• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Oct 14, 2014

Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
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  1. Nov 20, 2014
    Ultimately, Sweet Talker falls short of pop glory.
  2. Oct 21, 2014
    She still packs too many showboating notes into each songs. But she’s also finding a unique vulnerability on ballads like Loud, where she effectively confronts the haters with her humanity.
  3. Oct 21, 2014
    Jessie's at her best when she's having fun. She just doesn't have enough of it here.
  4. Oct 15, 2014
    Nearly every song on Sweet Talker was constructed by a team of co-writers, a level of sonic micromanagement that stifles the music’s direction rather than improves it.
  5. Oct 14, 2014
    There's barely a narrative other than posturing. It's not really an album, more a relentless ad campaign.
  6. Oct 13, 2014
    This might finally break Jessie J stateside, but by trying to be all things to all people, the soul is drained out of it.
  7. Oct 13, 2014
    While Sweet Talker's lack of a clear artistic voice makes it wildly uneven, it just might be loud enough to regain American listeners' attention.
  8. Oct 13, 2014
    As these 12 tracks go by, the quirks that made Jessie J’s previous albums notable have been replaced by the hugeness of failsafe producers; and she has taken a step back from the songwriting.
  9. 75
    Sweet may not be her best release, but her attitude is so much looser this time around that even the filler gets elevated.
  10. Oct 9, 2014
    Unfortunately, after that impressive opening salvo ["Bang Bang"], the album largely relapses on tired MOR pop.
  11. Oct 9, 2014
    Your enjoyment will hinge on how you feel about the strained earnestness of her delivery--it’s notable that the best moments come when she uncouples herself from it and just sings for the joy of it, as on the brilliant, fizzy pop banger Bang Bang, a deserved No 1 this summer.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 163 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 76 out of 163
  2. Negative: 63 out of 163
  1. Oct 15, 2014
    What should I say about this album? This is just good for her fans. That is just the good side, because if her tried to catch new fans withWhat should I say about this album? This is just good for her fans. That is just the good side, because if her tried to catch new fans with this comercial album, she's wrong.

    For → ME ←, "Masterpiece", "Sweet Talker" and "You Really Don't Know Me" are the only tracks that save all the album.

    Jessie J died in "Who You Are".
    Full Review »
  2. Nov 21, 2014
    one thing's for sure, there is absolutely no one on this planet who can 'sweet talk' me into even admiring this work. To my eye's, its simplyone thing's for sure, there is absolutely no one on this planet who can 'sweet talk' me into even admiring this work. To my eye's, its simply cheap, annoying pop music released so soon after its predecessor for little else probably than marketing purposes, public demand. I see no true musical creativity here. My opinion only. Full Review »
  3. Oct 15, 2014
    Jessie J morreu em "Who You Are"..... Isso é tudo o que tenho a falar. Arriscar o comércio e perder a qualidade? Que coisa feia de se fazer,Jessie J morreu em "Who You Are"..... Isso é tudo o que tenho a falar. Arriscar o comércio e perder a qualidade? Que coisa feia de se fazer, Jessie J... Decepcionada contigo. Full Review »