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Universal acclaim- based on 68 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 62 out of 68
  2. Negative: 2 out of 68

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  1. sk
    May 7, 2008
    A beautiful and inspiring album. definitely one of the greatest and most interesting releases of the year.
  2. JackkkC
    May 7, 2008
    An excellent album. Some tracks are weak though, I think it's just as good as AM's stuff and if they spent a little bit longer on it, it could have easily been a masterpiece.
  3. Feb 12, 2012
    The band should be called The Last Shadow Puppets And Owen Pallett, because the work Owen did for this album is marvellous, as well as the beautiful songs that Alex turner and Miles Kane wrote. A wonderful side project for both!
  4. Dec 28, 2013
    A beautifully crafted record with some excellent production going on. The Last Shadow Puppets sees two obviously highly talented songwriters joing forces. While the result is less than the sum of its parts and with Turner especially capable of more, the record fares well when considered as a side project. For the most part Turner's work with his motherband far surpass what he does here.A beautifully crafted record with some excellent production going on. The Last Shadow Puppets sees two obviously highly talented songwriters joing forces. While the result is less than the sum of its parts and with Turner especially capable of more, the record fares well when considered as a side project. For the most part Turner's work with his motherband far surpass what he does here. While dealing with a style that could be likened to something from the late 50's/early 60's, remarkably it's the freshness of ideas and the production that impresses most with much of the album having a sound that falls somewhere between Scott Walker and The La's. "Staqnding Next To Me" and "Black Plant" stand out. Expand
  5. Mick
    May 7, 2008
    After the first song the album has a weak(ish) first half after that it is pretty good though. Overall a decent album - that won't be to everyones taste.
  6. Aug 24, 2010
    This is a generally nice album, with the title track and the second song "Standing next to me" being the highlights. those 2 songs are what really makes the album a 7. otherwise, there wasnt much here to satisfy my expectations. none of the other songs are amazing, is what im saying. yet again, none of the songs are terrible either. less rocky than your average arctic monkeys, if you likedThis is a generally nice album, with the title track and the second song "Standing next to me" being the highlights. those 2 songs are what really makes the album a 7. otherwise, there wasnt much here to satisfy my expectations. none of the other songs are amazing, is what im saying. yet again, none of the songs are terrible either. less rocky than your average arctic monkeys, if you liked the arctic monkeys less headbanger songs, this is a potentially great album. not essential, but worth a try. 7/10 Expand
  7. PaulC
    May 7, 2008
    I can't help but feel the whole album should have been a lot better than it ended up being. It's a fun but uneven album, which leaves you in the end unfullfilled.
  8. DBrandon
    May 6, 2008
    The title track is the overall best number; it all goes slightly down hill from there. To my ears, mostly every song sounds as if it's an extension from the previous one. Too much of the same thing going on here.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. The Age Of The Understatement is as solid an idea in execution as it is in concept; a record unafraid to reach beyond its obvious limitations and produce a swashbuckling end result that might even broaden a few horizons for fans and players alike.
  2. 70
    The up-tempo numbers are great fun, but the Puppets excel on the ballads, which they croon in lovely tight harmony. [May 2008, p.100]
  3. 80
    With Arcade Fire arranger Owen Pallett draping the songs in sympathetic strings and producer James Ford working overtime on drums, the result is a widescreen epic, full of high fevers and crystal-clear vocal performances.