• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Sep 2, 2008
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 42 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 42
  2. Negative: 6 out of 42

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  1. JohnL.
    Sep 17, 2008
    This may actually deserve a "9", but I'm upping it to a "10". "SMiLE" was all it was cracked up to be, and as great as the work those original Beach Boys did on it in the 60's (I've heard loads of bootlegs), but...it was a work, even though completed & gorgeously executed recently, that is truly from the 60's. "Brian Wilson", his solo effort from 1988, is his last This may actually deserve a "9", but I'm upping it to a "10". "SMiLE" was all it was cracked up to be, and as great as the work those original Beach Boys did on it in the 60's (I've heard loads of bootlegs), but...it was a work, even though completed & gorgeously executed recently, that is truly from the 60's. "Brian Wilson", his solo effort from 1988, is his last great work of original material, & it suffered from productions issues. The two albums since then have suffered from production issues but been pretty lousy. "Imagination" is better than "Getting In Over My Head", but they both are well below par. "That Lucky Old Sun" carries with it the fine production feeling that was present on "SMiLE". It has 10 bon fide new original songs on it, and 7 are incredible, with the remaining three very good; so good that they would have been absolute highlights on either of his two sub par albums. The narratives are well written, and brief with fine musical backing, & the musical links that are less than complete songs, are even better than the narratives. I love the concept, and the carry out of the project even more. "Surprise" by Paul Simon remains my favorite album of the decade (& "SMiLE" would be up there too, even though it's truly an old album), and Paul McCartney's later career renaissance has spawned two great albums this decade (Chaos & Creation In The Backyard, & Memory Almost Full). This new Brian Wilson is his greatest new original work in 20 years, and it compares pretty favorably to those Macca efforts (though maybe not quite that great). Baring a barrage of great releases in the next two years, it will most probably be one of my ten favorite albums of this decade, and maybe one of my top five. A beautiful album indeed!! Blessings Of Love & Light!! Expand
  2. SandraK.
    Sep 17, 2008
    full of the Brian Wilson melodies and harmonies that we all love. Wonderfully fresh and appealing.
  3. JeffG.
    Sep 9, 2008
    Sorry you don't have an 11. Brian Wilson has hit a home run on Lucky Old Sun--great lyrics, melodies, and harmonies. The studio recording session of "Good Kind of Loves" blew my mind--19 musicians making a fabulous sound. Mike Love, Phil Spectre- eat your hearts out.
  4. DavidB.
    Sep 10, 2008
  5. KentG.
    Sep 19, 2008
    Easy to listen to........updated, reflective semi beach boy sound...........real nice to hear new stuff from Brian Wilsin.
  6. DaveyT.
    Sep 2, 2008
    Beautiful, and deeply moving.
  7. BobH.
    Sep 3, 2008
    who'da dared think that Brian could "create" and in a new style, based on the pop music he invented, without sounding self conscious?
  8. BradyH.
    Sep 3, 2008
    Sounds great leading to feeling good.
  9. BrandonM.
    Sep 5, 2008
    Excellent, somewhat different than Smile but the whole thing's got a feel-good vibe to it. That's what I wanted from it.
  10. BillT.
    Sep 16, 2008
    Sure, it's pop. But it is beautifully produced, pushes all the right emotional buttons and just plain old makes me feel happy listening to it. Especially driving along the PCH with the windows open.
  11. Mar 6, 2013
    This is possibly Brian's best work. As always, it takes a number of listens. Why? Anything that simple is not. It is a simple lyric line. However, the melody is rich and complex. Just try to follow the chord progressions. They are more that great. They are spiritual. Additionally, there is a story line that loosely puts it the concept album category. Honestly, I like the album, butThis is possibly Brian's best work. As always, it takes a number of listens. Why? Anything that simple is not. It is a simple lyric line. However, the melody is rich and complex. Just try to follow the chord progressions. They are more that great. They are spiritual. Additionally, there is a story line that loosely puts it the concept album category. Honestly, I like the album, but hate California. Expand
  12. StuartP.
    Sep 3, 2008
    Smile crossed with Orange Crate Art- lushious!
  13. AnthonyM.
    Sep 2, 2008
    Brian's back....'nuff said.
  14. LarryF.
    Sep 5, 2008
    A tremendously satisfying return to form for Brian Wilson. The whole package is a delight.
  15. C.E.
    Sep 3, 2008
    Wilson still is one of America's greatest pop-rock composers despite his very public struggles. However, most of this album comes across as an homage to Wilson's incredible talent and brilliance, with listeners being fed a steady stream of Wilson celebrating the exorcism of his personal demons but without the mind-blowing harmonies and beautiful end product that Wilson gave us Wilson still is one of America's greatest pop-rock composers despite his very public struggles. However, most of this album comes across as an homage to Wilson's incredible talent and brilliance, with listeners being fed a steady stream of Wilson celebrating the exorcism of his personal demons but without the mind-blowing harmonies and beautiful end product that Wilson gave us in Pet Sounds and SMiLE. Unfortunately for fans and Wilson himself, the bar has been set far too high for this album, meaning that fans will have to settle for a great album that still pales in comparison to what we've come to expect (or at least hope for) from the Beach Boys genius. I rate this an 8 (because there was no 7.5) because the album is very good, but still has plenty that could be improved on. This feels like it was almost rushed next to the meticulous recordings of Pet Sounds and SMiLE, but That Lucky Old Sun is still fun to listen to and musically sound - it's just not a world or life - changing album from the man who certainly HAS changed this world's music. Expand
  16. ReidP.
    Sep 4, 2008
    Not as strong as Smile, but a great record overall. Nostalgia and sentiment wound in wonderfully crafted songs.
  17. JamesB.
    Sep 11, 2008
    I wasn't expecting another "Smile", and sure enough "That Lucky Old Sun" doesn't compare, but having said that, I feel the new album (which I'm really surprised was even made, thinking Brian would understandably call it a career after finally realizing "Smile") is a wonderful, if anachronistic (it IS a "nostalgia album" afterall), collection of sun-soaked melodies, patented I wasn't expecting another "Smile", and sure enough "That Lucky Old Sun" doesn't compare, but having said that, I feel the new album (which I'm really surprised was even made, thinking Brian would understandably call it a career after finally realizing "Smile") is a wonderful, if anachronistic (it IS a "nostalgia album" afterall), collection of sun-soaked melodies, patented BW-harmonies, and fine musical arrangements. Brian's voice is pretty much shot at this point, but I think it adds to the pathos of his troubled life, and subsequent triumphant personal and artistic return. My favorite tracks are: "Midnight's Another Day" (a new Brian Wilson classic!), "Southern California" (beautiful tune; love the chorus), "Live and Let Live", "California Role" and "She's Forever My Surfer Girl" (admittedly, borderline cheesy, but Brian's earned the right to re-evoke, and bring full-circle, his 1963 classic). At 66, Brian Wilson still managed to give us one more great album, and I'm eternally grateful for that. Expand
  18. DavidF.
    Sep 8, 2008
    Funny - though I'm glad to see the reviews have mostly been favorable, I don't think the praise is deserved. What I hear is a mostly tepid, hit and miss affair. There are some pretty melodies--particularly "Forever My Surfer Girl"--but most of the songs sound slight and routine, and "Mexican Girl" has really cringe-inducing lyrics. I'd give THAT LUCKY OLD SUN an Funny - though I'm glad to see the reviews have mostly been favorable, I don't think the praise is deserved. What I hear is a mostly tepid, hit and miss affair. There are some pretty melodies--particularly "Forever My Surfer Girl"--but most of the songs sound slight and routine, and "Mexican Girl" has really cringe-inducing lyrics. I'd give THAT LUCKY OLD SUN an 'A' for effort, but only a C+ for actual results. Expand
  19. JoeB.
    Sep 8, 2008
    Am I the only one who thinks this record sounds like Beach Boys left-overs? I fail to see the genius here, I mean, I have seen it before in Brian Wilson, but I'm not getting all the accolades??? The song writing seems to have regressed. Everything seems like a bad throwback to a bygone era. It doesn't even evoke visions of the current state of lifestyle in California, it's Am I the only one who thinks this record sounds like Beach Boys left-overs? I fail to see the genius here, I mean, I have seen it before in Brian Wilson, but I'm not getting all the accolades??? The song writing seems to have regressed. Everything seems like a bad throwback to a bygone era. It doesn't even evoke visions of the current state of lifestyle in California, it's so soiled with nostalgia. Oh well, we still have Randy Newman! Expand
  20. MurrayP.
    Sep 15, 2008
    Am I the only one here who thinks this album is a lame duck? It sounds like Beach Boys "B" sides! I mean, I'm the first guy to agree with Brian Wilson's genius, but this ain't it folks. Just the spoken word parts alone are so cheesy and infantile it's hard to believe that Van Dyke Parks penned them. It sounds like Mr. Wilson is trying to re-capture some former glory, Am I the only one here who thinks this album is a lame duck? It sounds like Beach Boys "B" sides! I mean, I'm the first guy to agree with Brian Wilson's genius, but this ain't it folks. Just the spoken word parts alone are so cheesy and infantile it's hard to believe that Van Dyke Parks penned them. It sounds like Mr. Wilson is trying to re-capture some former glory, but instead, captures (an akward) nostalgia that really shows us that there is nothing left of the creative man who gave us Pet Sounds. There's no challenge here, no inspiration, just a driver who set the controls to auto pilot. Expand
  21. BrendanD.
    Sep 13, 2008
    Dreadful, dreadful, dreadful. Brian has, unfortunately, lost his ability to produce. Since his third comeback began around 1996 with the awful Don Was documentary "I Just Wasn't Made For These Times," Wilson's sound has become sanitized and boring, as if his orchestral overtones are being channeled through Oxycontin rather than LSD. The lyrics are, to be nice, tepid. The Dreadful, dreadful, dreadful. Brian has, unfortunately, lost his ability to produce. Since his third comeback began around 1996 with the awful Don Was documentary "I Just Wasn't Made For These Times," Wilson's sound has become sanitized and boring, as if his orchestral overtones are being channeled through Oxycontin rather than LSD. The lyrics are, to be nice, tepid. The spoken-word interludes are embarrassing. The music has been done better by Brian, let alone about eighty other bands currently out there trudging along every day. It is a shame that Brian and WilsonCo. continue putting out record after record of schlocky, over-produced, nostalgia-laden manure like this. I'm thrilled that Brian has been able to overcome such adversity and mental illness; he's a great guy and one of the true heroes for any modern musician. But this record is crap. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 26
  2. Negative: 2 out of 26
  1. Mojo
    That Lucky Old Sun is easily Brian Wilson's most consistently enjoyable, moving solo albums; indeed you have to go back to "Surf's Up" itrself to hear a Beach Boys long-player as good. [Spe 2008, p.99]
  2. The concept of LA as a 'Sunblessed City of Angels' is trite, co-opting another's song for the theme tune lazy, and much of what follows resembles a Beach Boys tribute band.
  3. Uncut
    There are very few other albums this year with as much force, verve, and sheer musical imagination as That Lucky Old Sun. [Sep 2008, p.84]