• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Aug 17, 2018
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  1. Aug 17, 2018
    Honestly this is just not good. Zero artists growth from Dangerous Woman - if anything its regressed back to Yours Truly. Her work with Pharrell is very hit and miss and most of them are a miss from me. The highlights are Everytime, Breathing and R.E.M. The worst are TLIC, Sweetener, Blazed and Borderline (which is the very definition of a dull, filler track). Pharrell’s adlibsHonestly this is just not good. Zero artists growth from Dangerous Woman - if anything its regressed back to Yours Truly. Her work with Pharrell is very hit and miss and most of them are a miss from me. The highlights are Everytime, Breathing and R.E.M. The worst are TLIC, Sweetener, Blazed and Borderline (which is the very definition of a dull, filler track). Pharrell’s adlibs throughout many of the tracks are unnecessary and ruin many of the songs (such as the sheesh in Sweetener). The lyrics on most tracks are cringy and hyper-sexual and there’s zero variation in topic. You could literally swap the verses of one song to any other song on the album and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. I’ve been a fan of Ari for a long time but this album is just so disappointing. By far her worst album to date. Expand
  2. Aug 17, 2018
    1- I can't stand Pharrell William's sonority
    2- the songs are bland except for those with a big anthematic pop production
    3- don't confuse experimental with bad
  3. Aug 17, 2018
    Extremely disappointed in Ariana if I'm going to have to be honest. I was expecting a lot as she was talking about it like it was a masterpiece, I genuinely thought that Sweetener might even be able to top Dangerous Woman. But it's her worst album. In all the years that I've followed her, she never was able to disappoint me this much. Vocally, there isn't anything special except for someExtremely disappointed in Ariana if I'm going to have to be honest. I was expecting a lot as she was talking about it like it was a masterpiece, I genuinely thought that Sweetener might even be able to top Dangerous Woman. But it's her worst album. In all the years that I've followed her, she never was able to disappoint me this much. Vocally, there isn't anything special except for some ad libs. The songs lack powerful and/or catchy choruses, and when they're catchy ("The Light Is Coming"), they're just annoying and extremely repetitive. The album has a way too similar production towards each other. Pharrell is now known to me as the worst pop producer out there. Yes, it might not be basic generic pop, but the songs are still generic. The production is boring and lacks too much to keep you interested making it sound like a collection of fillers.
    No Tears Left To Cry, God Is A Woman and Breathin are great songs but the others just fail to satisfy or keep me interested.
  4. May 10, 2020
    This album has some pretty awesome some but the experience as a whole is pretty much bad.
  5. Feb 10, 2020
    This is just an okay album. Nothing great. I mean Pharrell just kind of ruined the album with not-Ariana-friendly productions. Singles' choices were good, liked "no tears lef to cry", "the light is coming" and "sweetener".
  6. Aug 20, 2022
    Breathin, Sweetener and no tears left to cry are good singles material, but that is not enough to justify an un cohesive body of work
  7. Aug 17, 2018
    Her biggest mistake was collaborating with Pharell Williams. The first half of the album which is produced by him is so painfully awful. It sounds more like his songs and less of Ariana's. I also cannot for the life of me find any single-worthy songs. The era should just be over, maybe release Breathin first which will flop and then move on.
  8. Dec 23, 2018
    Biggest let down of 2018. Cringeworthy lyrics and bad production. Pure noise. Really tried to like it but it didn't work. Giving a few points for breathin, giaw and successful.
  9. Aug 17, 2018
    While Breathin and Everytime remain the standout tracks from the record. There is no other song which is single worthy. No Tears and God is a Woman were chosen well to serve as singles. Max Martin should have been more involved on the album compared to Pharrell whose production practically ruined the album. The album was rush released with most songs sounding the same and with zero lyricalWhile Breathin and Everytime remain the standout tracks from the record. There is no other song which is single worthy. No Tears and God is a Woman were chosen well to serve as singles. Max Martin should have been more involved on the album compared to Pharrell whose production practically ruined the album. The album was rush released with most songs sounding the same and with zero lyrical content. Her public breakup, toxic relationship and the Manchester bombing should have been addressed directly. There is no theme on the album. VERY Disappointed. Looks like after 3 widely successful albums. Ms Grande finally does/will have a least successful album which seems to be Sweetener in this case. Expand
  10. Aug 26, 2018
    After listening to songs like "no tears left to cry" and "God Is A Woman" we had many expectations of what would probably be one of the best albums of the career of Grande and pop history, however Ariana told us that really we would find ourselves with "The Light Is Coming" and we did not realize it. Although the album is quite consistent in terms of sounds presenting a mostly R & B lineAfter listening to songs like "no tears left to cry" and "God Is A Woman" we had many expectations of what would probably be one of the best albums of the career of Grande and pop history, however Ariana told us that really we would find ourselves with "The Light Is Coming" and we did not realize it. Although the album is quite consistent in terms of sounds presenting a mostly R & B line produced by Pharrel Williams that becomes so repetitive that it becomes boring, something that we can not blame Pharrel but the young singer because I get wrapped up quite well in the new genre. Understanding that it is a great change for the dangerous woman and she is still adapting to this new environment, we hope that in future work she will be able to mold herself well. Despite the bad taste of mouth that we take with the excess of filling in "Sweetener" it is necessary to speak of the masterpiece "breathin", one of the most precious jewels of the album in which it is impossible to highlight the majestic composition with the that Ariana transmitted a feeling with which she is easy to connect and the wonderful vocal performance that fits very well with the production (in which, curiously, Pharrel is not involved). Expand
  11. Aug 17, 2018
    'Sweetener' is an album that you'd listen once just to see it it's worth your time...and when you're finished, you'll realise it's not. None of the songs (except the singles) are memorable, nothing stands out, the lyrics are often repetitive or poorly written. The production on almost every song is the same and at one point you get bored, hoping the next song is better...but it's not. The'Sweetener' is an album that you'd listen once just to see it it's worth your time...and when you're finished, you'll realise it's not. None of the songs (except the singles) are memorable, nothing stands out, the lyrics are often repetitive or poorly written. The production on almost every song is the same and at one point you get bored, hoping the next song is better...but it's not. The collabs on the album were unnecessary and pointless but the album would've been just as bad without them. I don't know what Ariana was thinking while working on this album (or if she was even thinking) but...this is NOT it!

    Best songs: God is a woman, no tears left to cry, breathin'
  12. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana's most anticipated album is out now- and it came to disappoint with bland sounds and generic undeveloped beats. The low-energy effort Ariana put into the songs didn't make the album sound dreamy or laid-back yet very lazy boring the listeners mid-way the track. Few tracks off the album are listenable such as, "Breathin'" where Ariana vocally creates a bold song which however doesAriana's most anticipated album is out now- and it came to disappoint with bland sounds and generic undeveloped beats. The low-energy effort Ariana put into the songs didn't make the album sound dreamy or laid-back yet very lazy boring the listeners mid-way the track. Few tracks off the album are listenable such as, "Breathin'" where Ariana vocally creates a bold song which however does include certain parts where her attempt to experimentally sound dreamy causes a drawback to the song. Most tracks sound very less produced and monotonous boring the listeners quickly ascertaining a skip. Some tracks had a potential yet however, Ariana failed to explore them properly as she continued to use the generic trap beats and the same monotonous sound listeners heard throughout the album. The album's best tracks are nothing compared to the lows of her previous studio album, Dangerous Woman. Expand
  13. Aug 17, 2018
    This album is definitely her worst by far. Pharrell totally ruined this album and there were only 3 to 4 good songs on this entire album. Also the song "Sweetener" was too bad for the album to be named after it. I feel like Ariana hyped it up too much because it didn't even deserve it. Also we were told that this album was supposed to be meaningful, but it wasn't. My everythingThis album is definitely her worst by far. Pharrell totally ruined this album and there were only 3 to 4 good songs on this entire album. Also the song "Sweetener" was too bad for the album to be named after it. I feel like Ariana hyped it up too much because it didn't even deserve it. Also we were told that this album was supposed to be meaningful, but it wasn't. My everything remains her best album ever released. I'm just disappointed that after releasing her past 3 albums which were amazing she put out this trash. Expand
  14. Aug 17, 2018
    I'm so dissapointed. For the most part It's just redundant, repetitive, lethargic music. I only like Breathin and Everytime from the new songs. I thought this would be her best album. So many months of hype for this. Ari honey, next time just drop the album with no promo and call it a day.
  15. Aug 17, 2018
    I'm not an Ariana fan to begin with, but I was low key looking forward to this album because of how much she promoted it saying how great it is. Plus, I really liked 'no tears left to cry' so I had some hope. but.........

    this album is a flop... I was not impressed to say the least...

    Better luck next time
  16. Aug 17, 2018
    Worst ariana grande album ... such a messy album all songs sound the ame ... i only like raindrops giaw ntltc and breathinn all else are trash
  17. Oct 29, 2018
    Honestly a let down. After her masterpiece Dangerous Woman this is a step back. Almost every song is uninteresting. The singles are the best songs: No Tears Left To Cry, God Is A Woman and Breathin.
  18. Aug 24, 2019
    only 2 good songs on the album. please do something new. something out from your comfort zone.
  19. Aug 17, 2018
    Definitivamente esse é o pior trabalho da Ariana, músicas completamente esquecíveis e mal produzidas, Bordeline é uma bomba sonora não consigo entender como essa música foi parar no álbum, Breathing, Everytime, No Tears Left to Cry e God is a Woman são as únicas músicas memoráveis e que se destacam na imensa bagunça que é esse álbum. Verdadeira decepção.
  20. Oct 4, 2018
    The album is actual crap. That is just a euphemism. The bubble gum beats make me want to puke, her singing is overrated, clearly average and her lyrics are as simple as a baby's vocabulary. However, 'Sweetener' is perfect for 12 yr old girls and the features do raise the album's quality a slight notch. There are one or two average to good songs, but one or two songs do not make an album,The album is actual crap. That is just a euphemism. The bubble gum beats make me want to puke, her singing is overrated, clearly average and her lyrics are as simple as a baby's vocabulary. However, 'Sweetener' is perfect for 12 yr old girls and the features do raise the album's quality a slight notch. There are one or two average to good songs, but one or two songs do not make an album, and the bar for pop artists has clearly dropped off a cliff if critics are going to suck Ariana's dick like displayed by their overly kind reviews. Anyway its a 3 out of 10 from me and a recommendation to all of those who may read this to listen to other more talented artists. Expand
  21. Aug 17, 2018
    This wasn’t what I was expecting at all. Only 2 sounds besides the singles we’re decent the rest were straight garbage. No artistic growth, it sounds like a kids pop machine . Not what you’d expect from an A vocalist, wtf were the lyrics in this album? If she contributed then she needs to not take on writing anymore sweetie. The production was crap. I wasn’t surprised in any formThis wasn’t what I was expecting at all. Only 2 sounds besides the singles we’re decent the rest were straight garbage. No artistic growth, it sounds like a kids pop machine . Not what you’d expect from an A vocalist, wtf were the lyrics in this album? If she contributed then she needs to not take on writing anymore sweetie. The production was crap. I wasn’t surprised in any form throughout the album, and it hurt to listen and hate it. Fourth album curse, maybe the next one will be better. Expand
  22. Aug 17, 2018
    I’m very disappointed by this album , the only good song is raindrop who is a **** opener
  23. Aug 19, 2018
    Ariana Grande's 4th studio album is the definition of lazy and messy production. Most of the songs on this record were Produced by Pharrell which, unfortunately, lacks quality production. Grande and Pharrell go together like nails on a chalkboard, which 95-98% of each track sounds like they were produced in a blender. God Is A Woman remains the most dominant track on the album but stillAriana Grande's 4th studio album is the definition of lazy and messy production. Most of the songs on this record were Produced by Pharrell which, unfortunately, lacks quality production. Grande and Pharrell go together like nails on a chalkboard, which 95-98% of each track sounds like they were produced in a blender. God Is A Woman remains the most dominant track on the album but still fails to live up to its potential. I love Ariana's previous work, Dangerous Woman, a lot more than this desperate attempt of an R&B/Pop record. Expand
  24. Sep 5, 2019
    this is such a non cohesive ugly sounding album
    sounds more like a Pharell album (which is not a good sound) than An Ariana Grande Album
    her vocals sounded tired on songs like Blazed, TLIC and borderlin even tho she has one of the strongest voices of this generation songs like Sweetener, Successful, Borderline felt longer than eternity because of the messy production this album tried to do
    this is such a non cohesive ugly sounding album
    sounds more like a Pharell album (which is not a good sound) than An Ariana Grande Album
    her vocals sounded tired on songs like Blazed, TLIC and borderlin even tho she has one of the strongest voices of this generation
    songs like Sweetener, Successful, Borderline felt longer than eternity because of the messy production
    this album tried to do something and failed miserably
  25. Sep 1, 2019
    This is a huge downgrade from Dangerous Woman. No growth at all. The only good thing she will always have are vocals, but other than that...pretty boring and average for an artist like her,
  26. Apr 19, 2020
    This album is messy, awkward, aggressively lazy (lyrically AND sonically), and has almost no sense of direction. The production, for the most part, is awful. I was honestly quite embarrassed for her when I heard the album for the first time. While some songs are definitely better than others, there were moments when I thought to myself, "why does this song even exist?" Not a good album, ifThis album is messy, awkward, aggressively lazy (lyrically AND sonically), and has almost no sense of direction. The production, for the most part, is awful. I was honestly quite embarrassed for her when I heard the album for the first time. While some songs are definitely better than others, there were moments when I thought to myself, "why does this song even exist?" Not a good album, if I haven't already made that clear. Expand
  27. Oct 27, 2020
    This album can be describe in one word - “Trash” And it’s Grammy winning? Like what is the society going on. This is Ariana’s worst studio effort so far. The singles are probably the best songs from this album, notably Breathin’ which helped me get through some sh*t. Altho I gave it a low mark, actually non pharrell- produced tracks are BOPS. Anyways, DW, TUN deserved the grammar not thisThis album can be describe in one word - “Trash” And it’s Grammy winning? Like what is the society going on. This is Ariana’s worst studio effort so far. The singles are probably the best songs from this album, notably Breathin’ which helped me get through some sh*t. Altho I gave it a low mark, actually non pharrell- produced tracks are BOPS. Anyways, DW, TUN deserved the grammar not this . Expand
  28. Aug 21, 2021
    this album is the most authentic by her, but very boring and generic, the Pharrell production brings something innovative, but doesn't soond good either way, I liked Dangerous Woman, because of its production and Ariana's vocals, this... just isn't up to par. Of course there are some tracks that can be saved like everytime, breathin, no tears left to cry and goodnight n go, after that, itthis album is the most authentic by her, but very boring and generic, the Pharrell production brings something innovative, but doesn't soond good either way, I liked Dangerous Woman, because of its production and Ariana's vocals, this... just isn't up to par. Of course there are some tracks that can be saved like everytime, breathin, no tears left to cry and goodnight n go, after that, it just seems very bland and boring. Don't recommend listening to this album, sorry Ari. Expand
  29. Nov 2, 2018
    Absolutely horrible album, the one point is for Breathin which is a great song.
  30. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana Grande's "Sweetener" won't be going into one of my cups of tea anytime soon.
  31. Jun 3, 2019
    Aburrido, siempre lo mismo, aunque tenga buenas líricas siempre hace lo mismo
  32. Aug 17, 2018
    This is truly terrible. I understand trying R&B but this is R&B gone horribly wrong. The lyrics are childish and unpleasant and there's no hiding it especially on the singles no tears left to cry and god is a woman additionally the melodies are weak overall. The production is laced with a number of throwaway trap beats and a lot of incomplete sounds. the concepts are very superficiallyThis is truly terrible. I understand trying R&B but this is R&B gone horribly wrong. The lyrics are childish and unpleasant and there's no hiding it especially on the singles no tears left to cry and god is a woman additionally the melodies are weak overall. The production is laced with a number of throwaway trap beats and a lot of incomplete sounds. the concepts are very superficially covered and it feels like at the centre she's singing about either sex or her new fling (who she got engaged to after dating for a month). there aren't really any redeeming points except a few experimental songs and compositions. However, if you had to compare this to other modern R&B albums (A seat at the table, ctrl, 24k magic, ANTi, awaken my love, trip etc ) it doesn't come close and as a pop album it lacks immaculate production and powerful melodic writing (think 1989, Loud, Prism, Starboy etc) to leave any memorable impact. Expand
  33. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sweetener is probably Ariana's weakest and worst album. The songs are not catchy at all, the choruses are as basic as can get, and the production is just okay. With only 3 good songs (Breathin, No Tears Left To Cry and God Is A Woman), Ariana Grande didn't deliver at all with Sweetener. If one song summarizes how the whole album sounds, it would be 'The Light Is Coming' (and that isn't a good thing considering TLIC is one of the worst songs, if not the worst song on Ariana's 4th studio album). An album that should be forgotten as quick as possible. Expand
  34. Aug 18, 2018
    Very disappointed of this album. Ariana shows no sign of musical growth. Pharrell's sound is not made for Ariana voice.
  35. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana i love you so much but this is your worst album ever , deleted from library
  36. Aug 17, 2018
    Mira como esta el calor
    que sed tengo
    Tanta carne al rededor Que hambre tengo Quiero comenzar la acción se me alboroto la hormona Mi cuerpo necesita amor vamos a peinar la zona Ábranze zorras que vengo furiosa Mira mis pinshes shishotas Esto merece un shot (shot) Esto merece un shot Si alguien va a comer de esto tiene que comprarme el cielo Quiero un hombre suculento que
    Mira como esta el calor
    que sed tengo
    Tanta carne al rededor
    Que hambre tengo
    Quiero comenzar la acción
    se me alboroto la hormona
    Mi cuerpo necesita amor
    vamos a peinar la zona
    Ábranze zorras que vengo furiosa
    Mira mis pinshes shishotas
    Esto merece un shot (shot)
    Esto merece un shot
    Si alguien va a comer de esto
    tiene que comprarme el cielo
    Quiero un hombre suculento
    que sepa provocar incendios
    Ábranze zorras que vengo furiosa
    Mira mis pinshes nalgotas
    Estoy ready pa' dar la
    Ready pa' dar la
    Ready pa' dar la

    La burla con mierdariana Grande.
    Lady Godga=Katia Perra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mierdaylor
  37. Aug 17, 2018
    This album certainly disappointed me, It's her worst album ever. Repetitive songs, messy melodies and such a waste of her powerful vocals. I expected more, there's only 2 songs I like... really sad
  38. Aug 17, 2018
    She disappointed me. 15 songs and after listening for 6 hours only 4 made it to my daily playlist. There are too many skips. The album lacks artistic growth completely where are the vocals? Exquisite lyricism? Where’s the pop anthems? It was so lack luster and completely void of creativity, it sounds like a kidz bop album. Wtf. I’m distressed that this was so disappointing. Do better Ariana.
  39. Aug 17, 2018
    Nao é ruim, mas com certeza não é o melhor da carreira, dangerous woman e yours truly pisa
  40. Aug 17, 2018
    Eu estou até agora arrependido pelo tempo que eu perdi baixando essa bomba em formato de álbum. Depois de ter lançado um álbum tão maravilhoso ela me vem com isso? Tem que ser muito fã para gostar de uma bomba dessa, quem deve ter amado são os terroristas que vão poder usar esse álbum como bomba.
    A minha expectativa para esse álbum estava enorme, mesmo tendo uma the light is coming no
    Eu estou até agora arrependido pelo tempo que eu perdi baixando essa bomba em formato de álbum. Depois de ter lançado um álbum tão maravilhoso ela me vem com isso? Tem que ser muito fã para gostar de uma bomba dessa, quem deve ter amado são os terroristas que vão poder usar esse álbum como bomba.
    A minha expectativa para esse álbum estava enorme, mesmo tendo uma the light is coming no álbum que é outra porcaria eu tinha fé que o álbum seria maravilhoso pois tinha uma god is a woman nele, mas quando eu comecei a ouvir o álbum foi uma sensação horrível.
    Eu não gostava de uma faixa, pulava pro meio dela pra ver se melhorava e continuava ruim, dai ia pra próxima e era pior. Pelo menos agora não vou perder meu tempo dando stream para esse álbum e a única música que ouvirei dele é god is a woman, por isso que vou dar nota 1 para esse álbum, por conta dessa música.
  41. Aug 19, 2018
    first you get the dough and you hit it, hit it, hit it, hit, hit it
    mix it, mix it, mix it, mix it wit duh budder budder budder den, beat it, beat it, beat , beat it, beat it,
  42. Jun 3, 2019
  43. Jun 3, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Não tenho muita coisa a dizer a respeito desse álbum. Apenas que a sonoridade não me agrada. Expand
  44. Jun 10, 2019
    sweetener by ariana grande was nothing but a huge disappointment. i was expecting this excellent comeback but she ruined it. could have been so good
  45. Sep 5, 2019
    Although not completely her worst work it definitely had some potential but album's only saving points are Grande's vocals.
  46. Jul 29, 2020
    This album is a trashy candy pop sound track full of showing off money riches and no depth, sounds pretty generic, and the albums just bad, this might be her worst album ever, I hope those kids understand that this album also sounds identical to her previous album, pretty boring and weird production, Ariana should learn to write her own song instead of using as many ghost writers asThis album is a trashy candy pop sound track full of showing off money riches and no depth, sounds pretty generic, and the albums just bad, this might be her worst album ever, I hope those kids understand that this album also sounds identical to her previous album, pretty boring and weird production, Ariana should learn to write her own song instead of using as many ghost writers as possible, make her fans feel sad and disappointed and I pretty sure, there are nothing unique about Ariana in this album, 7rings is another catchy song but it Expand
  47. Aug 28, 2020
    My review for this Album is 1 bcoz ariana deosnt change since she's in the music industry and this Album doesn't deserve A grammy but only good song is God is a women that's y i give it a 1
  48. Aug 28, 2020
    Another boring and soulless production for maleing money... Sry, but it is absolutely no music for people who loves music with soul.
  49. Aug 28, 2020
    A mi parecer su peor trabajo, las canciones no son las mejores a excepción de algunas, rescato los singles por que las demás solo son relleno me decepciono encontrarme con casi todo parecido. :(
  50. Nov 23, 2020
    Didn't like it, dime a dozen music, will not stand the test of time that quality music does.
  51. Jun 3, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse é o pior álbum que eu já escutei em toda minha vida, sem mais nem menos, so aceitem. pulei praticamente todas as musicas, mais conhecido como bombaçante, fazer oq ne, quando a ariana parar de ficar na mesma, a gente conversa Expand
  52. Aug 17, 2018
    Malisimo. Su peor album en años. Pharrell Williams hizo un pesimo trabajo en esto. Era de esperarse. Todo lo que toca flopea.
  53. Aug 17, 2018
    A heavenly vocal wasted for one of the worst albums of the year. It's like peak Mariah singing Katy's Witness.
  54. Oct 30, 2020
    Deveriam prender quem teve a ideia de criar essa BOMBA, era o pior album da cerreira do Ari, a gora ele ganhou um irmao mais novo
  55. Aug 17, 2018
    Una decepción tras el gran Dangerous Woman. Esperábamos mucho más de lo que finalmente ha sido...
  56. Aug 18, 2018
    pretty tone but that's all she will ever be. this album is her worst. this album is a snooze fest.
  57. Aug 17, 2018
    This album it's so weak, there are some songs that honestly ruined the complete album, I'm so disappointed
  58. Nov 20, 2018
    boring album. every song is so boring and tiring. literally they are basic pop.
    singles from this album are the worst
  59. Aug 19, 2018
    É o pior trabalho que Ariana já fez, eu a amo é super talentosa, três faixas salvam este álbum!
  60. Aug 18, 2018
    Piece of **** This is ZERO, oh nah, THIS IS MINUS ZERO. worst, boring, disgustingly etc, etc.
  61. Aug 18, 2018
    This is a truly mess, the production and lyrics are so weak, there isn't a important message and it's full of forgettable songs. If she wanna change her musical style, Pharrell is no the option
  62. Aug 17, 2018
    i really loved Ariana Grande, But i really can't enjoy the album. Was Literal a full piece of garbage. She Didn't take vocal risks. Every song sounds similar, i was a great fan of her. Bun her fans are so pathetic too, She needs to upgrade for her fifth album, if she doesn't want to end like Iggy Azalea or Meghan Trainor
  63. Jun 11, 2019
    humiliating that this was a comeback album from what supposedly a highly anticipated return from the ponytail girl
  64. Aug 23, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ariana's worst album yet and millions of light years behind Dangerous Woman. Pharrell's production was messy, all over the place and too distinctly him it clouded Ari's personality. I'm an Ari fan but this album is just painful to listen to. And it confuses me how major music review publications are pretending to like it like just knock it off. Say what you want about Max Martin but without the guy and God Is a Woman this album is just a lost cause.

    Love: God Is A Woman, everytime, breathin
    Hate: blazed, the light is coming (truly godawful song), R.E.M, sweetener (ridiculous chorus and Pharrell's vocal backtrack truly makes me cringe), successful (juvenile lyrics), borderline (and honestly what was Missy Elliott's deadpan guest verse about? Had NO personality whatsoever)
    Neutral: raindrops, no tears left to cry, pete davidson, get well soon

    I'm sorry I really tried to like this album but Pharrell needs to keep his hands off mainstream pop. Also to Ari stans, this album, although a brave statement and possibly what Ari has always been wanting to try out musically, is in no way one step further into mainstream for her?! She's getting distracted from fully utilizing her powerful vocals to product pop megahits, and instead is just making lyrically-immature, production-wise messy, generic, forgettable messes. Big NOPE for me.
  65. Aug 31, 2019
    Ariana was trying too hard to become an "icon" and create something new, but the selling number told that it was impossible for her.
  66. Aug 17, 2018
    One of the worst albums of Ariana.This is just so disappointing.Don’t waste your time on this crap...
  67. Aug 25, 2019
    The production and lyrics of this album ain't it. There too much skips and it's definitely Ariana's worst piece of work.
  68. Oct 29, 2022
    Wow. A heartfelt piece of work. Her most heart wrenching album. Ari puts all her feelings into this album.
  69. Aug 17, 2018
    this album is so bad, all the songs sound absolutely the same, her fans believe that the album is art, when it really is not. shame to Ariana(
  70. Aug 17, 2018
    whaaaaattttt a shiit, garbageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  71. Aug 17, 2018
    Arisarna pasando la ella misma, la horrora, bien monotona, 0 innovación y burla de la industria
    Parece un album de trap navideño con voz femenina
  72. Aug 17, 2018
    Her worst album, is the same beat in all the songs, she could do it better the next time
  73. Aug 17, 2018
    I'm really disappointed with this album. Her previous albums such as Dangerous Woman and My Everything were way better. I still respect her as a singer and artist though!
  74. Aug 24, 2018
    After a chaotic string of singles, we get to hear what Grande has been working on for these past two years, and unsurprisingly it’s quite underwhelming. With four studio albums under her belt and five years in the industry, anyone would expect a drastic evolution in terms of artistry but it’s not the case. Then again, Ariana relies on longtime collaborators Max Martin and Savan Kotecha toAfter a chaotic string of singles, we get to hear what Grande has been working on for these past two years, and unsurprisingly it’s quite underwhelming. With four studio albums under her belt and five years in the industry, anyone would expect a drastic evolution in terms of artistry but it’s not the case. Then again, Ariana relies on longtime collaborators Max Martin and Savan Kotecha to take care of the production and composition of quite a few songs from the record, and they’re decent at best. The addition of Pharrell Williams is what makes Sweetener stand out from her other albums, but not in a good way. Ariana is known for her gifted voice, which she doesn’t show off in any song. This makes listeners pay more attention to the production and the lyrics and both are really mediocre. So, this makes us wonder… If Ariana doesn’t show off her voice or her songwriting skills, or any other kind of artistic involvement, then what is she good for? Why is she in the Forefront of this new generation of Pop music? Is a pleasant voice enough to keep her on top of the game? Overall, Sweetener is this year’s pop most painful disappointment and the death of one of our very last hopes for Pop Music to have another Golden era.
    Standout tracks: R.E.M., Everytime
    Worst tracks: The Light Is Coming, Sweetener, Successful
  75. Aug 23, 2019
    The best part of the album was the 40 seconds of silence of the song Get Well Soon.
  76. Aug 17, 2018
    Awful, unenjoyable album. Every Pharrell track has terrible production and lyrics. The Max Martin tracks fare much better but just don't compare to her previous work or similar work from other artists. Lyrics, which have never been a strong point for her, are somehow even worse on this album-laughably bad in many places. The album feels like it has no idea what it's doing and just kind ofAwful, unenjoyable album. Every Pharrell track has terrible production and lyrics. The Max Martin tracks fare much better but just don't compare to her previous work or similar work from other artists. Lyrics, which have never been a strong point for her, are somehow even worse on this album-laughably bad in many places. The album feels like it has no idea what it's doing and just kind of meanders along. It's unpleasant. Even songs with lots of potential fall short due to trend-chasing and hip-hop beats. There are a few pleasant moments, but they are far too short and drowned out by the ugliness of the rest of the album. Expand
  77. Aug 17, 2018
    A mess of an album. Pharrell's production is so horrible it hurts..... Biggest disappointment of 2018.
  78. Aug 17, 2018
    Easily one of the worst albums of 2018. She thought she was doing something but she really didn’t. A huge miss.
  79. Aug 17, 2018
    The hype for this album isnt worth it. Ariana Grande it's a great singer, but she doesn't have an idea how to create a cohesive album. Pharrel's production is wack.
  80. Aug 25, 2018
    sem dúvidas é o trabalho mais diferente da Ariana, ao contrário de seus álbuns anteriores, Sweetener explora outro lado da voz dela, literalmente algo mais "sweet". Grande com este álbum assume riscos em sua carreira ao unir-se com Pharrell Williams que vem de um vasto histórico de canções
  81. Aug 17, 2018
    I'm sorry but what was Ariana thinking? She's been so conceited over this album, and it was downright horrible.
  82. Aug 17, 2018
    Pure trash. The songs produced by Pharrell are all worst songs. She should have a better producer.
  83. Aug 17, 2018
    The album is trash. Dangerous Woman, My Everything and Yours Truly remain unbothered.
  84. Aug 17, 2018
    Im so dissapointed in ariana, this album is just such a mess, i expected so much more, literally i woud listen to any of this songs except breathin giaw and ntlct....such a mess :(
  85. Aug 17, 2018
    pior album da ariana, melodias fracas e letras repetitivas.
    os seus tres ultimos albuns eram melhores.
  86. Aug 17, 2018
    This album is weak,no growth from Ariana,the production is messy and the lyrics are even worse...one of the worst albums this year.
  87. Aug 17, 2018
    This album is the worsest album of 2018. It's so basic and look like if she took it up from the garbage
  88. Aug 17, 2018
    A complete disaster, disorganization and horrible production. One of the worst albums of the year, the ugliest cover of pop history. Songs without rhythm, or beat with men screaming in the background that causes a real headache, I understand she called sweetener. To try to remove the pain it causes ...
  89. Aug 17, 2018
    B U A C K, que album mas asqueroso nunca debio existir por eso y mas Trench >>>>>
  90. Aug 17, 2018
    Revival es todo lo que esta God is a Woman quiso ser y no pudo.
    Selediosa >>>> Arimi3rd4
  91. Aug 17, 2018
    This is a complete piece of sh*t, all its songs are similiar as in all Ariana's albums. It's not something new that Ariana does basic music, bye. :)
  92. Aug 17, 2018
    Askisima, buack, pasando la Sweetener X1989 Es super básico y manco. Todas las canciones suenan igual y las letras estan de la witness, ah, y como todos los albums de Ariana, mas de 3 feats para sobrevivir de colgada, así es. #BuyExpectationsOniTunes
  93. Aug 17, 2018
    Pura ardilla cegada diciendo que es un buen álbum cuando es puro relleno y solo dos o tres canciones se salvan
    Pasando la Sweetener
  94. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana never tires of giving a basic and generic **** We are already used to this type of commercial garbage, but with this album it exceeded expectations. Most of the songs have a pathetic production (you can not expect more from the failure of Pharrell Williams) and the lyrics are the most mediocre you can see. If you thought the light is coming it was disgusting, you will be speechlessAriana never tires of giving a basic and generic **** We are already used to this type of commercial garbage, but with this album it exceeded expectations. Most of the songs have a pathetic production (you can not expect more from the failure of Pharrell Williams) and the lyrics are the most mediocre you can see. If you thought the light is coming it was disgusting, you will be speechless when you hear this complete **** Expand
  95. Aug 17, 2018
    This is the worst album of all time. She is actually over... can you come up with something else? Can she come up with something else? The answer is a big fat no... you tried baby and yet again you failed and proved yourself for the fourth time that you are the worst writer, producer and ex-act of all time, the only thing you have going for you is your vocals and even those are getting onThis is the worst album of all time. She is actually over... can you come up with something else? Can she come up with something else? The answer is a big fat no... you tried baby and yet again you failed and proved yourself for the fourth time that you are the worst writer, producer and ex-act of all time, the only thing you have going for you is your vocals and even those are getting on the rough side if I am hearing correctly... which I am since I went the doctors... NTLTC the only serve but I have to skip half the song to get to the part I like... thank you. Expand
  96. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esta es la peor cagada que he escuchado en todo el año (después de Queen de Mierdaj). Definitivamente Arimierda no se cansa de dar pura mierda basica. Vamanaz de esta pete davidson.
    PD: Selena >>>>>>>>> mierdariana
  97. Aug 17, 2018
  98. Aug 17, 2018
    the album is a huge disappointed uncreative repetitive and weak , this is not the Ariana music we used to get 3/10
  99. Aug 17, 2018
    Asco, ella misma se mato, le llego su Witness, pasando la Sweetener, las ardillas estan todas calladitas
  100. Aug 17, 2018
    Her worst album, all of the songs sound the same, no artistic growth whatsoever.

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Aug 31, 2018
    Grande’s new sound, the Williams-produced Not-Bangers, only make up half of the album. These standout tracks are interspersed between standard pop tracks. ... That’s not to say that the Bangers on Sweetener are bad--it’s more that they belong in previous era of Grande and they spoil the flow between songs. Sweetener may not be the dawning of a new age for Ariana but it could be a step towards somewhere weird and wonderful.
  2. Aug 29, 2018
    Ms. Grande backs up her statements with song-and-dance mastery. ... She’s her own choir, support group and posse. While a few guest vocalists (Mr. Williams, Nicki Minaj, Missy Elliott) provide a little grit for contrast, Ms. Grande sails above any fray, past or present. Her aplomb is her triumph.
  3. Aug 28, 2018
    An album that coheres in a way other Ariana Grande albums don't, which means Sweetener is something of a double triumph: she's come through a tough time stronger and better than before.