• Record Label: Fat Cat
  • Release Date: Jun 1, 2004
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 106 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 98 out of 106
  2. Negative: 3 out of 106

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  1. Mar 1, 2019
    This album gives me feelings that I am unable to put into words.
    Favorites: Leaf House, Who Could Win a Rabbit, Winters Love, Kids on Holiday, Sweet Road, Visiting Friends, College, We Tigers, Whaddit I Done
    Least Favorites: The Softest Voice, Good Lovin' Outside
  2. Dec 26, 2013
    For anyone who has never listened to any Animal Collective except for Merriweather Post Pavillon and/or Centipede Hz, be prepared for the fact that this album is vastly different from those two. Sung Tongs is a strange and experimental folk album that contains little to none of the electronic-style that characterizes these two albums. That said, it goes from freaky to beautiful sometimesFor anyone who has never listened to any Animal Collective except for Merriweather Post Pavillon and/or Centipede Hz, be prepared for the fact that this album is vastly different from those two. Sung Tongs is a strange and experimental folk album that contains little to none of the electronic-style that characterizes these two albums. That said, it goes from freaky to beautiful sometimes within the same song, and while a few of its tracks drag a little too long, it still stands as a great album by a great band. Expand
  3. Sep 10, 2012
    This album is going on a decade in age and it's one of the epitomes of the limits that can be done with the structure of sound. When I am in the mood for it, there is nothing that can take it's place. I'm in love with the album.
  4. Oct 8, 2010
    I miss the acoustic guitars. This was the first Animal Collective album I ever heard, by the time Leaf House ended my mind was thoroughly blown to the back of the room. It was, for a long time, my favorite record ever made. There's a really great, driving energy to this album, even in the most ambient and freeform moments. Winter's Love is probably one of the best songs they've everI miss the acoustic guitars. This was the first Animal Collective album I ever heard, by the time Leaf House ended my mind was thoroughly blown to the back of the room. It was, for a long time, my favorite record ever made. There's a really great, driving energy to this album, even in the most ambient and freeform moments. Winter's Love is probably one of the best songs they've ever written. Might not be the best starting place for a new fan but it's definitely one of their best. Expand
  5. JustinB.
    Sep 25, 2007
    This band goes from one end of the spectrum to other all within one album.
  6. EricC.
    Sep 14, 2007
    More accessible than their earlier stuff, not so much as Feels, which is why a lot of people prefer that album. But it further cements Animal Collective as the most talented and fun experimental band around. It can be hard to listen to at times, but hearing every trick Avey and Panda have up their sleeves is wild. The low scores show why they can't become very mainstream, but anyone More accessible than their earlier stuff, not so much as Feels, which is why a lot of people prefer that album. But it further cements Animal Collective as the most talented and fun experimental band around. It can be hard to listen to at times, but hearing every trick Avey and Panda have up their sleeves is wild. The low scores show why they can't become very mainstream, but anyone who gives them the time to fully digest each song will become a diehard fan. Expand
  7. Giulia
    Aug 9, 2007
    To me, a record that can create the most charming atmospheres you can dream, natural and post modern, everything. It's wonderful.
  8. [Anonymous]
    Mar 4, 2007
    Starts out great, but the second half kind of loses it, with the exception of "We Tigers". Still a great album, but get Feels. It's much better.
  9. pookiebears
    Feb 14, 2007
    To give this record a 2 shows utter contempt for good music. Not as good as Feels, but still an incredible, life-affirming record. Go get it.
  10. TonyF
    Jul 13, 2006
    my favorite collective album, blew me away when i first heard it and still gets me going whenever I put it on. It's truly unique and a step forward for music experimentation.
  11. MattM
    May 24, 2006
    i played some of this to a kid i know that has autism/slight schizophrenic - i didnt even realize he was listening to it... and after the end of the one of the songs he startled me (not even knowing he was in the room) by saying, "this is some special stuff, i dont know what it is, but its too special for me." I'll never forget that and it makes me think about the underlying chaos i played some of this to a kid i know that has autism/slight schizophrenic - i didnt even realize he was listening to it... and after the end of the one of the songs he startled me (not even knowing he was in the room) by saying, "this is some special stuff, i dont know what it is, but its too special for me." I'll never forget that and it makes me think about the underlying chaos and insanity underneath every obscured pop hook and the coos and yelps of wood sprites dancing deep in the forest, just barely audible. Expand
  12. BrendanP
    Mar 2, 2006
    Besides novelty and strangeness, I don't anything redeemable here. A lack of melody and music; the instrumental playing is weak and unimaginative. Maybe I don't do enough drugs. Try Akron/Family for a talented version.
  13. AlanC
    Feb 24, 2006
    the entire planet, from time to time, is wrong.
  14. Dustinb
    Oct 26, 2005
    In the age of MP3s and playlists, I feel it is justifiable to rate an album based only on its good tracks. Buy the album. Immediately delete tracks 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12. You are left with the best, most fun, and certainly the most innovative 6 songs released in 2004.
  15. Elliott
    Sep 3, 2005
    I just have to say that I sincerely love ALL 12 minutes of "Visiting Friends." With headphones on, it gives me the chills...yes, for 12 minutes. I do think the last three songs fail to quite match up to the rest of the album, but this is a winner for sure. One of the best of 2004, without a doubt.
  16. Nick
    Aug 30, 2005
    Leaf House may be the best song ever written. Beside that this album evokes all that I love from music. Wholly unique and completely infactuating.
  17. Sean
    Aug 26, 2005
    "keep your heroin away from my eardrums". Yeah. 10.
  18. kylea
    May 9, 2005
    I absolutely despise these two and everything they stand for. Pretentious art creeps. Go do your heroin away from my eardrums.
  19. neale
    Feb 25, 2005
    best thing i've stumbled upon in a while.....
  20. RyanC
    Feb 22, 2005
    The thing is, if 'Who could win a rabbit' was played on the streets just once a day, there would be world peace and eternal love and happiness. I fully believe there is life here that is essential to all of us
  21. Paul
    Jan 13, 2005
    At first, the weirdness of this album made me not like it, but something about this album makes me want to listen to it over and over. I can't have it out of my CD player for more than a day before the urge to listen to it comes again. Very innovative music. It's a cross between folk, indie, electronic with a definite flare for the unusual...
  22. Jojo
    Dec 1, 2004
    I give it a 10 based solely in relation to other 2004 releases. This is the album of the year, for sure.
  23. Arf
    Oct 17, 2004
    If you don't own this album, yr nothin'. Plain + simple.
  24. MarkO
    Oct 15, 2004
    Could be the best album of the year. Even the seemingly less focused parts deserve praise upon repeated listenings. FYI - they have an incredible live show you gotta see!
  25. RobH
    Aug 27, 2004
    Amazing, the work is genius, the fresh sounds, that create this amazing atmosphere consume you. I drive around and look outside while I listen to this, and I feel like I'm hovering with invisibility and nobody can see me, because it's like a movie. It's a certain a psychedelic high, it's dazzling. This is like nothing I've ever heard, even compared to the pervious Amazing, the work is genius, the fresh sounds, that create this amazing atmosphere consume you. I drive around and look outside while I listen to this, and I feel like I'm hovering with invisibility and nobody can see me, because it's like a movie. It's a certain a psychedelic high, it's dazzling. This is like nothing I've ever heard, even compared to the pervious "Here Comes The Indian", there's something in "Sung Tongs" the makes you feel more uplifted, and cheerful. I love this Album. Expand
  26. BenjaminBunny
    Aug 1, 2004
    This record haunts my dreams.
  27. wackyman
    Aug 1, 2004
    I'm giving it a six now, because I think the impact of the album still has to work on me I guess, dunno if it's going to be positive or negative, this record pushes you to listen to music in a whole new direction, it is certainly anti-conform in many ways, I just have to figure out if I like it or not after a few listens
  28. JM
    Jul 15, 2004
    Animal Collective have made a terrific album with 'Sung Tongs'. It definitely has hooks, but isn't for your average listener who would rather hear mundane sounds and predictability. In other words, this is a great record if you are open to original ways of exploring old ideas.
  29. AsiaZ
    Jul 6, 2004
    Yes, I enjoy music that is centered around the idea of music as an art, but no, I am not a big fan of this record. I agree with a review below that says "listen before you buy this." That is exaactly the way to sum this up. This record is defiantly original, but not my bag of tea.
  30. michardr
    Jun 24, 2004

Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. While some may scoff at the gentler side of the Animal Collective (especially when contrasted with the fully electric assault of last year's studio release), Sung Tongs easily stands alone as a crowning achievement in their eclectic discography, one that finds the group fully in control of their musical prowess and all the better for it.
  2. Stunning and dizzying, Sung Tongs’ strangeness will spin around your head for months to come.
  3. Filter
    As simple as the instrumentation is on the album... they use it to maximum effect. [#11, p.98]