• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Oct 23, 2015
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 167 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 58 out of 167
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  1. Oct 23, 2015
    “Storyteller” is lackluster and a little too forgettable with no stand out hit songs on this album. Storyteller is Underwood’s fifth studio album and her lead single “Smoke Break,” is her worst selling lead single to date with just over 200K sold. That is dismal when you consider Carrie use to easily get 1 and sometimes 2 million sold from her songs.
  2. Oct 23, 2015
    Wow, this is Carrie at her finest! Her best album to date. She teamed up with two new producers and it paid of! So many good and strong songs. Beautiful written. So co-writing half of the album consider it a job well done!
  3. Dec 18, 2015
    I've listened several times trying to like this album. I don't. I really love Carrie's voice and have purchased several of her songs. However, I won't from this one. They don't appeal to me at all. I wish she would use other types of songs and other song writers.
  4. Nov 8, 2018
    This isn’t even music. It’s an over produced slug fest of the most cliche sickening elements of country music. No wonder her sales get worse and worse.
  5. Nov 8, 2018
    Another terrible album by Carrie. She is one of the worst songwriters. She should stick to singing. She can’t write and she really can’t act. Embarrassment to country music.
  6. Nov 8, 2018
    Yawn. Does she ever sing with real emotion? No. She’s a faux artist. There are no good songs on this dreadful album.
  7. Oct 26, 2015
    Some people don't need anything but to wiggle their butt and occasionally feel sad when it comes to music (see Entertainment Weekly review) and thats ok. I get that. We all like music, movies, etc that is the equivalent of junkfood. Where it ends is where the talk about being authentic begins. You won't find authenticity here. This is a karaoke contest winner who has music execs, who wroteSome people don't need anything but to wiggle their butt and occasionally feel sad when it comes to music (see Entertainment Weekly review) and thats ok. I get that. We all like music, movies, etc that is the equivalent of junkfood. Where it ends is where the talk about being authentic begins. You won't find authenticity here. This is a karaoke contest winner who has music execs, who wrote the book on country songs for your untalented star, create the shells for her, then simply filled in with vapid, corny lyrics. She has vocal range, sure, but about as much as less attractive, actual songwriters with real perspective that don't have a river of corporate money drowning the competition. So, by all means, dance around the room, belt it out in the shower, but folks, it's not real country. It's a safe, irrelevant copy of hundreds of pop stars that came before who now have tracks on the "Oh man, what a jerky decade" compilation CD. Expand
  8. Oct 23, 2015
    Carrie gave us her best album to date. The stories on this album are full of emotions. Besides, her voice have never been used better and the production never fails.
  9. Oct 23, 2015
    Don't listen to those negative reviews. It's all probably just one person trying to hate on Carrie. That person obviously has too much time on his/her hands. Anyway, this album blew me away. I felt on top of this world listening to this album and I love every single song. Her lyrics and vocals have improved tremendously. This is Carrie's best album of her career so far!
  10. Oct 23, 2015
    Storyteller is Underwood's greatest piece to date, hands down. Starts off strong with Renegade Runaway and finishes perfectly with her most personal track of her career with What I Never Knew I Always Wanted. This album left me wanting more - AMAZING.
  11. Oct 23, 2015
    I've watched Carrie mature from the awkward "farmbot" at her AI audition to the polished performer she is today and Story Teller is the culmination of everything she has thus far achieved in her ten year career. Excellent album...5 stars.
  12. Oct 23, 2015
    A must buy! Great to have Carrie back. This is her best album to date. Vocals once again spot on. She has ventured out of her comfort zone and it has paid off. This album will bring at least 5 #1 singles.
  13. Oct 23, 2015
    Storyteller is definitely carrie's best album released to date. The melody, lyrics, phrasing, vocal and style is a complete perfect combo and you won't regret listening to it! With 13 chapters of story inside, you can get anything you want from uptempo country rock to sassy with attitude or soft and tender love song! God bless and thank you carrie!
  14. Oct 23, 2015
    The best album Carrie released. Choctaw County Affair is so different that it should be a single even though it is a bold move. Heartbeat (wz Sam Hunt), What I Never Knew I Always Wanted, The Girl You Think I Am, Like I'll Never Love You Again are beautiful love songs. Renegade Runaway, Dirty Laundry, Mexico, Church Bells are great and will be even better live. Clocks Don't Stop might workThe best album Carrie released. Choctaw County Affair is so different that it should be a single even though it is a bold move. Heartbeat (wz Sam Hunt), What I Never Knew I Always Wanted, The Girl You Think I Am, Like I'll Never Love You Again are beautiful love songs. Renegade Runaway, Dirty Laundry, Mexico, Church Bells are great and will be even better live. Clocks Don't Stop might work more for pop radio. Don't judge the quality of an album because of sales. This is Carrie doing her best album yet and it stands as one of the best albums of the year. Expand
  15. Oct 23, 2015
    This is Carrie's best album to date. the songs are cohesive and the experimentation on the production, content and the musical progression are just awesome. There are no filler songs too since every song can stand on its own, as reflected by the fact that people have different favorites. I love Choctaw Country Affair, Relapse, Heartbeat, Smoke Break, Church Bells, Chaser.... I love all the songs.
  16. Oct 23, 2015
    This album is such a different approach for Carrie...and that's a GOOD thing. Every song is at the minimum very good, and the production is flawless on each. It'll be difficult to pick the best radio singles because there are at least 7 songs that I can see doing well on radio. Great effort from Carrie, and it was worth the 3.5 year wait.
  17. Oct 23, 2015
    This album is revolutionary not only for Carrie Underwood, but country music in general. This album marks a pivotal point in Mrs. Underwood's career, as her sound takes on a new, exciting direction and her lyrics evolve and tell the most captivating stories. If you're looking for filler tracks, you won't find them here. This will be a record that will be praised and remembered years from now.
  18. Oct 23, 2015
    Absolutely the best album of Carrie Underwood's career. Everything about it is amazing, she did a remarkable job. Awesome production, great melodies, inspiring and crafty lyrics. A joy to listen to.
  19. Oct 23, 2015
    This album may be TOO good for these times in music. There is not a single song I dislike, and that's saying something because I'm a picky person and I've always had a few songs I dislike on her previous albums. If I could give this more than 10/10 I would. Everything from the production to the lyrics are amazing and game-changing.
  20. Oct 23, 2015
    Hands down, Storyteller is Carrie's most diverse and adventurous album yet. With a ten-year career as consistent as Carrie's, it makes sense that her first LP heading in to her second decade as an entertainer would combine all the positive attributes of her previous four records. It's grandiose and dramatic like 2012's Blown Away. It's equal parts anthemic and tender like 2009's Play On.Hands down, Storyteller is Carrie's most diverse and adventurous album yet. With a ten-year career as consistent as Carrie's, it makes sense that her first LP heading in to her second decade as an entertainer would combine all the positive attributes of her previous four records. It's grandiose and dramatic like 2012's Blown Away. It's equal parts anthemic and tender like 2009's Play On. It's contemporary, yet rooted in core country like 2007's Carnival Ride. Finally, it's got massive mass appeal similar to 2005's 8x platinum selling Some Hearts, Carrie's debut.
    Carrie took a chance by collaborating with two new producers on her latest - Zac Crowell of Sam Hunt's Montevallo and Jay Joyce, frequent producer of country heavyweights like Little Big Town and Eric Church. It's clear this gamble has reaped incredible dividends because the new sounds have given Carrie a new lease to explore her musicality even further. Known for being a bad boy-basher, a faith proclaimer, and sometimes a murderer (in her music), Carrie can now add a bad girl-basher (Renegade Runaway), a daddy's girl (The Girl You Think I Am), a fugitive (Mexico, Choctaw County Affair), and best of all, a wife and new mom (What I Never Knew I Always Wanted). These new layers of character will expose Carrie to new fans and provide a wealth of new songwriting and performing abilities in the future.
    Speaking of growth, Carrie's voice ventures to new heights, even if she doesn't belt as much as she used to. The tenderness she emotes, the creative runs she employs, and cries she belts and better than ever, proof that years of experience and a natural born talent are a recipe for success.
    Carrie has kicked off Decade #2 with a bang. A big one.
  21. Oct 23, 2015
    Wow this album is fantastic! This is Carrie best album she has put out by miles. She only gets better each album. There is not one song that I would skip.
  22. Oct 23, 2015
    Exquisitely crafted, brilliantly executed. Calling the production flawless is saying too little. Calling the lyrics elegantly interwoven is saying too little. Calling the vocals unmistakably audacious is saying too little. Calling this album the best work of Carrie's career is not saying enough.
  23. Oct 24, 2015
    What a dynamic album. There is two parts to this album, with an intermission love song sung right between them. The 1-2-3 punch of the opening three songs is enough to make you yearn for more. Then the second half of the album starts, and you are reminded of what made you stick around for the encore. The songs are so different, yet fit perfectly together under the idea of "Storytelling".What a dynamic album. There is two parts to this album, with an intermission love song sung right between them. The 1-2-3 punch of the opening three songs is enough to make you yearn for more. Then the second half of the album starts, and you are reminded of what made you stick around for the encore. The songs are so different, yet fit perfectly together under the idea of "Storytelling". This is Carrie's best piece of work to date, and will be a fan favorite for years to come. Expand
  24. Oct 23, 2015
    This is obviously Carrie's weakest album to date .... Ms. Underwood is still preoccupied with power, not texture or finesse. She largely picks songs that serve as launch platforms for her ballistic-missile screaming sometimes voice, but they don’t cohere into an album.
  25. Oct 23, 2015
    Of all the albums Carrie has made so far. This is her worst album to date. There is not 1 hit song on this album I am sorry to say and I expected. ( I was hoping for much better )
  26. Oct 23, 2015
    Storyteller was a waste of my time. I want the old Carrie Underwood back. These new songs were just cookie cutter garbage. Carrie should have taken more time and made a better album.
  27. Oct 23, 2015
    This album is Carrie Underwoods best yet. She has grown better each album. Her vocals are outstanding. Looking forward to watching and hearing her in the years to come.
  28. Oct 23, 2015
    This album is hands down her best EVER.

    Every song has its strong individuality. Some songs such as Renegade Runaway, Church Bells, Chaser and Relapse are smashes. Choctaw County Affair is perfect.
    She manages to give them life with her incredible voice.

    So excited for this album!
  29. Oct 23, 2015
    Why does Carrie have to scream every song she sings now? This album lacks a hit country song and sounds more like a Broadway play then a country album.
  30. Oct 23, 2015
    This is Carrie worst album ever. She sings with no emotion and the songs themselves are just weak. Carrie played it too safe if you ask me and did not try to evolve her music style.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Nov 18, 2015
    Carrie’s never been in better voice, but a little more control in the production would have served her well.
  2. Nov 3, 2015
    That’s Storyteller as a whole: expertly arranged, dense without overwhelming the force of its captain.
  3. Oct 23, 2015
    As with much high-gloss, high-compression pop, the heavy-handed production gets fatiguing after a while, even when Underwood transcends it (see the corny yet undeniable letter to Daddy "The Girl You Think I Am").