• Record Label: Epitaph
  • Release Date: Sep 16, 2016

Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 13
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 13
  3. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Alternative Press
    Sep 16, 2016
    The result is a beautifully sad collision of melody-drenched, aggressive art rock that retains plenty of the fast-paced intensity the band's perfected. [Oct 2016, p.90]
  2. Sep 20, 2016
    Much of what makes Touché Amoré a success remains intact: the band jamming away behind Bolm, supporting and expanding his “slam poetry.” But, oh what wonderful poetry it has become, as Bolm dives into the depths of his cortex as he comes to terms with the death of his mother in 2014.
  3. Sep 20, 2016
    Stage Four is quite possibly Touché Amoré’s best album yet. They have once again one–upped themselves into crafting a fierce record which would do all their families proud.
  4. Sep 15, 2016
    The album is a passionately written and deeply moving meditation on loss, and Touché Amoré have never been better as a band.
  5. Kerrang!
    Sep 15, 2016
    It's a record that feels truly alive, filled with sorrow, guilt, selflessness and love. [17 Sep 2016, p.52]
  6. Sep 16, 2016
    Its vivid imagery, anthemic arrangements, and unsuspecting listenability position it as hardcore’s Carrie & Lowell: an autobiographical tragedy that soars in spite of an overwhelming urge to succumb.
  7. Sep 23, 2016
    Stage Four still features the band doing what it does best, and also improving on its sound in many key areas.
  8. 90
    Stage Four is bigger in scope and is a flourishing sound thanks to Clayton Stevens and Nick Steinhardt on the guitars. They craft something subtle, where less is more. Elliot Babin's drums aren't as relentless as before and this too works in their favor because it allows the vocal lmessage to seep in. Deeper and deeper.
  9. Oct 13, 2016
    Touché Amoré’s music has always been intensely autobiographical and that introspection has reached peak levels on its fourth full-length, Stage Four.
  10. Sep 15, 2016
    Intimate, impressive, and ultimately cathartic, Stage Four is well worth your time.
  11. Sep 22, 2016
    Named both in recognition of this being the band’s fourth studio album and for the passing of lead singer Jeremy Bolm’s mother from cancer in 2014, Stage Four is a towering record. Few albums this year, if any, have felt more capable of telling such vivid, striking stories with such clarity and palpable emotion.
  12. Sep 16, 2016
    Stage Four reverberates because it’s a concept album, the tracks linear and part of the greater whole.
  13. 75
    All in all, Stage Four is an exercise in catharsis and self examination of what it means to lose someone close to you, but instead of being dragged down into a spiralling bleakness, it's is an album that ultimately feels resolutely life-affirming.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 35 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 35
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 35
  3. Negative: 4 out of 35
  1. Sep 17, 2016
    This album is incredibly powerful. There is so much emotion seeping through Jeremy Bolms lyrics. This album elevates what Touché Amoré haveThis album is incredibly powerful. There is so much emotion seeping through Jeremy Bolms lyrics. This album elevates what Touché Amoré have done on their previous albums to the fullest capacity. So full of heartbreaking and extremely moving lyrics accompanied by a perfect mix of aggression and beauty from the music. I highly recommend this album if you are a fan of this band or melodic hardcore. Full Review »
  2. Sep 20, 2016
    Okay first of all best album I've heard this year. Second, Consequence of Sound should be ashamed of their review acting like he should beOkay first of all best album I've heard this year. Second, Consequence of Sound should be ashamed of their review acting like he should be over the death of his mother in just two years. Have you lost you mother? That stays with you until you die.. not just two years. Full Review »
  3. Oct 21, 2016
    Okay first of all best album I've heard this year. Second, Consequence of Sound should be ashamed of their review acting like he should beOkay first of all best album I've heard this year. Second, Consequence of Sound should be ashamed of their review acting like he should be over the death of his mother in just two years. Have you lost you mother? That stays with you until you die.. not just two years. Full Review »