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Universal acclaim- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 13
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 13
  3. Negative: 1 out of 13

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  1. stevee
    Jun 7, 2009
    One hit wonders.
  2. EinarJ.
    May 9, 2008
    Like it. Very grrl revolution. It's full of fast-punkinspired songs and total slow burners. 'Coal To Diamonds', 'Jealous Girls' and 'Dark Lines' are fabulous. Have to say Ditto's voice can be utterly annoying, but most bands provide worse and worse vocals. Reccomended Listen. Not a Must-Have.
  3. DrunkenMaster
    Jan 28, 2006
    Funktastic. Damn, that girl can sing!
  4. StallionArabhorse
    Feb 1, 2006
    The only reason it doesn't get a 10 is because I miss Kathy Mendonca's drumming...don't get me wrong, the drums are fantastic in a more supportive role, but rein in the power of this band a little too can count the cymbal crashes on a couple of hands (compare this to their other records!) and they are buried in the mix...Kathy's drumming was an explosive and The only reason it doesn't get a 10 is because I miss Kathy Mendonca's drumming...don't get me wrong, the drums are fantastic in a more supportive role, but rein in the power of this band a little too can count the cymbal crashes on a couple of hands (compare this to their other records!) and they are buried in the mix...Kathy's drumming was an explosive and key element (and I loved the writing dynamic between the drums and guitars) and Hannah's are precise and dynamic in the right places, but a bit too 'subdued' for what these songs could sound like. Of course The Gossip are responsible for their own sound; I didn't want a repeat of any of their other records and welcome drastic departures (i.e., Le Tigre & Sleater-Kinney's latest records) but damn, I'm gonna miss Kathy--and I can't find anything regarding what happened to her. Beth is dead-on with her vocals as always and diversifies here...Nathan/Brace's guitars are still very groovacious but a bit toned down, less trebly and a little more 'loop'-oriented with notes vs. full chordal riffage. If I didn't have all their previous rec's to compare to, it'd have gotten a perfect 10. Expand
  5. timb
    Feb 2, 2006
    my favorite record of 2006 so far . . .
  6. MandiDD
    Feb 3, 2006
    This album is by far there best.. its a crazy dancey punk album.. except that one sound.. coal into diamands... this album almost is as good as them live... but dam.. that girl can get a croud up and dancing.. this cd rocks my socks...
  7. peetyboy
    Jan 25, 2007
    this sucks.
  8. lukes
    Feb 16, 2007
  9. PierreV
    Oct 17, 2007
    Patti Smith meets Aretha Franklin for some unadorned disco-punk. A very good surprise!
  10. time
    Dec 12, 2006
    Shes a whole lot of women and the grrl's got rythm

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    B+ Somebody has nearly DustBustered the "garage" right out of their gorgeously messy garage-rock sound. [27 Jan 2006, p.84]
  2. Long-time fans might be a bit weirded out by the shift, but a few seconds hearing Ditto channel Peggy Lee on the smoky torch burner Coal To Diamonds should assuage their fears.
  3. To be honest this album has been down the pub all day; it doesn't care that you have to go to work in three hours time; it has just burst into your room and demanded the keys to your car and that bottle of Bombay Saphire you were saving for your birthday.