• Record Label: Zedtone
  • Release Date: Feb 7, 2012

Mixed or average reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
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  1. Oct 9, 2012
    The devilish duo flips dubstep, EDM, and Dr. Dre's 2001-era G-funk with nary a hitch.
  2. Feb 23, 2012
    Hi-Tek's construction of techno beats and rave stabs on the quirky I Fink U Freeky and heavy brostep on opener Never Le Nkemise just add to the nauseating concoction of trash that comprises Ten$ion.
  3. Feb 23, 2012
    Neither the downfall nor demystification of the group, the truly awful Ten$ion only further tangles the mess of questions surrounding Die Antwoord.
  4. Feb 17, 2012
    Guaranteed both to amuse and to confuse, Ten$ion is a masterpiece of kitsch: an intently provocative, tongue-in-cheek rave-rap record, by a cryptic performance art group.
  5. Feb 16, 2012
    TEN$ION, by contrast [to $0$], hews a little too close to the fake-gangster thing to be nearly as fun.
  6. Feb 16, 2012
    Ten$ion's depiction of modern South Africa is nothing less than thrilling.
  7. Feb 13, 2012
    Still sounds weird and abrasive in the best possible way.
  8. Feb 10, 2012
    On Ten$ions, they replace what made them sometimes intriguing and slightly subversive with tired tropes and lazy lyrics.
  9. Feb 8, 2012
    Despite more of the foul-mouthed impish fun, Ten$ion doesn't offer much punch or cohesive power.
  10. 63
    For the most part, Ten$ion is a letdown in its utter normalcy.
  11. Feb 8, 2012
    The problem with much of Ten$ion isn't that it doesn't feel smart-good music has never, and will never have to be "smart"-but that it feels deliberately stupid.
  12. Feb 8, 2012
    The biggest, brashest cartoon this side of Eminem's early albums.
  13. Feb 7, 2012
    A calling-card track like their debut's "Enter the Ninja" is absent, making this album more an exciting celebration for established fans than an easy entry point.
  14. Feb 7, 2012
    The novelty runs dry on Die Antwoord's second album, a marathon of overwrought beats and clunky horn-dog-rebel boasts.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 73 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 73
  2. Negative: 23 out of 73
  1. Mar 27, 2012
    A step up musically from their last album, Ten$ion brings out the white trash (zef) to glorious ends. "I fink u freeky" is a headbanger, withA step up musically from their last album, Ten$ion brings out the white trash (zef) to glorious ends. "I fink u freeky" is a headbanger, with a killer music video, and "fatty boom boom" follows for a strong start to the album. Die Antwoord's quirky style is nearly perfected on this more polished cut. Full Review »
  2. Mar 4, 2012
    Well what can I say? I discovered them like some of you by watching Letterman one night, and much like the audience didn't know if I shouldWell what can I say? I discovered them like some of you by watching Letterman one night, and much like the audience didn't know if I should cheer or laugh come the end...yet, if you get away from the contrived notion of Y&N trying to shock the hell out of you (which they do try), there's an infectious beat and playful attitude tot their work.

    If you take it all to seriously your doomed to think them ridiculous, but better to enjoy the music and not worry about the message...

    You owe to yourself to watch I FINK YOU FREAKY on You Tube!
    Full Review »
  3. Feb 9, 2012
    For the fans of Die Antwoord this album is a continuity of their previous work. Yo Landi and Ninja are getting more serious lyrically speakingFor the fans of Die Antwoord this album is a continuity of their previous work. Yo Landi and Ninja are getting more serious lyrically speaking in songs like So What?, Fok Jullie Naaiers and U Make a Ninja Wanna F**k but at contrary DJ Hi-Tek is balancing the whole thing with funny recycled old school beats and hundreds of samples references. Sometimes you hear No Limit, KLF and Madonna, sometimes you hear The Neptunes, Ying Yang Twins and Eminem but mostly you hear the twisted minds of Ninja Yo Landi and Dj Hi-Tek bringing their twisted world to the masses. After $O$, Max Normal TV, The Constructus Corporation, Watkin Tudor and other pre-Antwoord project, this album is no surprise for the fans of The Answer. The surprise would be if they would fall in the expected mainstream corporate market ... They remain zef side ... you will not hear much of this album on the dancefloors even if songs like I Fink U Freeky and Hey Sexy could bring a bit of dance fun around ... you will not hear much of this album on radio because their lyrical style has already been censored by their previous record compagny and they are too brutal for mainstream audiance... you will not see their videos on TV because their visuals stick to their previous formula, schoking, grimm, hardcore and bizarre ... anyway ... Ten$ion is a great album ... too full to get it at ones ... Ten$ion might become a 2012 underground party reference for people who navigate between rap and rave. Full Review »