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Take It Like a Man Image

Universal acclaim - based on 10 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Universal acclaim- based on 7 Ratings

  • Summary: The seventh full-length solo release for singer-songwriter Amanda Shires was produced by Lawrence Rothman.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Aug 2, 2022
    With Take It Like A Man, she's made a striking, deeply satisfying album that follows no rules other than what her muse has chosen, and it's inarguably her finest work to date.
  2. Aug 15, 2022
    Even in the album’s most vulnerable moments, maybe especially in those moments, Shires is proving what a tough character she really is, exploring territory that singer-songwriters a little less sure of themselves would fear to tread. ... If there’s any danger in letting both power and unguardedness fill her sails, well, she can take that like a catamaran.
  3. Jul 27, 2022
    A bold re-statement of artistic identity. [Sep 2022, p.25]
  4. Mojo
    Jul 27, 2022
    Intense. But the much tougher stuff here is emotional. [Sep 2022, p.86]
  5. Aug 11, 2022
    Through her vulnerability and strength, she offers her listeners a path to realistically embrace the cycle of ache and joy in relationships, all within the confines of what might be one of the finer albums to come out of Nashville this year.
  6. Jul 27, 2022
    For all her strong feelings on Take It Like a Man, Shires remains a poet at heart. If her lyrics here are often forceful, they’re also always evocative and sometimes even elegant, whether she’s revisiting her fondness for bird imagery or seeking the thrill that accompanies a new relationship.
  7. Rolling Stone
    Jul 27, 2022
    Expand[s] her folk-based sound, mixing Radiohead-style atmospherics, Seventies pop melodies and even a splash of soul. [Jul - Aug 2022, p.120]

See all 10 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of
  2. Mixed: 0 out of
  3. Negative: 0 out of

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