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Generally favorable reviews- based on 91 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 57 out of 91
  2. Negative: 29 out of 91
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  1. Jul 15, 2015
    "Well I'm talkin bout the Midnight Gambler!...the one who closes the bedroom door!"

    By far the best Stones album and, incidentally, the only album where Warhol was involved; the famous Lips were/are erroneously credited to him. If you own the vinyl from the 70's, it has a working zipper, and is the version I recommend buying; with that being said, this version is fantastic and is
    "Well I'm talkin bout the Midnight Gambler!...the one who closes the bedroom door!"

    By far the best Stones album and, incidentally, the only album where Warhol was involved; the famous Lips were/are erroneously credited to him. If you own the vinyl from the 70's, it has a working zipper, and is the version I recommend buying; with that being said, this version is fantastic and is available on Spotify, iTunes, all the other new fangled services out there. In it, you'll be treated to, again, the Best Stones Album (TM), plus a pretty amazing live performance at Leeds College AND outtakes, demos, and the rest. So should the casual fan buy this? Um, no. It's *way* too much, if you just want to hear the album, which again, go by the 70's vinyl at a record store for $5. But if you love the album already, you should own this because it's basically a party in a bottle.
  2. Aug 30, 2015
    It pains me to give this album a 5. The music itself is a 10, but the sound quality on this reissue is horrible. The mix is awful and it is compressed. If you can find the old Virgin reissues from the early 90's pick that up.

    I guess the Stones do not care about the quality of these reissues as they have all been lackluster. It is a pity because their body of work is among the best
    It pains me to give this album a 5. The music itself is a 10, but the sound quality on this reissue is horrible. The mix is awful and it is compressed. If you can find the old Virgin reissues from the early 90's pick that up.

    I guess the Stones do not care about the quality of these reissues as they have all been lackluster. It is a pity because their body of work is among the best in the history of Rock and Roll.
  3. Sep 29, 2016
    "Well I'm talkin bout the Midnight Gambler!...the one who closes the bedroom door!" BUT I LIKE it soso much, ai love this song and te but iver not i kinds
  4. Dec 29, 2017
    It is unimaginable that this, probably the most versatile and arguably the best Rolling Stones album of all time, is treated as garbage by the User community here. That it fully justifies the 100 or whatever high rating you get depending on how you get there, this is one of the few greatest albums of all time by any artist. Together with the much maligned Exile on Mainstreet and theIt is unimaginable that this, probably the most versatile and arguably the best Rolling Stones album of all time, is treated as garbage by the User community here. That it fully justifies the 100 or whatever high rating you get depending on how you get there, this is one of the few greatest albums of all time by any artist. Together with the much maligned Exile on Mainstreet and the underrated Tattoo You, whose Heaven is perhaps one of the top five Rolling Stones songs of all-time, this album shows why and how the Beatles were bested by the best rock and roll group of all-time. From country to hard blues to hard rock, the melodies are broader and more lasting than any album but Sergeant Pepper's and the White Album, and certainly without peer. Strange as it may be, Led Zeppelin is perhaps the best-selling band. But its fans just do not know what they are missing. Cliff Potter, Potter Group Expand
  5. Jul 12, 2018
    The album is very good, old, good and raw rock n' roll with tasteful pinch of blues, this it has no doubt. The extra material is very interesting, bringing album versions really different of the ones was released on album. The live songs are excellent Stones' songs and it got a lot of band's energy in stage. A REALLY extra material, not only waste-of-time and money with obvious same musicsThe album is very good, old, good and raw rock n' roll with tasteful pinch of blues, this it has no doubt. The extra material is very interesting, bringing album versions really different of the ones was released on album. The live songs are excellent Stones' songs and it got a lot of band's energy in stage. A REALLY extra material, not only waste-of-time and money with obvious same musics of every-time. Worthwhile. Expand
  6. Apr 1, 2017
    Stones Album Review-Sticky Fingers
    Ok, I admit that the Stones have always been my favorite rock band. My love affair with them lasted from Out of our Heads all the way up to Some Girls. From there it is hit and miss but I digress. We are discussing Sticky Fingers.
    We start off with Brown Sugar a rocking and dirty song that is one of their greatest hits. More importantly, what would
    Stones Album Review-Sticky Fingers
    Ok, I admit that the Stones have always been my favorite rock band. My love affair with them lasted from Out of our Heads all the way up to Some Girls. From there it is hit and miss but I digress. We are discussing Sticky Fingers.
    We start off with Brown Sugar a rocking and dirty song that is one of their greatest hits. More importantly, what would you expect from them. The band, for the most part, were mired in drugs and all sorts of debauchery. They wrote what they knew about and had experienced. I imagine their trips to Chicago and other areas where Blues legends played in bars, gave the Stones an opportunity to learn a thing or two about Afro-American history/culture. Mixing in some stabs at the establishment and the continuing uptightness about inter-racial relationships. All in all it says a lot or it can say very little.
    Sway-cut two side one. Wow, a missed gem, spectacular in the mix, with great drumming by Charlie, and of course Taylor’s nice solo at the end. I mean have any of you not had that demon eye that’s got you in its sway? And has anyone of you not experienced redemption with a smile from someone lying next to you and pushed that demon eye away.
    Wild Horses-hmmmm this can swing both ways. Is it too sentimental, is it trite or is it a weary, drug ravaged band seeking to find a place to finally rest for a bit of time…until they get up and do it again. I think of Nellcote and the debauchery, drug abuse, and general insanity. Let’s not forget that the police were on their back in France too. So they had to boogey. A good one and Mick’s singing is clear and impassioned.
    Can’t You Hear me Knocking-this is a throw away. I hate this song.
    **** cares what he says in this one….its the music that rocks and keeps the feet tapping.
    You gotta move and I got the blues are them paying homage to those they respected/learned about music.
    Now we get to some real meat….Sister Morphine (ah sweet cousin cocaine) and the great hypnotic guitar play. Excellent and ahead of its time in its depiction of the troubles that accompany drug abuse.
    Dead Flowers, one of my all time favorite Stones cuts….how can a person deny that this is them….you’ll find me in my basement room…with a needle and a spoon…and another girl to take my pain away…..oh how many did they capture and lose before they finally got the ones they wanted….and there were plenty of needles and spoons with the band at this time….and roses on the grave!!!
    Moonlight mile-beautiful stirring and again the draining exhaustion of that rock and roll life…”when the wind blows and the rain feels cold…with a head full of snow…with a head full of snow…the sound of strangers sending nothing to my mind….just another mad mad day on the road….I am just living to be dying by your side…..”so, IMHO, all this song does is sum up what this whole album is about…weariness, drugs, loneliness, and just want to be home with the one I love…..and it closes the album….
    Unfortunately, for them, this period of settling down would not come and only get more intense as they became Exiles from All of Anywhere…..

Universal acclaim - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Q Magazine
    Jul 17, 2015
    The world's finest rock'n'roll combo. [Jul 2015, p.119]
  2. Jul 8, 2015
    The revelatory stuff is contextual.... One of the greatest rock records ever.
  3. Jun 25, 2015
    Finally, a deluxe version of their 1971 masterpiece Sticky Fingers that includes a bounty of concurrent outtakes and live material, along with a companion DVD/CD release of a live-for-TV performance.... [Sticky Fingers itself] is indisputably one of the greatest albums of 1970s, if not the entire the rock era. The end.