound. It is inspiration, not theft. I don't enjoy having to spend a review responding to another, but Pitchfork should not so easily asign a damning value to a decent up-and-coming band. Collapse
  5. BobS.
    Oct 4, 2009
    Like a combination of Modest mouse and the killers, but without the musical genius of either. Strong lyrics, cool guitar riffs, and interesting.
  6. DarrenW.
    Aug 28, 2009
    Can't be doing with all the '...they're so derivative' type reviews. Of course there are influences - many great minds have expanded on the wrk of others. Critics should get out of their ivory towers and appreciate this album for what it is - Brilliant!
  7. GrahamB.
    Mar 7, 2009
    Great album, and a great live show. I can't wait to hear more from them.
  8. BradP
    Jan 4, 2009
    Just heard these guys- Can't believe how good they are! I think they are the Best Band this year.. Wouldn't be suprised if they were nominated for a Grammy this year!!! Sometime around Midnight, Gasoline and Innocence are all worthy of Number 1 hits.
  9. JamesI.
    Dec 18, 2008
    Awesome! it's about time a band that has it's own sound comes along.
  10. NatM.
    Dec 11, 2008
    Nothing terribly wrong with this album, but after a few listens really trying to get into it, there's nothing going for it either. I feel like there's really no heart to it. Airborne Toxic Event feel like a band going through the motions.
  11. WL.
    Oct 26, 2008
    I love this album. I do realize that ATE sounds somewhat like other bands. However, despite this, they create an album of consistently excellent songs with catchy hooks.
  12. BrianS
    Oct 2, 2008
    A band that just does not "get it." They take themselves so seriously I can't help but be sort of embarrassed for them. This music is the definition of tacky. Everything about these guys just feels fake. From the overproduction to the wannabe "hipster" costumes, to the lyrics plagiarized straight out of the alterna-junk handbook. Yeah, they like a lot of bands that were cool to like A band that just does not "get it." They take themselves so seriously I can't help but be sort of embarrassed for them. This music is the definition of tacky. Everything about these guys just feels fake. From the overproduction to the wannabe "hipster" costumes, to the lyrics plagiarized straight out of the alterna-junk handbook. Yeah, they like a lot of bands that were cool to like over the last few years. That's clear because they've ineptly attempted to copy a lot of their sounds. But the end result is something I can't imagine anyone who actually likes the bands they're ripping off enjoying. Smells of "poser" from a mile away. Expand
  13. Devin
    Sep 26, 2008
    I had never heard indie rock sound so hollow and soulless until I really gave this record a thorough spin. Not only is their music shockingly boring, they also apparently can't take criticism, as they sent a whiny page-long letter to pitchfork regarding their poor review. Out of all of the publications here, Pitchfork got it most correct: this band sucks in every possible way.
  14. CharlieQ.
    Sep 20, 2008
    A haunting, energetic & atmospherically fuzzy debut w/ litery lyric references. Snobby Pitchfork review aside, I find this one to be compelling and a real grower.
  15. MartinL.
    Sep 13, 2008
    Solid album, with surprising lyrics; everyday life events put in such a way that it grabs you: «your stomach in ropes» and ends up being poetic in its own way.
  16. RichB.
    Sep 10, 2008
    Finally~ A band that appeals to people over 18. Congrates to a Great New Band and Record... It's about time!!!
  17. RachelC.
    Sep 10, 2008
    Brilliant... A must have... the music is compelling and the lyrics are heartfelt. Wishing Well, Gasoline, Sometime Around Midnight and Innocence are my Favorites... The stings transform their music. These are really exceptional musicians and the songwriting is outstanding.. I guess you could say I really love their music!! Can't wait to see them live again.. they are better~ live if Brilliant... A must have... the music is compelling and the lyrics are heartfelt. Wishing Well, Gasoline, Sometime Around Midnight and Innocence are my Favorites... The stings transform their music. These are really exceptional musicians and the songwriting is outstanding.. I guess you could say I really love their music!! Can't wait to see them live again.. they are better~ live if that is possible. Expand
  18. zzz
    Aug 19, 2008
    This band is awesome... there music is fresh... there music evokes emotion. They are at their best Live... 5 amazing musicians who clearly loe what they do! The album is chock full of great tunes... allow yourself to take the journey.
  19. ChrisC
    Aug 12, 2008
    I haven't heard the album. I'm only making this comment to express how awesome it is to make your band name a Dom Delillo reference!
  20. LawrenceG.
    Aug 12, 2008
    Good lyrics, dull music.
  21. MusicMaven
    Aug 12, 2008
    Their debut album varies in style quite a bit. It goes from 80's alternative ("Wishing Well") to SoCal punk ("Gasoline") to dance-rock ("Happiness Is Overrated") to garage-rock ("Does This Mean You're Moving On?") all within the first half of the album! To their credit, it's all very interesting and listenable. The second half doesn't make as much of an impression, Their debut album varies in style quite a bit. It goes from 80's alternative ("Wishing Well") to SoCal punk ("Gasoline") to dance-rock ("Happiness Is Overrated") to garage-rock ("Does This Mean You're Moving On?") all within the first half of the album! To their credit, it's all very interesting and listenable. The second half doesn't make as much of an impression, although the epic "Sometime Around Midnight" manages to elevate seeing your ex at the club to high drama. Overall there's a lot to like here -- it's a great first step for a band that'll hopefully be around for a while. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. 60
    On the album’s best moments, he pours his hopeless longing into sweaty, inebriated celebrations of love’s boundless optimism.
  2. The Airborne Toxic Event is the sound of a band that’s not exactly sure what it wants to sound like, trying on different styles and approaches for size. It so happens that, more often that not, those approaches make for a good fit.
  3. The Airborne Toxic Event’s gift is two-fold -- they manage to take the little things, the day-to-day ellipses of modern romance and elevate them to a level of art.