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Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Mar 14, 2023
    This is my favorite margo album so far. And a great year to start off the country music year. I like the songs "radio" and "change of heart." They are my "C" grade level songs. "Time machine" is B level to me, but can certainly rise cause i still listen to it. Radio is just a shock, and change of heart sound remind me of "4 years of chances" from her frist album and it too can still rise.This is my favorite margo album so far. And a great year to start off the country music year. I like the songs "radio" and "change of heart." They are my "C" grade level songs. "Time machine" is B level to me, but can certainly rise cause i still listen to it. Radio is just a shock, and change of heart sound remind me of "4 years of chances" from her frist album and it too can still rise. These 3 songs are good but they aren't anything Margo haven't done before or better. Even from her first album I felt she had a chance to be specail but I never thought her writing would reach the level is it on the "big four" I call them, all A level and rising to all time classics in my book: "Hell in the heartland," "county road," "lydia" and landfill." i'm not sure what make of "Been to the Mountain" yet. I hope she keep improving and I'm willing to bet this is going to be a top 5 album of the year by the end of it, which me i'm hoping for a grammy nomination but i don't know how the billboard sale count is going to effect that but this is close to a classic for me, at the very least it has classic songs on it. Collapse

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Jan 20, 2023
    Even if the record had been inevitable, it didn’t have to be so engaging; fortunately, it is.
  2. Jan 17, 2023
    Strays becomes a more consistently enjoyable experience as the album progresses. If there’s a sense in the album’s first four tracks that Price felt pressure to write an obvious radio hit, on the remainder of the album she tunes out outside pressures and luxuriates in the space she has carved out for herself; subverting sonic expectations, rewarding listener patience, and penning affecting character studies and vignettes.
  3. 80
    Price breaks down any barriers left around her on this record to great appeal. In just 10 songs, she manages to tell a lifetime of stories that are captivating from start to finish.