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Generally favorable reviews- based on 37 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 37
  2. Negative: 7 out of 37

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  1. May 14, 2012
    The first EP from Billy Corgan's ambitious 44 track Teargarden project. I seriously doubt the whole thing will ever come to light. Even with the upcoming Oceania album within the Teargarden project, the thing will be half complete after over 2 years of work. In general the songs on Teargarden are good enough but don't compare to the Pumpkins in their prime bar one or two tracks so far. TheThe first EP from Billy Corgan's ambitious 44 track Teargarden project. I seriously doubt the whole thing will ever come to light. Even with the upcoming Oceania album within the Teargarden project, the thing will be half complete after over 2 years of work. In general the songs on Teargarden are good enough but don't compare to the Pumpkins in their prime bar one or two tracks so far. The first EP has the very promising Song for a Son. Widow Wake My Mind isn't bad ok. A Stitch in Time is good and Astral Planes has potential but goes nowhere in the end. I'll be interested to see what Oceania offers but over the last few years BC is just showing us glimpses of what he can do. Expand
  2. Sep 16, 2010
    It's clear the band is finally back to where it was pre-breakup, Teargarden Vol. 1 is a wonderful little EP, all 4 tracks are strong and well produced and really paint a glorious picture of what the entire project is going to be once it's completed.
  3. EdR
    Jun 1, 2010
    Each song is different, unique, and not just filler. Definitely will keep me paying attention to the next set of songs.
  4. PaulM
    May 31, 2010
    Great EP.
  5. JohnM
    May 29, 2010
    While this first 4 tracks from Teargarden aren't perfect they do present a unique atmosphere that goes hand in hand with the album by album evolution The Smashing Pumpkins have made a career out of, an evolution we will almost surely see in the small scale now as each following EP is released.
  6. AServ
    May 25, 2010
    You'd think the writer for the Chicago tribune would have a little more intelligence about the Smashing Pumpkins and the new EP SONGS FOR A SAILOR, being that the Pumpkins are from Chicago. The comment about Chamberlain adding to "Song For A Son" is ridiculous becuase Chamberlain was in the band when this was played live and written. The recorded version actually sounds a little You'd think the writer for the Chicago tribune would have a little more intelligence about the Smashing Pumpkins and the new EP SONGS FOR A SAILOR, being that the Pumpkins are from Chicago. The comment about Chamberlain adding to "Song For A Son" is ridiculous becuase Chamberlain was in the band when this was played live and written. The recorded version actually sounds a little better. Furthermore, I see this EP as a pleasant departure from the Pumpkins of old. What is it that critics generally harp on....Evolution. That is indeed what Billy has done. I'm sorry my friends of old, but Billy is into evolving his music and has done quite a good job at that. If you are frustrated with Billy's ego and what has become of the Pumpkins, that belongs nowhere in a review about a piece of music. Rate the music not the individual. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Kerrang!
    It has one or two fine songs, A Song For A Son is probably Billy's best since Adore in 1998 but , decent though it is, it's not a Smashing Pumpkins record. [5 Jun 2010, p.50]
  2. Without Chamberlin's freight train roaring behind him, the hurtling "Astral Planes" never quite achieves liftoff. And one can only imagine how Chamberlin might've combusted the six-minute "Son of a Sailor," which sounds like a promising sketch for a "Stairway to Heaven"-style epic. Corgan's at his best when he takes a lighter tack and develops two of his more engaging melodies on the remaining tracks.
  3. He only truly nails it on one track out of four doesn't bode especially well, but as I say, there's some reason to hope, and if you really don't have anything better than the Pumpkins to pin your musical hopes onto, you probably shouldn't be too nervous about checking out the next EP.