• Record Label: Epitaph
  • Release Date: Oct 21, 2003

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. In a way, the tinny sound and half-finished feel makes it seem more touching and direct than the final result might otherwise have been.
  2. Uncut
    Streetcore negotiates a resolution between the ethnocentric beats that hallmarked the two previous Mescaleros albums and the classic Clash sound that remained pivotal to Joe's live performances. [Nov 2003, p.110]
  3. While the record fails at living up to the hyperbolic critical proclamations of London Calling's second coming, it does make for a pretty decent, if somewhat unexpected, sweat-soaked finale for The Clash's legendary golden boy.
  4. 100
    This is one of the best rock & roll albums of 2003, and truly the finest, most cohesive work he did after London Calling.
  5. Strummer's best solo effort and one of the best rock records of the year.
  6. Q Magazine
    Splits evenly into out-and-out rockers and downhome folk. [Nov 2003, p.123]
  7. It has so many promising moments, so few -- and I would say hardly any -- flaws, that I just can't help but think, "what if he saw it through?"
  8. Spin
    Just as messy as the Mescaleros' first two stabs at relevance. [Jan 2004, p.102]
  9. Blender
    Without much international color or guest flourish. [Nov 2003, p.122]
  10. The 'world-music' excursions of the previous 'Global - A Go Go' album are less in evidence and 'Streetcore' is a sharper, leaner collection for it.
  11. 'Streetcore' shows he was still producing vital music to the end.
  12. His best work since the Clash's London Calling.
  13. Entertainment Weekly
    Just the sort of punky reggae party he was born to throw. [24 Oct 2003, p.106]
  14. Alternative Press
    Mescaleros Martin Slattery and Scott Shields have yielded a remarkably cohesive set of songs with arrangements that Strummer would have approved of. [Dec 2003, p.135]
  15. His singing is a bit improved and the playing throughout is heartfelt and strong.
  16. Mojo
    Streetcore is an amalgam of all that made Joe Strummer, the musician and the man, so great. [Nov 2003, p.131]
  17. Magnet
    An unnervingly powerful, cathartic final statement. [#61, p.107]
  18. Streetcore continues the band's lightly amplified muscular-acoustic sound.
  19. Streetcore isn't exactly London Calling, but with his sweet, ragged voice sounding as strident as ever, Strummer improves on such hit-and-miss affairs as 1999's Rock Art and the X-Ray Style.
  20. One of the best albums of 2003, one of his best albums post-Clash, and as the highest note Joe Strummer could have exited on.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 16
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 16
  3. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. LynnG
    Oct 7, 2007
    Joe went down with the last eerie words on this album "That's a take." And he was gone, just like that. Joe Strummer's great hero Joe went down with the last eerie words on this album "That's a take." And he was gone, just like that. Joe Strummer's great hero was Johnny Cash. And as in Joe's own tribute to Cash,"He cast a long shadow on the ground. Joe never forgot his core values, the downtrodden he was fighting for--he was a gentle and compassionate warrior. And if this album is any thing judge from, he went out at the height of his genius. R.I.P. Joe, we love you. Full Review »
  2. GuidovanEs
    Jun 30, 2007
    I listen to it now and it fills my ears with pure joy every time :)
  3. LawrenceP
    Feb 5, 2005
    Thanks for all the good music...Joe Strummer is the only musican that changed the way i lived my life.