• Record Label: I/AM/ME
  • Release Date: Aug 25, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Sep 14, 2017
    Considering the sheer volume of material, it's inevitable that not every track on Take Flight resonates, but it does contain a generous number of highlights. At least initially, it seems best to approach the album as background listening and let the tracks reveal themselves over time, rather than attempt to concentrate on them all on the first go-round.
  2. Sep 14, 2017
    A solid album that despite getting into a more forward stride, does slow burner as patience tester.
  3. Sep 14, 2017
    On Take Flight, Coles provides a stunning journey of immersive and emotive house music. While most artists would buckle under the weight of 24 tracks, Maya pulls off the feat with ease.
  4. Oct 4, 2017
    It’s so absorbing that, by the end of the two-hour odyssey, you’ll be left wondering where the time went. Splendid stuff.
  5. Sep 14, 2017
    Instead of dividing the album into a house-tempo disc and a downtempo disc, Coles alternates between the two modes. But after five or six tracks, the strategy becomes as predictable as her by-the-book chord progressions; the fast/slow/fast/slow sequencing kills any kind of momentum the album might otherwise have achieved.

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