
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Alternative Press
    Fallon's lyrics continue to embrace the Americana ethos that is sucessfully married with a soulful punk sound as timeless as the sentiments that inspire him. [Sep 2008, p.148]
  2. The '59 Sound delivers just about everything you could hope for in a well-written rock album.
  3. It even sounds like producer Ted Hutt tried to mimic Jon Landau’s production, since singer Brian Fallon sounds like he’s singing through vintage mics. It works incredibly well, though, as Gaslight earnestly blast through 12 tracks of melodic punk.
  4. The quiet-to-loud dynamics aren't forced, the ahh-ahh backing sighs come at the exact right moments, the church bells on the title track sound like god. These songs are simple, mostly, but they're executed perfectly.
  5. Led by singer Brian Fallon, the group nails the high-energy, Killers-lite title track that sounds a bit like the Replacements circa Tim.
  6. Q Magazine
    Wearing their influences as badges of honour, the New Jersey quartet blast out affecting, soulful punk rock strewn with bitterweet memories of small-town blue-collar America. [Sep 2008]
  7. While they might not be the most original band on the block, the Gaslight Anthem's interpretation of their influences makes for one of the more rewarding punk albums of the year.
  8. Uncut
    If you've already worn out your copy of "Stay Positive," this is surely your next stop. [Jan 2008, p.94]
  9. 60
    Fatigue ensues from the relentless stream of common-man clichés, delivered in the most vocally bombastic way possible. Which makes the carefree 'Casanova, Baby!' such a pleasure; the Gaslight Anthem finally stops playing to the stadium, resulting in a positively joyous, catchy rock ’n’ roll song.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 41 out of 45
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 45
  3. Negative: 4 out of 45
  1. Sep 17, 2013
    One of the most underrated albums of the decade, T5S is an absolute classic. A diverse and honest rock n' roll album at its finest and TheOne of the most underrated albums of the decade, T5S is an absolute classic. A diverse and honest rock n' roll album at its finest and The Gaslight Anthem's finest work to date, and it isn't even really close. Full Review »
  2. Oct 24, 2011
    On of the best albums in my collection, and one without flaws. Each song is catchy but well built up, great lyrics and melodic guitarplay. IOn of the best albums in my collection, and one without flaws. Each song is catchy but well built up, great lyrics and melodic guitarplay. I play it almost every day, without it ever getting boring... Full Review »
  3. Dec 20, 2010
    The 59' Sound is what truly showed me that The gaslight Anthem is an incredible band. Each track is filled with beautiful lyrics and aThe 59' Sound is what truly showed me that The gaslight Anthem is an incredible band. Each track is filled with beautiful lyrics and a wonderful tune. It starts out with "Great Expectations" which is just one of the greatest rock songs I've ever heard. Brian Fallon's vocals are just amazing. All In All, The 59' Sound is a remarkable album and The Gaslight Anthem are in my top 3 favorite indie bands. A Full Review »