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Generally favorable reviews- based on 161 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 23 out of 161
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  1. Sep 10, 2021
    hey queen! girl you have done it again. constantly raising the bar for us all and doing it flawlessly. i’d say i’m surprised but i know who you are. i’ve seen it up close and personal. girl you make me so proud.
  2. Sep 10, 2021
    I have always been intrigued by Kacey Musgraves. She was penning songs for other stars before breaking out in her own path. Always top notch song writing that paints an incredible vision. I find her originally more of a country bent but now she is moving in a different direction. Justified is a great example on this album. A winner!
  3. Sep 10, 2021
    Kacey's new album is cohesive yet adventurous, restrained yet compelling and idiosyncratic yet ambiguous and relatable. It is also a grower so give it time.
  4. Sep 27, 2021
    I was pleasantly surprised that this follow up record could grab my attention just as much as "Golden Hour" did. Kacey has this ability to write songs that speak to a person no matter the age, sex, color, or background. "Golden Hour" was her falling in love and "Star-Crossed" is her falling out out love & the collapse of her marriage. Every song on this record is personal & amazinglyI was pleasantly surprised that this follow up record could grab my attention just as much as "Golden Hour" did. Kacey has this ability to write songs that speak to a person no matter the age, sex, color, or background. "Golden Hour" was her falling in love and "Star-Crossed" is her falling out out love & the collapse of her marriage. Every song on this record is personal & amazingly honest. Her confidence shines through this whole album especially when singing about such a touchy subject like divorce. A few of the highlights for me "Good Wife", "Justified", "Camera Roll", "Hookup Scene" and "Gracias A La Vida" (a cover of a Chilean folk song). Expand
  5. Sep 10, 2021
    nossa mas eu fico passada cara como que pode alguem ser simplesmente a maior ARTISTA do mundo
  6. Oct 15, 2021
    Some of Kacey Musgraves' best work. The music here is raw and just an example of pure talent. The ups and downs of a breakup and she takes you on a journey, through the stages of grief after heartbreak. The vocals and arrangements are varied and top-level. Many of the lyrics really hit you in ways that are unexpected.
  7. Sep 16, 2021
    I had mixed feelings about Golden Hour and always wondered why the album did so well and so many fans and musicians praised it. I guess I liked the production and Musgraves' vocals well enough, but the song lyrics were cliche and predictable. Star-Crossed confirms my hesitation about her work. Each song on the new album seems constructed around an idea, driven by a thesis, carefullyI had mixed feelings about Golden Hour and always wondered why the album did so well and so many fans and musicians praised it. I guess I liked the production and Musgraves' vocals well enough, but the song lyrics were cliche and predictable. Star-Crossed confirms my hesitation about her work. Each song on the new album seems constructed around an idea, driven by a thesis, carefully walking us (more like dragging us) through the process of a relationship's decline. The are cringe. Nothing about the emotions in the songs feels organic or heartfelt, as the songs seem driven by ideas rather than authentic emotions. They seems songs about what she thought and how she felt at the time, perhaps, but there's little feeling in them. The poet Robert Frost said, "No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader." The songs on Star-Crossed don't make me feel anything, and that's why the album fails. They are about emotions, but not of them. Listened to it a few times to give it a chance, but deleted it to save space on my phone for more interesting music. Expand
  8. Sep 16, 2021
    Some of the lyrics on this one are...stupid. It is too bad because that last album was great. This one has nice moments here and there but overall not great. 6/10
  9. Sep 19, 2021
    I’m sad to say that my favorite artist has derailed from my personal taste with this album. This album felt like it was the diet version of her previous work. I didn’t get the writing or the bops I’m used to. I’ll still be here for her next release.
  10. Sep 26, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I’m amazed, this album exceeded my expectations. Kacey was able to deliver a masterpiece. Every song is exquisite. Expand
  11. Sep 10, 2021
    Kacey Musgraves with her magnetic voice has put on a cohesive, moving, sad and well balanced record. I've already listened to it 4 times in a row and each time it gets better and better.

    P.S. I was so moved by "easier said"
  12. Sep 10, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. album of the year for a reason, "camera roll" is probably the best song on the album Expand
  13. Sep 10, 2021
    amazing album. kacey did what she had to do. all the songs are amazing
  14. Sep 10, 2021
    its just so good omfg, she didn't beated golden hour but it is still so good
  15. Sep 10, 2021
    Musgraves finally makes a full-fledged transition into glowingly tender pop; tinges of her Texan twang coupled with a few banjo chords stand as the only remnants of her country rearing. The indie-pop melodies of the album are but a backdrop to much darker lyrical contemplations on seemingly unavoidable circumstances that led to her divorce. Disillusioned with the institution of marriage,Musgraves finally makes a full-fledged transition into glowingly tender pop; tinges of her Texan twang coupled with a few banjo chords stand as the only remnants of her country rearing. The indie-pop melodies of the album are but a backdrop to much darker lyrical contemplations on seemingly unavoidable circumstances that led to her divorce. Disillusioned with the institution of marriage, Musgraves romanticizes the nostalgia of being a carefree teenager without the perceived burdens of adulthood. "Golden hour faded black," she declares on "What Doesn't Kill Me", which represents the lyrical red thread on an album packed with sad bops. That said, Musgraves remains grateful for all of life's ups and downs on the album closer, a cover of Parra's iconic "Gracias a la Vida". Expand
  16. Sep 10, 2021
    Queen Of Country music is back.. this album is the new album of the year, Musgraves surpassed himself.
  17. Sep 10, 2021
    Beautiful. Creative. Versatile. I feel a sense of happiness and sadness at the same time. Definitely AOTY materials.
  18. Sep 10, 2021
    I can’t even pick out a favorite song but the album on the whole is amazing. As a 22 year old who’s never been married yet alone divorced I’m shocked this is my favorite of her albums but it’s just bangers after bangers. I can’t wait to see her live
  19. Sep 10, 2021
    golden hour faded black. masterpiece.she is a major one in this industry, respect a divorced woman
  20. Sep 10, 2021
    Kacey Musgraves the queen of country music, taylor tanked so hard, kacey ended her.
  21. Sep 10, 2021
    Kacey Musgraves legend of the country music, so excited for an pop album, made it queen!
  22. Sep 10, 2021
    kacey Musgraves created a work of art with this album she proved she is here to stay
  23. Sep 10, 2021
    While definitely more melancholy than precious releases, Star Crossed remains cautiously optimistic in it’s conclusion. It’s stylistically eclectic but still features Kacey’s signature breezy, whimsical sound.
  24. Sep 10, 2021
    kacey Musgraves really managed to surpass Alanis and Shania by creating the best country album ever.
  25. Sep 10, 2021
    star-crossed is a masterpiece created by the greatest country singer of the decade, I really hope to see her on a pop album soon.
  26. Sep 10, 2021
    album of the year, love it so much, love you kacey forever, **** taylor!!!!
  27. Sep 10, 2021
    I'm honestly surprised how many positive reviews this got because despite having a really beautiful opener and a few good tracks, the rest felt quite bland. I'd recommend others to listen to her previous album, as it was a better project. This one had bland lyrics, not really too much to read into.
    Intro and outro are the best songs.
  28. Sep 10, 2021
    Just listen front to end and this album kinda fall flat to me, it’s meh tbh, background music that they play and you just vibing but won’t pay attention to, samey samey. Definitely her weakest album, same trailer different park and pageant material are much more interesting when you put her discography on rank (of course Golden hour is her peak), this feel half-baked. The lyrics doesn’tJust listen front to end and this album kinda fall flat to me, it’s meh tbh, background music that they play and you just vibing but won’t pay attention to, samey samey. Definitely her weakest album, same trailer different park and pageant material are much more interesting when you put her discography on rank (of course Golden hour is her peak), this feel half-baked. The lyrics doesn’t present that much about her divorce cause it’s just on the surface, the music is weird, especially when hear it on headphone, mixing seems off and muddy, idk it’s on purpose or anything…anyway this is boring Expand
  29. Sep 10, 2021
    As Someone who has followed her career since the start, and owns all her albums on Vinyl (MORE THAN ONE COPY IN SOME CASES!), This album is an absolute abomination.

    GOLDEN HOUR managed to balance her country sensibilities and sound with her desire to expand beyond that genre. She wins a grammy for ALBUM OF THE FREAKING YEAR! Her choice then is to sell out, go full pop, and abandon
    As Someone who has followed her career since the start, and owns all her albums on Vinyl (MORE THAN ONE COPY IN SOME CASES!), This album is an absolute abomination.

    GOLDEN HOUR managed to balance her country sensibilities and sound with her desire to expand beyond that genre. She wins a grammy for ALBUM OF THE FREAKING YEAR!

    Her choice then is to sell out, go full pop, and abandon everything (Her unique sound, her fans etc.) that got her to the dance in the first place.

    Hookup Scene is LITERALLY the only track that sounds resolutely Kacey, and the only reason the album gets a 1 even.

    Otherwise, it's filled to the brim with narrative cliches, **** click tracks and digitial instrumentation, and a voice that sounds like it could easily be replaced with any other dime a dozen auto tuned pop star on the radio.

    Say what you will about her previous output, but Kacey has finally become exactly what all the critics have always said she was. A Sell Out. In fact, she's become something worse. Boring...
  30. Sep 11, 2021
    From someone who loves most of Kacey’s work in the past I just found this record boring. I don’t know if my expectations were just too high but the lyrics are lacking considering the songwriter, production is horrible, and just sounds like it’s trying too hard at being a pop record. I’m disappointed.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Sep 21, 2021
    “Star-Crossed” is actually a less emotional experience than the blissed-out “Golden Hour,” which practically vibrated with feeling. ... Musgraves’ writing on “Star-Crossed” is squishier and more prone to cliché than on “Golden Hour” or her earlier albums.
  2. Uncut
    Sep 17, 2021
    Musgraves' superpower is her ability to convey complex emotions via concise phrasing, which means quieter songs such as "Good Wife" and "If This Was A Movie" hit especially hard. [Nov 2021, p.30]
  3. Sep 16, 2021
    It’s an album where she can be not so much “happy and sad at the same time” as heartsick, defiant, nostalgic, self-doubting, sassy, rueful and flatlining in the same divorce-court feedback loop. ... And one of the best things about “Star-Crossed” is its boldly weird but highly satisfying finale.