• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Aug 17, 2018
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  1. Aug 18, 2018
    She's perfect! Her best album btw, This masterpiece shows that ariana's the most successful in her generation
  2. Aug 18, 2018
    Fifteen tracks that put a smile on my face and a tear in my eye. Production duties were granted primarily to Pharrell Williams, allowing Ariana to explore a more experimental sound, but honestly, her voice is so strong, it’s hard to imagine a genre it wouldn’t suit.
  3. Aug 18, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sweetener es una verdadera obra de arte
    Con colaboraciones espectaculares y unos ritmos super innovadores aparte de ser un album muy sentimental
    Simplemente ame el album
  4. Aug 18, 2018
    Un buen trabajo, ella enserio se lucio con este album, es una pieza maestra.
  5. Aug 18, 2018
    Ariana Grande came back with a delightful but powerful body of work as "Sweetener" is her most personal album to date. Though Pharrell gives the album many (weirdly) surprising twists, the best tracks on the album stand out as some of Pop/RnB's strongest songs in 2018. One of the noticeably powerful tracks on the album is "Breathin", with every element needed for a Pop hit, this song isAriana Grande came back with a delightful but powerful body of work as "Sweetener" is her most personal album to date. Though Pharrell gives the album many (weirdly) surprising twists, the best tracks on the album stand out as some of Pop/RnB's strongest songs in 2018. One of the noticeably powerful tracks on the album is "Breathin", with every element needed for a Pop hit, this song is most likely to be one of the smash hits of this era. "God is a woman", "No Tears Left To Cry" and "The Light Is Coming" are all strong tracks, although the last one may sound strange for some. "R.E.M", "everytime", "get well soon" and "better off" may be some of the most favorable tracks, with "better off" being the only ballad on the album, but a powerful one. Overall, this album may just be the best Pop album of the year and definitely one of Ariana's bests so far along with her previous project "Dangerous Woman". Expand
  6. Aug 18, 2018
    There are some moments on the album but in the most part it falls flat. I don't think most of the tracks have any replay value
  7. Aug 18, 2018
    Seu trabalho mais maduro,inivador e um divisor de aguas na carreira,grande prova ser uma ex act muito a frente de seu tempo deixando o pop comercial de lado e refuzindo a uma mera influencia no album que se destaca pela mistura de r&b suave,um dos melhores do ano.
  8. Aug 18, 2018
    I get that she's trying different genres of music, and I'm hear for it but this isn't it lol There is no song in this album that stood out for me, production was all over the place, her vocals on point as always. lyrically it wasn't there either, I feel that some songs didn't suit her voice and it felt forced????
  9. Aug 18, 2018
    Beyond the singles, there are perhaps three songs on the album that I have consistently enjoyed regardless of how many listens. I have added an extra point in order to show that I respect Ariana's experimentation. However, the simple fact is that I don't enjoy the album. I found the Pharrell-produced songs to be messy and difficult to listen to. I don't think the album is bad per say but IBeyond the singles, there are perhaps three songs on the album that I have consistently enjoyed regardless of how many listens. I have added an extra point in order to show that I respect Ariana's experimentation. However, the simple fact is that I don't enjoy the album. I found the Pharrell-produced songs to be messy and difficult to listen to. I don't think the album is bad per say but I had high expectations for Ariana and have found Sweetener to be overrated by reviewers and publications. Grande's vocals remain gorgeous, smooth and soft although her enunciation remains unclear on some songs. The structure of some songs is also messy and the songwriting is poor with very little complexity to some songs. Particular praise must be extended to no tears left to cry, god is a woman, raindrops, breathin which carry the album. Comparatively, the light is coming, blazed, successful, sweetener and borderline are just messy and a disappointment, particularly considering Ariana's considerable talent. Expand
  10. Aug 18, 2018
    Álbum mais maduro de sua carreira, mas também o mais diversificado. Ouvi-lo é como estar numa manhã de primavera ao som dos melhores passaros ao fundo.Sem duvidas Sweetener vai marcar a historia do POP mundial!
  11. Aug 18, 2018
    pretty tone but that's all she will ever be. this album is her worst. this album is a snooze fest.
  12. Aug 18, 2018
    Piece of **** This is ZERO, oh nah, THIS IS MINUS ZERO. worst, boring, disgustingly etc, etc.
  13. Aug 18, 2018
    a diverse but at the same time cohesive album, full of unexpected sounds that were not used to from Ariana. Truly a breath of fresh air in the, at the moment, monotone music scene. Her best album by far.
  14. Aug 18, 2018
    Apparently, a pastel album is everything I've ever wanted. Once again, the standouts this era were produced and/or written by Max Martin, Ilya, and Savan Kotecha. Respectable efforts by Pharrell with R.E.M. and Get Well Soon tho (his other tracks were cute, but were obvi not the breakout faves). It's new, and people are still easing into it not being the pop perfection 'Dangerous Woman'Apparently, a pastel album is everything I've ever wanted. Once again, the standouts this era were produced and/or written by Max Martin, Ilya, and Savan Kotecha. Respectable efforts by Pharrell with R.E.M. and Get Well Soon tho (his other tracks were cute, but were obvi not the breakout faves). It's new, and people are still easing into it not being the pop perfection 'Dangerous Woman' delivered. But Ariana Grande's allowed to grow musically and in her career. She will continue to reach greater heights as the years pass by, and this album is a good indication. Solid album. Buy/stream it. Expand
  15. Aug 18, 2018
    The album is everything I‘ve ever dreamt of and I can‘t stop,listening to it, it‘s dreamy, sweet and so different to what mainstream musicians do these days. I‘m in love, this album deserves everything
  16. Aug 18, 2018
    All songs are good. Ariana did different styles and i like it. Album so good. Love u
  17. Aug 18, 2018
    Ariana Grande mais uma vez provou que é uma artista completa e versátil com “Sweetener”. Compôs, produziu e mostrou vocais poderosos de uma maneira jamais feita pela princesa do pop, assumiu riscos indo para um lado mais R&B e se desafiou artisticamente. Grande saiu de sua zona de conforto e nos deu uma coleção de musicas lindas dentro de um contexto coeso, sem decepcionar nenhuma vez.
  18. Aug 18, 2018
    omg shes so mature. this album is so sick. it gives emotions and chills. some people say this album is trash but they didn't get she has changed n shes no longer in the yours truly, my everything, dangerous woman eras. she is what she became and one of the thing I love about her is being always herself and thats it.
  19. Aug 18, 2018
    This is Ariana's most personal and mature album. She isn't afraid to explore new music and genre. It's a hit.
  20. Aug 18, 2018
    Najlepszy album Ariany Grande, warto było czekać na niego 2 lata. we love, we stan.
  21. Aug 18, 2018
    Claramente um álbum com melodias coesas, apresentando um trabalho sincero e super minucioso. Ela escolhe arriscar saindo de sua zona de conforto em seu novo álbum e acertou bastante. Ariana nos traz faixas com grandes potências e que lhe exploram emocionalmente.
  22. Aug 18, 2018
    Worst Ariana's album ever. I hate it so much (best songs - breathin, everytime)
  23. Aug 18, 2018
    Two years after the release of her monumental third studio album, "Dangerous Woman", Ariana Grande is back with a fourth album that is solid, not quite as accomplished nor nearly as perfectly-crafted as its precedent.

    After the beautiful acapella opener 'raindrops', "Sweetener" starts to find Grande experimenting with broader sounds than she did with her previous projects, teaming up
    Two years after the release of her monumental third studio album, "Dangerous Woman", Ariana Grande is back with a fourth album that is solid, not quite as accomplished nor nearly as perfectly-crafted as its precedent.

    After the beautiful acapella opener 'raindrops', "Sweetener" starts to find Grande experimenting with broader sounds than she did with her previous projects, teaming up with Pharrell Williams to create urban trap/hip-hop productions that turn out to not always work for her: 'blazed' for instance is so dull and monotonous, 'the light is coming' with Nicki Minaj, even though a grower, is nevertheless the weakest collaboration the two artists released, the title-track feels like a three-tracks-in-one all-over-the-place mess, and 'successful' is forgettable and doesn't live up to its title. However, not all the Pharrell-assisted tracks are a miss: the closer, 'get well soon' is a beautiful rendition to the Manchester terrorist attack and to the fans, and it sounds like it could fit perfectly on her debut, "Yours Truly".

    What is very noticeable about this record, is that its second half is way better than its first. The album truly starts to shine when Ariana ditches the trappy experimental sounds, and goes back to her power-pop gems with tracks like 'breathin', 'God is a woman' (which is one of the absolute best tracks Grande has ever released), and 'everytime'. She gets vulnerable on other highlight 'better off' and puts her beautiful pipes to use on the beautiful 'goodnight n go'.

    "Sweetener" may not live up to the greatness of "Dangerous Woman", which will forever stand as the pinnacle in Grande's career, but it sure has a bunch of songs to not be slept on.
  24. Aug 18, 2018
    it's a grower, at first listen you think it's her worst album but the more you listen to it the better it gets, give it a chance, it's an amazing album
  25. Aug 18, 2018
    A bland and uninspired album with very little creativity. Not bad enough to rate at less than a 4 out of 10, but in no way interesting enough to rate any higher than a 4 out of 10.
  26. Aug 18, 2018
    mess. this is y'alls main pop girlie. this album is her worst album. she thinks god is a woman is a international hit. i havo to laugh. and she confirmed she will begin her fifth studio album next month bc she knows her album is not good. anyway.
  27. Aug 18, 2018
    The talent that is inside this album is really something that deserves high recognition. Pharell really produced the **** out of this record and Max Martin is still an undeniable hit maker as always. Breathin was amazing as well as the title track Sweetener.
  28. Aug 18, 2018
    Very cohesive. It's more of my preference musically. It's great that she's doing something different from the usual sound that the general public usually knows her for, but is still very much "her". Lyrically, she sings more about her feelings and other topics and not just sing about love. While not all tracks are..."worthy", it's still an overall good album. Definitely not as bad as mostVery cohesive. It's more of my preference musically. It's great that she's doing something different from the usual sound that the general public usually knows her for, but is still very much "her". Lyrically, she sings more about her feelings and other topics and not just sing about love. While not all tracks are..."worthy", it's still an overall good album. Definitely not as bad as most people say (though they're probably biased, trolling, etc.). People need to at least appreciate the effort that was put in this album. Expand
  29. Aug 18, 2018
    Ariana's best album ever. It's something brand new for her and it puts you through different emotional phases.
  30. Aug 18, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El disco es muy bueno, la mayoría dice que es malo por que siempre quieren que Ariana se quede con el mismo pop chicle super comercial al que nos tiene acostumbrados, este disco nos muestra una lírica mas madura y cuerda, ritmos suaves y dulces, el disco te hace sentir feliz, en ningún momento se siente vació, todas las canciones tienen un mensaje, solo falta que las personas dejen de odiar y aprendan a amar para apreciar esta biblia del pop, así es, ella esta destinada a ser una leyenda, la producción del disco es brutal, Pharrell Williams y Max Martín se lucieron como siempre. Expand
  31. Aug 18, 2018
    I'm disappointed. First singles were amazing but this album is very boring and ordinary.
  32. Aug 18, 2018
    Sweetener is Ariana’s most mature Album by far. So many great songs that the more and more you listen to the better they get ! This album just screams happiness and now having heard the songs the title makes so much more sense now
  33. Aug 18, 2018
    Sweetener é o trabalho mais diferente que ela já fez. Sem dúvidas mostrou seu outro lado e agora consegue se sentir melhor consigo mesmo fazendo musicas que realmente gosta.
  34. Aug 18, 2018
    I didn't felt it as a good or bad album, it's just something neutral. It has a couple of big hits and a couple of meaningful songs, but it's mostly full of forgettable songs. Also, I didn't felt it as Ariana's style, this was more Pharrell's style.
  35. Aug 17, 2018
    PRINCESS OF POP, DEFINITELY ALBUM OF THE YEAR. so different and so good. coming for that grammy!!
  36. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O álbum é maravilhoso, achei bem diferente de tudo que ela já fez. Os vocais estão maravilhosos, tudo está em perfeita sincronia. Expand
  37. Aug 17, 2018
    Sweetener finds an Ariana with the eagerness to experiment and explore her "artist" side, much like her idol Imogen Heap (sampling her in Goodnight n Go), while preserving her Pop Star persona, therefore forgetting that experimenting entails walking through uncharted terrain, in which Sweetener rarely strays. It is noticeable that in the cuts produced by Ilya and Pop deity Max Martin (GodSweetener finds an Ariana with the eagerness to experiment and explore her "artist" side, much like her idol Imogen Heap (sampling her in Goodnight n Go), while preserving her Pop Star persona, therefore forgetting that experimenting entails walking through uncharted terrain, in which Sweetener rarely strays. It is noticeable that in the cuts produced by Ilya and Pop deity Max Martin (God Is A Woman and Breathin) we can hear an Ariana that is comfortable and secure of her singing abilities (preserving the sound she experimented with in Dangerous Woman), while she feels somehow drowned in the songs produced by Pharrell Williams, overtaking much of Ariana's identity as a singer in spite of the impeccable production. Regardless, Sweetener is an enjoyable ride in the artistry of a singer with one of the best voices in the current Pop landscape and a good footnote in her, hopefully, long-lasting career. Expand
  38. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana conseguiu se superar, trouxe um material que ninguém imaginaria que viria dela - considerando as duas canções de trabalho deste álbum. Sweetener trás uma voz totalmente diferente da Ariana, algo mais suave, adocicado - fazendo jus ao título do álbum - sem dúvida, um trabalho que não será abraçado logo na primeira ouvida. Enfim, estou muito orgulho dessa minha garota, Ari. AmeiAriana conseguiu se superar, trouxe um material que ninguém imaginaria que viria dela - considerando as duas canções de trabalho deste álbum. Sweetener trás uma voz totalmente diferente da Ariana, algo mais suave, adocicado - fazendo jus ao título do álbum - sem dúvida, um trabalho que não será abraçado logo na primeira ouvida. Enfim, estou muito orgulho dessa minha garota, Ari. Amei demais! Expand
  39. Aug 17, 2018
    her worst album to date, sorry ariana im your fan but dissapointed me, i was like "this could be her best album" but tracks like borderline and sweetener are A COMPLETE MESS
  40. Aug 17, 2018
    it's so beautiful, no words left to describe, don't care about what haters say. This album deserves more!
  41. Aug 17, 2018
    Pura ardilla cegada diciendo que es un buen álbum cuando es puro relleno y solo dos o tres canciones se salvan
    Pasando la Sweetener
  42. Aug 17, 2018
    Amo este album mas get well soon, pete davidson debio durar mas al igual que todas las demas
  43. Aug 17, 2018
    Out of 15 songs, there are only about 3-4 that are actually good and bearable to listen to. Okay some people claim this as an experimental album however it still mostly consists of rubbish bubblegum pop.
  44. Aug 17, 2018
    This is Ariana's best album to date! No filler just quality! I think others dont like this album because this is different from her past three album.
  45. Aug 17, 2018
    This actually really good, it different from her previous album but it's a good different
  46. Aug 17, 2018
    This album was a huge letdown after 2 years of waiting. It is a personal album but all the songs are boring and seem the same. I am a huge fan and knowing that the wait for another album will probably be two years makes me frustrated as the only song on the album that I liked was breathin and automatically after, I went to stream dangerous woman, her best album. I was looking forward toThis album was a huge letdown after 2 years of waiting. It is a personal album but all the songs are boring and seem the same. I am a huge fan and knowing that the wait for another album will probably be two years makes me frustrated as the only song on the album that I liked was breathin and automatically after, I went to stream dangerous woman, her best album. I was looking forward to seeing her live, but with no urge to sing these songs, I don't think I will. She has gone mainstream now, with new fans liking the new style as her old ones sadly don't. Expand
  47. Aug 17, 2018
    this album is lit!!! it really showed her maturity in her own songs, it's lit! for me, this is her BEST album ever!
  48. Aug 17, 2018
    Been a stan since 2013. Music wise, not her best album. But lyrically and artistically, definitely one of her best. It shows how much she grown as an artist. This was a very personal album and Miss Grande had experimented with different sounds. There's still some room for improvement. Actually hoping she doesn't work with Pharrell again for the next album.

    Some amazing bops on the album
    Been a stan since 2013. Music wise, not her best album. But lyrically and artistically, definitely one of her best. It shows how much she grown as an artist. This was a very personal album and Miss Grande had experimented with different sounds. There's still some room for improvement. Actually hoping she doesn't work with Pharrell again for the next album.

    Some amazing bops on the album such as 'get well soon', 'goodnight n go', 'R.E.M.' and of course her powerful single, 'God is a woman'. You can definitely find a mix of all her past albums in this album.

    Some songs like 'successful', 'borderline' and 'sweetener' fell a little under my expectations however. 'sweetener' had a beautiful pre-chorus until the 'rapping' part came in and destroyed it into sounding like a Kidz Bop track.

    And also, the man in the background of 'the light is coming' should've been removed. It pains me because that song would've been great without it.
  49. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un disco dulce en sonidos y en los vocals. Un cambio de pop a R&B muy bueno para mi gusto. La mejor es breathin y everytime. Expand
  50. Aug 17, 2018
    Lo llamaria como un trabajo muy bueno... Esté album es parecido a Yours Truly muy bueno intimo y sentimental.
    Es lo mejor que tus oidos pueden escuchar.
  51. Aug 17, 2018
    (Saga das Músicas, blog) ‘Sweetener’ é nitidamente seu trabalho mais maduro até então. Suas letras fogem da fofura extrema que a cantora estava fadada a viver graças à seu personagem infantil. Ariana decidiu investir em sua felicidade em primeiro lugar, talvez após perceber que a vida não é eterna. Ela está cantando algo que gosta, compondo sobre o que quer, e aos poucos, conquistando(Saga das Músicas, blog) ‘Sweetener’ é nitidamente seu trabalho mais maduro até então. Suas letras fogem da fofura extrema que a cantora estava fadada a viver graças à seu personagem infantil. Ariana decidiu investir em sua felicidade em primeiro lugar, talvez após perceber que a vida não é eterna. Ela está cantando algo que gosta, compondo sobre o que quer, e aos poucos, conquistando novos fãs. Talvez não agrade o mainstream e os seus fãs que a vem acompanhando desde 2012, mas é claramente uma mudança para melhor. Uma pena não ter mais mulheres envolvidas em sua produção! Expand
  52. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana Grande une o útil eo agradável no Sweetener, com músicas agradáveis e que fazem uma junção excelente ao tema do álbum, um Pop calmo e doce, visando destacar a sua voz, que por fim ficou maravilhosa com as canções, Ariana não nos trouxe oque queríamos, e sim nos deu oque precisávamos.
  53. Aug 17, 2018
    The album is not all bad, but wanted to wish. Most of the songs have similar sonority, until they seem to connect and the beginning of some pair Christmas music. Ariana risked a lot by working with Pharrell. I understand that this album is more in the RnB footprint, but it could be more complex. LMLY's RnB in Dangerous Woman was perfect. May Ariana work with someone better in the next ageThe album is not all bad, but wanted to wish. Most of the songs have similar sonority, until they seem to connect and the beginning of some pair Christmas music. Ariana risked a lot by working with Pharrell. I understand that this album is more in the RnB footprint, but it could be more complex. LMLY's RnB in Dangerous Woman was perfect. May Ariana work with someone better in the next age and be sure of what to actually do. Expand
  54. Aug 17, 2018
    I love all of the songs . its so different compared to her other songs in previous albums . she outdid herself & i appreciate that a lot. she is a POP star that want us to feel different types flavours in a music that we stan so much
  55. Aug 17, 2018
    Out of fanaticism, Ariana was able to prove that by renewing his music he shows his essence, his lyrics, all of it. We see that their participation is total and that it feels more, now we know it more. I thank you for opening up to us in this way, different sounds that in some way get along very well with the voice of Ariana, simply... Spectacular.
  56. Aug 17, 2018
    whaaaaattttt a shiit, garbageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  57. Aug 17, 2018
    This album is perfect!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
  58. Aug 17, 2018
    amazing, brilliant, wonderful powerful, one of a kind. tho ariana needs to FIRE PHARRELL WILLIAMS, he **** up this album xoxo
  59. Aug 17, 2018
    nossa senhora top q q isso top demais ariana sei q tu ta lendo isso topster to enrolando pq tem que ter no minimo 75caracteres mas se pudesse falava só top pq esse album eh >>> TOP
  60. Aug 17, 2018
    the album have a big point of division(pharell obviously) when i hear the album the first time all the songs pharell produced is like a big ft. and I don't like that . Maybe the album need less songs like blazed & successful even sweetener was weak but is a good way to make more experimental music and for the future she gonna make better things with this . I recommended the album /yes butthe album have a big point of division(pharell obviously) when i hear the album the first time all the songs pharell produced is like a big ft. and I don't like that . Maybe the album need less songs like blazed & successful even sweetener was weak but is a good way to make more experimental music and for the future she gonna make better things with this . I recommended the album /yes but this don't have the force for be better than her past album Expand
  61. Aug 17, 2018
    Definitely Ariana Grande is one of the deepest women and with an angelic voice, she could make an album pop and r&b with a bit of sweetness, art in its maximum splendor, this girl can do what she wants with her voice is so amazing, One of the most important women in the world who uses her voice in a good way, this album is splendidly demailed, you can see every song with a message that isDefinitely Ariana Grande is one of the deepest women and with an angelic voice, she could make an album pop and r&b with a bit of sweetness, art in its maximum splendor, this girl can do what she wants with her voice is so amazing, One of the most important women in the world who uses her voice in a good way, this album is splendidly demailed, you can see every song with a message that is so gorgeous. I love her too much. Expand
  62. Aug 17, 2018
    breathin giaw ntltc everytime goodnight n go better off gws rem obg por tudoooo menos blazed beijos amore
  63. Aug 17, 2018
    Eu nunca escutei algo parecido! O album emociona de todas as formas possíveis.
    Eu esperava algo maravilhoso da melhor voz da década, mas ela me trouxe algo maior ainda. QUE BOM QUE VIVO NA MESMA ÉPOCA DESSA GRANDE ARTISTA!!!!
  64. Aug 17, 2018
  65. Aug 17, 2018
    This is a masterpiece! Definitely one of her best albums! Ariana Grande-Butera DID THAT!
  66. Aug 17, 2018
    This is an amazing album and she really outdid herself, really love it, her best album yet.
  67. Aug 17, 2018
    um álbum totalmente diferente do que Ariana já fez e isso e muito bom não da pra lançar a mesma mesmice como alguns fãs querem e esperam
  68. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. SEM DEFEITOS TODAS SÃO UM HINO AAAAAAAAAA SWEETENER ALBUM DO MILÊNIO AAAAAA Expand
  69. Aug 17, 2018
    Uma bíblia sonora formato de álbum, cada musica impecável, sem defeitos nenhum, felizmente ariana nunca decepciona, uma artista de verdade.
  70. Aug 17, 2018
    Her best body of work to date from the lyrics, to the beats, to the vocals. Everything about this album is FANTASTIC. Sweetener is truly the album of the millennium. I'm so proud.
  71. Aug 17, 2018
    Esse álbum é algo divino, pois não só é bom, mas também é a doce resposta da Ariana Grande a respeito de seu grande sofrimento em Manchester, respondendo dor com Amor
  72. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana's weakest album but love her so I'm gonna give her a 10/10 anyway. Stunning vocals (head voice especially) tho!
  73. Aug 17, 2018
    Um dos seus melhores e mais a maduro trabalhos, muito coeso também, vocais impecáveis, teve a pegada de r&b na medida certa, felizmente segue sendo a maior de sua geração PRINCESA DO POP KLRHH
  74. Aug 17, 2018
    Este álbum sem dúvidas expressa tudo o que Ariana queria passar, e tudo que ela estava sentindo antes, vemos músicas totalmente diferentes do que ela já fez, e isso foi bom, ela respira um novo ar, como se estivesse em casa novamente..
  75. Aug 17, 2018
    It is an album in which Ariana is shown as a vulnerable person, on it, she shows new sounds and a fresher style
  76. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana is a very innovative artist. Her music keeps evolving every single time. This album showcases how brillant and versatile she was.
  77. Aug 17, 2018
    Pharrell didn't make the album (actually I would say any album) better. His participation does not fit into what Ariana is good at.
  78. Aug 17, 2018
    This album is a masterpiece!Its so mature and the harmonies,beats and vocals are perfect!
  79. Aug 17, 2018
    Estou estou completamente apaixonado por esse álbum, Ariana sempre nos surpreendendo e nunca deixando a desejar.
  80. Aug 17, 2018
    Es un estilo completamente nuevo que logra captar la atención de más público ya que amplia y mejora sus anteriores trabajos, totalmente recomendada la nueva biblia
  81. Aug 17, 2018
    Congratulations Ariana! AmeI muito garota! Se jogou num RnB e deu super certo!! Não é um album perfeito, mas to torcendo muito pelos grammys!!
  82. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana showed her growth in this album. Only the tasteless stans hate it. The best tracks are Breathin, Everytime, Better Off, and Goodnight n go.
  83. Aug 17, 2018
    Sweetener, for me, didn't fail to amaze me; it is everything I expected (and more) from Ariana. It is personal and experimental, totally unconventional, which I love. Obviously, the songs we're already familiar with (No Tears Left To Cry, The Light Is Coming, and God Is A Woman) continue to be favourites from the album. And for my first listen, songs like Breathin, R.E.M., Better Off,Sweetener, for me, didn't fail to amaze me; it is everything I expected (and more) from Ariana. It is personal and experimental, totally unconventional, which I love. Obviously, the songs we're already familiar with (No Tears Left To Cry, The Light Is Coming, and God Is A Woman) continue to be favourites from the album. And for my first listen, songs like Breathin, R.E.M., Better Off, Goodnight N Go, and Get Well Soon stood out for me; my personal favourite, and the most relatable one to me, is Breathin. Ariana Grande has really sweetened my life with this album. Expand
  84. Aug 17, 2018
    this is her best work for sure! the album is amazing and all the tracks fit perfect with the others. REM, Breathin, Everytime, No Tears Left To Cry, God is a woman, Blazed, Bordeline and Sweetener are masterpieces!
  85. Aug 17, 2018
    This album it's so weak, there are some songs that honestly ruined the complete album, I'm so disappointed
  86. Aug 17, 2018
    Um álbum diferente e ótimo. Ariana fez um bom trabalho. Espero que faça muito sucesso.
  87. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana traz seu álbum mais aguardado até agora, que, além de surpreender na sonoridade, fascina sobre como enfrentar diversos problemas, como o Ataque em Manchester e suas crises de ansiedade. Seu álbum mais pessoal é também o seu melhor trabalho
  88. Aug 17, 2018
    rainbow (6/10)
    blazed (5/10)
    the light is coming (1/10)
    r.e.m (4.5/10)
    god is a woman (7.5/10)
    sweetener (1.5/10)
    successful (4/10)
    everytime (7/10)
    breathin (9/10)
    no tears left to cry (8.5/10)
    borderline (4.5/10)
    goodnight n go (6.5/10)
    pete davidson (2/10)
    get well soon (7.5/10)
    flow of the album (5/10)
    average (4.97/10)
  89. Aug 17, 2018
    Malisimo. Su peor album en años. Pharrell Williams hizo un pesimo trabajo en esto. Era de esperarse. Todo lo que toca flopea.
  90. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best album, ariana
    top 5
    Get Well Soon
  91. Aug 17, 2018
    com muita certeza, seu melhor álbum, ela traz uma nova sonoridade, novos instrumentais e uma voz mais controlada sem agudos. ela é compositora e produtora de todas as músicas, que afinal que músicas! melhor álbum desse ano
  92. Aug 17, 2018
    I love her album so much. This is her best so far. You can feel her on each songs.
  93. Aug 17, 2018
    para os haters, 1 estão perdendo tempo ficar colocando negative, o album é profundo fora do pop entra em r&b , pff tenham descencia
  94. Aug 17, 2018
    She really downgraded from her previous dangerous woman. She didn’t even talk about Manchester. Pharell clearly doesn’t like her
  95. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana Grande did an excellent job because his voice is very gradual... All music is one better than the other
  96. Aug 17, 2018
    Sweetener is her best album so far, she's exploring differents ways and this work on this masterpiece
  97. Aug 17, 2018
    I'm sorry but what was Ariana thinking? She's been so conceited over this album, and it was downright horrible.
  98. Aug 17, 2018
    sweetener, in this work Ariana showed that she is ahead of her time doing remarkable and iconic things, the video of GIW Ariana showed that she can go beyond clips that only talk about relationships. Miley, Selena and much less Demi does not have the maturity and efficiency to create a job as incredible and as different as the sweetener. My congratulations, Ariana Grande. but the onlysweetener, in this work Ariana showed that she is ahead of her time doing remarkable and iconic things, the video of GIW Ariana showed that she can go beyond clips that only talk about relationships. Miley, Selena and much less Demi does not have the maturity and efficiency to create a job as incredible and as different as the sweetener. My congratulations, Ariana Grande. but the only mistake was to have 100% Pharrel as a producer on that album. The rest I loved. Expand
  99. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana trouxe um álbum bastante diferente dos outros dela e trouxe o que prometeu. Músicas muito deliciosas de escutar.
  100. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Even I prefer a full-pop job, sweetener really caught me; the intro with only-vocal is so amazing, and God is a woman is my favorite of course! breathing' need to be a single Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Aug 31, 2018
    Grande’s new sound, the Williams-produced Not-Bangers, only make up half of the album. These standout tracks are interspersed between standard pop tracks. ... That’s not to say that the Bangers on Sweetener are bad--it’s more that they belong in previous era of Grande and they spoil the flow between songs. Sweetener may not be the dawning of a new age for Ariana but it could be a step towards somewhere weird and wonderful.
  2. Aug 29, 2018
    Ms. Grande backs up her statements with song-and-dance mastery. ... She’s her own choir, support group and posse. While a few guest vocalists (Mr. Williams, Nicki Minaj, Missy Elliott) provide a little grit for contrast, Ms. Grande sails above any fray, past or present. Her aplomb is her triumph.
  3. Aug 28, 2018
    An album that coheres in a way other Ariana Grande albums don't, which means Sweetener is something of a double triumph: she's come through a tough time stronger and better than before.