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  1. KD
    May 30, 2006
    I am a long time Chili Peppers fan. That notwithstanding, this is a damn good album. I do find some similarity to The Eagles; mainly due to the guitarist's performance/influence--in harmony and also in some of the solos. I have read that this album is considered boring and un-edgey; " so unlike the Chili Peppers' reputation." Please, they still rock. They have developed their I am a long time Chili Peppers fan. That notwithstanding, this is a damn good album. I do find some similarity to The Eagles; mainly due to the guitarist's performance/influence--in harmony and also in some of the solos. I have read that this album is considered boring and un-edgey; " so unlike the Chili Peppers' reputation." Please, they still rock. They have developed their style, and to be honest I don't think they have been that "edgey" for several albums. The rawness is gone, as it should be. This band has been together, in sum, for a long time, and this is a perfect double-album for showing their evolution. Play this next to Freaky Styley or UMPP...WOW. Being a Chili Peppers fan, notwithstanding, of course. :) Expand
  2. BryanN
    May 30, 2006
    Maybe The critics should listen to the album before they make up there minds
  3. JonH
    May 30, 2006
    I haven't even listened to this album yet, so I am predicting what I will think of it. I just had to comment about the one review that said RHCP has been crap since Mother's Milk. Yeah, Blood Sugar was a disaster wasn't it? (rolls eyes)
  4. KentE
    May 30, 2006
    Ali M let me start off by addressing you, not being able to remember any of the tracks isnt so much the Chili Peppers fault, but the fact thats its 28 tracks long, maybe thats why you cant remember any of the tracks, and probably because you went into with a bias against the band in the first place. The album is great, better than their last By The Way, which was great in its own right, Ali M let me start off by addressing you, not being able to remember any of the tracks isnt so much the Chili Peppers fault, but the fact thats its 28 tracks long, maybe thats why you cant remember any of the tracks, and probably because you went into with a bias against the band in the first place. The album is great, better than their last By The Way, which was great in its own right, but they brought the funk back on this album. I own all their albums, and have to say this may be the best, yes even better than Blood Sugar Sex Magik. Its a close call between them, both albums dont have a bad song, and Blood Sugar has classics like "Under The Bridge","Suck My Kiss" and etc. But this new album is great, Dani California is not even in the top half of best tracks, and thats a great song in itself. My Favorites are "Charlie"-Give It away with a more melodic and grown up sound, "Strip My Mind"-Under the bridge type feel to it, "Desecration Smile-Great Melodies, and possibly the best song on the album-"Readymade", a better song than most metal bands can put out today. Not a bad song on the album even the weaker ones-"If", "Shes Only 18" are very solid efforts. Jupiter is more of an safe album with songs were used to hearing them sing the past couple albums, and Mars is more out there. I like Mars more myself, but Jupiter is great as well, both albums would be great on their own. Great album for Chili Pepper Fans, if you dont like them anyway, this isnt the album for you, listen to By The Way first then work your way up to the funk, but if your a fan of theirs, this album is well worth the almost 4 year wait. Expand
  5. JoeF
    May 30, 2006
    Melodic rythms and uplifting pop beats cant save this record from being void of any real jump-out-at-you rock tunes. Lyrically, the record is nothing new. Best of the sparsely bunch of tracks are Especially in Michigan, Strip My Mind and the the title song, all of which are on the first disc, which is the superior of the two. Californication and even By The Way had character, this however Melodic rythms and uplifting pop beats cant save this record from being void of any real jump-out-at-you rock tunes. Lyrically, the record is nothing new. Best of the sparsely bunch of tracks are Especially in Michigan, Strip My Mind and the the title song, all of which are on the first disc, which is the superior of the two. Californication and even By The Way had character, this however is just a collection of songs that mostly sound the same as each other.... Expand
  6. WBmarketingDept
    May 30, 2006
    This CD is the best thing EVAR. You will not hear a sound on it that is UN-Perfect. It is better than Elvis, The Beatles, Bob Marley. Don't listen to anything but this. Only this, now and always. RHCP are God.
  7. Gareth
    May 27, 2006
    At first listen through this is a very mediocre album. It
  8. MarkL
    May 26, 2006
    Over the past 15 years RHCP fans have more or less divided into Blood Sugar Sex Magic type fans and Californication type fans. This album fully delivers on both fronts and attempts to bridge the two in a funky yet melodic masterpiece. I especially enjoy the creativity in the bridges of most of the songs, great guitar work.
  9. ColbyS
    May 25, 2006
    I just listened to Jupiter: it's nothing short of awesome. I don't know what the hell the guy up there was thinking, but I thought the lyrics, though abstract, were still one of the shining elements of the release. Frusciante is crazy good now, Kiedis sounds way less drug-addled and Flea's bass work is still the best I've heard anywhere. RHCP is awesome. Again.
  10. karl
    May 25, 2006
    yea it's not the greatest album of all time like some are saying much too hastily. but... it is one of the best to come out in quite some time. don't listen to the bad reviews--for some reason these people cannot understand greatness. even if it's not your style, at least admit they're the most talented band playing today....that much is very very obvious.
  11. AbishekJ
    May 25, 2006
    I've never been a big RHCP fan, but this record is a modern masterpiece. It takes a few listens to distinguish between the songs, but once you do, each song has its share of hooks, solos and california rock charm to keep you engaged.
  12. MusicMaven
    May 24, 2006
    There's way too much material here. The band is tighter than ever, so the excess is expertly played filler, but filler nonetheless. There are no songs here that are going to make anyone forget the best of Mother's Milk or Blood Sugar Sex Magik. But if you enjoyed Californication and By The Way, then this is still a good bet.
  13. CHRISH
    May 22, 2006
    THIS ALBUM IS GREAT a good selection of songs
  14. MichaelW
    May 22, 2006
    I haven't even been able to get through the first disc. I'm trying to absorb everything. This is their most musically accomplished album yet. The amazing melodies will leave your jaw slacken. There is no justification for disliking this album other than boosting your indie "cred" by slagging it. Frusciante has more musical talent in his pinky than the Arcade Fire, Tapes & Tapes, I haven't even been able to get through the first disc. I'm trying to absorb everything. This is their most musically accomplished album yet. The amazing melodies will leave your jaw slacken. There is no justification for disliking this album other than boosting your indie "cred" by slagging it. Frusciante has more musical talent in his pinky than the Arcade Fire, Tapes & Tapes, or whatever other band of month Pitchfork happens to be jocking. I must say the bad reviews for this album are in a word: stupid. Expand
  15. AmandaD
    May 22, 2006
    Stadium Arcadium was a great albulm, but i thought that it could use a few more uptempo tracks.
  16. SolonK
    May 22, 2006
    Simply a classic. Flea has held up his side of the bargain and is bringing back his amazing and funky bass riffs, Frusciante has labled himself a guitar God, drummer chad smith continues to hit the drums harder than anyone since John Bonham, and kiedis will suprise you with some new found vocal range. It is almost a critics duty to try to take a band as big as the chilis down a notch. But Simply a classic. Flea has held up his side of the bargain and is bringing back his amazing and funky bass riffs, Frusciante has labled himself a guitar God, drummer chad smith continues to hit the drums harder than anyone since John Bonham, and kiedis will suprise you with some new found vocal range. It is almost a critics duty to try to take a band as big as the chilis down a notch. But an album with so many gems will no-doubt stand strong. a must have album. Expand
  17. AliM
    May 22, 2006
    28 tracks of shallow, dull, self-indulgent ego-tripping, mostly on the part of Anthony Keidis for his moronic vocals. Even the title sounds hopelessly retarded. The only remarkable thing about this album is that the Chilis still haven't got any better at writing lyrics after about 15 years. Try this - listen to the album through and afterwards try to recall any of the tunes. I 28 tracks of shallow, dull, self-indulgent ego-tripping, mostly on the part of Anthony Keidis for his moronic vocals. Even the title sounds hopelessly retarded. The only remarkable thing about this album is that the Chilis still haven't got any better at writing lyrics after about 15 years. Try this - listen to the album through and afterwards try to recall any of the tunes. I guarantee you will only remember Flea's basslines, which are pretty much the only reason why anyone bothers listening to the Chilis, and the only reason why I give this any points at all. Expand
  18. GrantK
    May 22, 2006
    I can't see how this album can be critisised, I find it impossible to find a flaw. PERFECT ALBUM FROM THE BES TBAND ON THE PLANET.....enough said...
  19. NathanR
    May 21, 2006
    RHCP's melodic sensibility just never ceases to blow my mind. Yet another legendary set of songs that could pass for a greatest hits collection if you didn't know any better.
  20. DaveF
    May 21, 2006
    Havnt stopped listening to it since i bought it. Every song is superb and Frusciante is genius. Buy this album NOW!
  21. KevinR
    May 20, 2006
    A good album, but Rick Rubin doesn't ever seem to challenge them.
  22. CathP
    May 20, 2006
    This is way the best Chilis record so far!! Amazing.
  23. PooPee
    May 19, 2006
    Dis album was da shit!
  24. JimH
    May 19, 2006
    As gauche music critics for all the piece-of-crap rags that somehow get listed on metacritic (and that are otherwise irrelevant) it is your sworn duty to slag beautifully tuneful killer funk from rock gods who long ago singlehandedly made alternative into mainstream, but the rest of us just love good music - all 28 songs worth of it here.
  25. WashingtonI
    May 19, 2006
    The Chilis have exchanged yesterday's frantic bass-slapping energy for today's mid-tempo radio ready guitar brilliance. Yes, the guitar is excellent, but the livliness and willingness to experiment is gone: I've heard this all before. Any other band and this would be OK, but I do not want my Chili mild.
  26. RobertoB
    May 19, 2006
    Great CD!!
  27. BenW
    May 18, 2006
    Jupiter alone is worthy of this rating. It's not perfect because of all the filler, but you can't criticize an album with this many instant classics
  28. NealeE
    May 18, 2006
    NME gives it only 7 out of 10. One of the reasons I've stopped buying. They've lost it. Almost every song's a classic. Risky putting out a double but they've cracked it.
  29. ConorW
    May 17, 2006
    Fantastic. Would buy again.
  30. PatF
    May 17, 2006
    i thought it was okay. a little bit of a downer tho. it got so much hype and was supposed to be huge but i wasnt that impressed. there was a few good songs but making it two discs was a mistake. once you get to the second disc so many songs start starting the same you just skip them thinking you heard them already and it was to soft. not nearly enough funk. not even close to i thought it was okay. a little bit of a downer tho. it got so much hype and was supposed to be huge but i wasnt that impressed. there was a few good songs but making it two discs was a mistake. once you get to the second disc so many songs start starting the same you just skip them thinking you heard them already and it was to soft. not nearly enough funk. not even close to Californication or blood sugar sex magic. a little disappointed but ill listen to the good songs. all 5 of them Expand
  31. CharlieC
    May 17, 2006
    This album is quite simply, the best chill peppers album ever, and I don't say that lightly. It's quite simply masterful. This is a beautiful album for non-musicians but any self-respecting musician will listen to this and just say, 'wow!'
  32. JonathanE
    May 16, 2006
    Pitchfork and Prefix can EAT IT! This album is one of the best things RHCP have done. It's a grower and gets better with each subsequent listen. A triumph!
  33. GeorgeOrwell
    May 16, 2006
    I think Rolling Stone said it best..."the chili peppers are a hit machine", and Frusciante post near fatal heroin addiction has developed "musical superpowers"!
  34. Catrien
    May 16, 2006
    You can absolutely get lost in the beauty of this album.. there is depth in the lyrics and the funk is finally back!
  35. TommyH
    May 16, 2006
    A real grower and an amazing collection of songs, bar 3 or 4 'ok' tracks. The Chili's finest hour? Maybe.
  36. TMayes
    May 16, 2006
    Great guitar...
  37. AnthonyuB
    May 16, 2006
    OMG this is one awsome cd. With two disc and over 2 hour of listing to music this cd will keep you listing. Great songs on the two discs. On Juipter there first cd, contains song that sounds like there old school beats. On Mars there second, contains new experimental music.
  38. MikeyV
    May 16, 2006
    The Jupiter disc is excellent. If you don't replay Readymade several times your lame. Lots of variety throughout, and two mediocre songs out of 28. For twelve bucks this album is a steal. I can't wait for Lollapalooza in Chicago.
  39. KyleC
    May 16, 2006
    Very good album, exactly what I expect from the Red Hot Chili Peppers
  40. EdM.
    May 16, 2006
    An album full of tame, uninteresting mid-tempo rock. Without the pop harmonies of By the Way or blazing energy of Blood Sugar Sex Magik, you realize that Anthony Kiedis doesn't really have anything to say. With the rhythm section stepping back, this is now another typical four-piece rock band. The musicianship is technically great... but so is Yanni's. Listen before you buy.
  41. paulc
    May 16, 2006
    Outstanding album. Keidis in top form with his voice, melodies and lyrics; Frusciante in top form with breaks and riffs; Flea and Smith faultless rhythm section as per usual. This album will be massive.
  42. Guiltyparty
    May 16, 2006
    Too much filler and not enough killer, but still with a touch of Chilis class and a couple of corkers. Played through both discs four times now and it just doesn't ignite the way By The Way did - there aren't the melodies or the hooks. People saying this is the album of a generation and such are clearly crazy. This isn't even in the Top 5 of Chilis albums, let alone Too much filler and not enough killer, but still with a touch of Chilis class and a couple of corkers. Played through both discs four times now and it just doesn't ignite the way By The Way did - there aren't the melodies or the hooks. People saying this is the album of a generation and such are clearly crazy. This isn't even in the Top 5 of Chilis albums, let alone anything else. Solid without being spectactularly, it's the sound of a band going through the motions with increasingly diminishing creative returns. Expand
  43. markh
    May 15, 2006
    Could be the worst album that has ever been recorded. I hope this band never steps foot in another studio ever again. Talk about a world wide suicide. If they do then maybe Eddie Vedder was right.
  44. LorettaS
    May 15, 2006
    this is what music should be. RHCP gave this album all they had, and are blowing me away. When did they turn into real musicians? who cares. stop comparing it to previous albums... this is a different work from RHCP, and should be treated as such. outstanding.
  45. MattJ
    May 15, 2006
    A great album, A run through all the chili's have done and more, some quiet some loud, some funky, some rocky, a sumation of their career and more. Also a real grower, the only thing that makes this not perfect is the occasional poor song, but in 28 tracks it hard not to find the occasional. Great
  46. RobR
    May 15, 2006
    Instant classic.
  47. Krago
    May 15, 2006
    First listen i thought "wow, this sucks", but the songs just keep growing on you. Now i've got 28 new favourite songs. Frusciante is GOD!
  48. henry
    May 14, 2006
    Stunning return to the best selling form of "Californication". Alone, each disc of this double serving could have been one of the albums of the year. Combined, the "peppers" have produced a stunning success, the seemingly endless variations on their world-beating funk-rock formula keep the journey fresh and interesting all the way. A brililant album which demonstrates that these rock Stunning return to the best selling form of "Californication". Alone, each disc of this double serving could have been one of the albums of the year. Combined, the "peppers" have produced a stunning success, the seemingly endless variations on their world-beating funk-rock formula keep the journey fresh and interesting all the way. A brililant album which demonstrates that these rock heavyweights are not content with resting on their laurels. Expand
  49. JasonL
    May 14, 2006
    Good solid new chilli peppers. Am so glad it has no 'by the way' or 'scar tissue' , those songs epitimize the phrase 'top 20 fodder for the 12 year old masses'. RHCP have shown us they that they have abundant talent and don't need to rely on teeny boppers to sell records. Their original blend of funk/rock continues to keep us all hooked. I see this as a Good solid new chilli peppers. Am so glad it has no 'by the way' or 'scar tissue' , those songs epitimize the phrase 'top 20 fodder for the 12 year old masses'. RHCP have shown us they that they have abundant talent and don't need to rely on teeny boppers to sell records. Their original blend of funk/rock continues to keep us all hooked. I see this as a return to form for them, after the last album that seemed to rely too much on mass market appeal. Expand
  50. Pedros
    May 14, 2006
    What a great offering from the Chili Peppers. Not so much a new beginning but a journey through this bands many incarnations. Some may question the wisdom of releasing a double album but the tunes ebb and flow through both CDs and there is plenty of opportunity for foot tapping, air guitar and quiet reflection without tedium. John F gets the perfect opportunity to display his infinite What a great offering from the Chili Peppers. Not so much a new beginning but a journey through this bands many incarnations. Some may question the wisdom of releasing a double album but the tunes ebb and flow through both CDs and there is plenty of opportunity for foot tapping, air guitar and quiet reflection without tedium. John F gets the perfect opportunity to display his infinite guitar talent and is backed up masterfully by Flea and Chad with Anthony's vocals loud and strong. Can't wait til they tour Oz!!!! Expand
  51. JoelP
    May 14, 2006
    an awesome album...fleas done some kickass work wit the basslines...fruciantess amazin wit the guitars....not as good as by the way but an awesome album
  52. NateG
    May 13, 2006
  53. MariaN
    May 13, 2006
    this album rocks all the way, whoever doesnt like it sucks ass probably, so dont deny that it rocks ass suckers!!!
  54. Norable
    May 13, 2006
    Amazing album!!!
  55. R
    May 13, 2006
    Didn't RHCP release a best hits a while ago? So that was just a commercial thing then? When are they actualy going to retire? This album suggests now would be a good time, but fortunately they have the large white 15-16 year old fanbase to keep them going, the sort that would assume all hip-hop is crap like Sparticus A below. I have to admit there was a time when I went through a Didn't RHCP release a best hits a while ago? So that was just a commercial thing then? When are they actualy going to retire? This album suggests now would be a good time, but fortunately they have the large white 15-16 year old fanbase to keep them going, the sort that would assume all hip-hop is crap like Sparticus A below. I have to admit there was a time when I went through a RHCP phase myself and so I bought this for memories sake. All it does really is remind me why I find them so annoying now. Though there are indeed a few mini-highlights to enjoy here, a lot of it is verging on being poor. I recommend it to fans but not to anyone else. If it's any consolation, this album is not as bad as Coldplay's bland X&Y thankgod. At least there is some energy here. Expand
  56. EnriqueR
    May 13, 2006
    Excellent album! The Chili Peppers mixing every previous album they made in this only two! And they Kick Asses!
  57. ArmusG
    May 13, 2006
    10 goood. This will be the perfect soundtrack to this years summer.
  58. GurbajR
    May 13, 2006
    This is album is probably one of the best I've heard in a very long time - it's a mish mash of Blood Sugar and Californication, with a hint of By the Way. It's brilliant - people who say it's disappointing after By the Way don't know what they're talking about. Any true Chili's fan would see this album as nothing short of great. Chili's have gone This is album is probably one of the best I've heard in a very long time - it's a mish mash of Blood Sugar and Californication, with a hint of By the Way. It's brilliant - people who say it's disappointing after By the Way don't know what they're talking about. Any true Chili's fan would see this album as nothing short of great. Chili's have gone back to what they're best at, funking the socks of beloved fans! Expand
  59. oof
    May 13, 2006
    Without a doubt their best album ever. The extended version of By the way.
  60. StephenB
    May 12, 2006
    This album is just great. All round. Awesome value. Awesome songs. I think some peopel are neing overly critical of this album its an amazing acheivment Long live the CHili peppers! (didnt give 10 becaue 10 implys perfection and i dont think ther eis such a thing as the perfect album)
  61. Ken
    May 12, 2006
    It's simple, no one, has ever made this much music this well... No One... The first time around I would have said it was an 8... But as soon as I put the first disc back in I knew I was so, so wrong. This album is a 10, for anyone who dosnt agree, all you have to do is press play again. It's a lot to take in at once, but it's gold.
  62. SparticusA
    May 12, 2006
    Why don't people give this cd credit! it shines out as a truely amazing peice of work among all that hip-hop/pop rock crap. Its a once in a decade gem why doesn't anyone treat it like one!!
  63. Alex
    May 12, 2006
    An inspirational album. I feel sorry for the ones who don't see the same.
  64. Bruce
    May 12, 2006
    I was unsure at first, but after a couple listens I liked I how I was just getting lost in the music. A few too many songs to get your head around though. It almost seems that RHCP is evolving with my music tastes, so I like it alot.
  65. JohnD
    May 12, 2006
    This is no "By the Way". This album has no "Scar Tissue" or "'The Zepher Song". The beautful, rough and soulful songs are gone, along with the hardass Punk-Funk-Rock, heard earlier in the Peppers carrer. These two great styles are replaced by quiter, poorly-writen forms of the previous two. However, there is many good things on this album, best guitar to date by any Chili Pepper, This is no "By the Way". This album has no "Scar Tissue" or "'The Zepher Song". The beautful, rough and soulful songs are gone, along with the hardass Punk-Funk-Rock, heard earlier in the Peppers carrer. These two great styles are replaced by quiter, poorly-writen forms of the previous two. However, there is many good things on this album, best guitar to date by any Chili Pepper, solid Flea bass, and finnaly a bit of maturity in lyric writing. But this album doen't capture the soaring melodies of By the Way or the powerful Funk-Rock of Blood Sugar Sex Magic. Expand
  66. JorgeP
    May 12, 2006
    Not what i expected From the Peppers but still great music
  67. MikeT
    May 12, 2006
    Stadium Arcadium is absolutely stunning, a natural continuation of probably everything RHCP have ever done.... and then some. John Frusciante seems to have learned a lot from his work with The Mars Volta, and S.A. cements his place as one of the best guitarists of his generation. Kiedis pulls out lyrics far better than By the Way, and it all comes together to form an amazing album. Stadium Arcadium is absolutely stunning, a natural continuation of probably everything RHCP have ever done.... and then some. John Frusciante seems to have learned a lot from his work with The Mars Volta, and S.A. cements his place as one of the best guitarists of his generation. Kiedis pulls out lyrics far better than By the Way, and it all comes together to form an amazing album. Stadium Arcadium is this generation's Physical Graffiti. Expand
  68. LucyB
    May 12, 2006
    payed both cds twice and ended up with 18 favorites. now I play them non stop. love the cool lyrics. this band is on fire!
  69. SteveT
    May 12, 2006
    You have to give this one a spin a few times before it hooks you, but eventually you will find yourself putting this album on repeat and be singing along all summer. I am more paticular to the Jupiter CD than Mars and I think that this album would have been better as one disk without all the filler. It would keep the pace up a bit better. Nonetheless, I have always loved the Chilis and I You have to give this one a spin a few times before it hooks you, but eventually you will find yourself putting this album on repeat and be singing along all summer. I am more paticular to the Jupiter CD than Mars and I think that this album would have been better as one disk without all the filler. It would keep the pace up a bit better. Nonetheless, I have always loved the Chilis and I hope they contine to provide us with that Funky SO-Cal sound for years and years to come. RHCP are the Stones of my generation. Expand
  70. drewie
    May 12, 2006
    es un album muy completo,una combinacion de sus dos mejores albumes,blood sugar sex magik y californication,no se lleva el 10 por el parecido de algunas canciones y algunas letras,es un gran disco(frusciante vuelve a los ritmos funk x favor)
  71. JohnW
    May 11, 2006
    Very cool album. It gets a little repetitive when you consider their previous efforts, however it is still a great album. Amazing guitar work by John Fruscianti.
  72. JadH
    May 11, 2006
    almost perfect ... great songs include hard to concentrate, snow (hey oh), shes only 18, 21st century, dani california, charlie. and if.
  73. jeffd
    May 11, 2006
    Too bad most americans are sucked into the doldrums of american idol. They do not have the attention spand for this magnificent piece of work
  74. RishiG
    May 11, 2006
    It took some time but this album and its melodies are really growing one me. I only wish there were more out and out funky jammy songs on the two albums. Well, I guess we have ten songs to wait for for.
  75. Jow
    May 11, 2006
    Fantastic album, significantly better than "By the Way". John's guitar is magnificent throughout and you can tell the music was written to provide each band member an opportunity to shine.
  76. BoBS
    May 11, 2006
    Give it a chance, nay sayers. This album has something for all. Melodic, hipnotic, guitaric, psychadelic. Listen and be satisfied .
  77. collinw
    May 11, 2006
    how could you not like these songs. they're all good. so all you guys who think it sucks, you can go jump off a cliff
  78. EXplosiva
    May 11, 2006
    It's obvious that RHCP fans will adore this album, so do I ! However, it's true that this is a very mainstream record but I don't get why some people think that's necessarily a bad thing.
  79. John
    May 11, 2006
    If you are crying because it sounds bland to you after you listened to it once-- ONCE!-- all I can say is, you are a moron.
  80. Ric
    May 11, 2006
    Great album so far, and it gets better with every listen.
  81. JoeY
    May 11, 2006
    This is album just gets better with every listen. You need to hear both CD's 3 or more times to appreciate its qualities. I dont understand why people slate albums like by the way or californication, there both classics. This album seems to embrace all the different styles that the chillis have created over time and should appeal to Red Hot Chilli Peppers fans both old and new.
  82. MattG
    May 11, 2006
    Awsome album. Another great releas by the Red Hots.
  83. OscarA
    May 11, 2006
    An absolute masterpiece of melody. The best album of the Chili Peppers' career.
  84. VictoriaP
    May 11, 2006
    awesome album
  85. FredS
    May 11, 2006
    Tuesday it was a 6.5 on my meter. Today its a 9. Tomorrow it will go to 11.
  86. jdilla
    May 11, 2006
    Worth buying only to hear a famous band unravel itself with a silly and pretentious attempt at profundity, nostalgia, and cock rock...all at once.
  87. Bairon
    May 11, 2006
    Best album ever.
  88. superman
    May 11, 2006
  89. BenA
    May 10, 2006
    Just like heaven.
  90. Brian
    May 10, 2006
    Serves as a mature, competent integration of their previous efforts and eclectic style. Because of "Stadium Arcadium's" dependence on their previous stylings, the band merely inches forward musically, as as opposed to exploding off the line. But coming from one of the great bands of our generation, an inch can be worth a mile. Strongly recommended.
  91. PhilL
    May 10, 2006
    What a useless band. A co-worker was playing this today, and it sounded horrible. RHCP are the Eagles of today, touting lite laid-back Californian hedonism. They've always been lousy - their lyrics put me off the idea of sex at a young age. They made it sound gross, like someone throwing up all over themselves at a party. Things haven't gotten any better.
  92. Anonymous
    May 10, 2006
    Great album, but some songs are repetitive, but still, nonetheless, a great album. Great buy for any Red Hot Chili Pepper fans, also probably a great one to start people off on.
  93. Armen
    May 10, 2006
    Great album! I mean, sure they could have probably cut about 4 or 5 songs out, but that still leaves a ton of great music. You get a little bit of everything here, so it doesn't get stale. Basically, if you've never liked them before, there's no reason you'll like this. But if you're a fan, it's everything you could ask for. Nothing revolutionary, but awesome Great album! I mean, sure they could have probably cut about 4 or 5 songs out, but that still leaves a ton of great music. You get a little bit of everything here, so it doesn't get stale. Basically, if you've never liked them before, there's no reason you'll like this. But if you're a fan, it's everything you could ask for. Nothing revolutionary, but awesome stuff nontheless. I can't wait until they tour this summer! Expand
  94. ElizabethP
    May 10, 2006
    The album is very disappointing. The singles "Dani California" and "Stadium Arcadium" were very bland and easily forgettable. The songs sound too much like all their other songs and the band has yet to venture into any new territory. The Chili Peppers have been working on this album for years and this was the best they could come up with? I'll take "Californication" and "By the Way" The album is very disappointing. The singles "Dani California" and "Stadium Arcadium" were very bland and easily forgettable. The songs sound too much like all their other songs and the band has yet to venture into any new territory. The Chili Peppers have been working on this album for years and this was the best they could come up with? I'll take "Californication" and "By the Way" over this junk any day. Expand
  95. NishV
    May 10, 2006
    An absolutely fantastic album, epic on all scales! This has Chili's written all over it, and every single band member is on top form! John's influence comes shining through on almost every track. Hell, if only this scale could go up to 11....!!!
  96. DavidS
    May 10, 2006
    Pretty Freakin' Good Album!!! 28 Tracks is a difficult task for anyone to accomplish! Any TRUE Chili Pepper fan can certainly tell that they reached deep into their roots to set the record straight! Great Album! An 8 because I havent really felt their presence or emotion like other albums of the past! RHCP You Guys Still ROCK!!!
  97. colin
    May 10, 2006
    Brilliant. people have to realize that the chili peppers are growing up like any other band. they cant make every album sound like Blood Sugar Sex Magik. This could be the best theyve ever done. This will go down in history as one of the pinnacle rock albums of all time.
  98. shteve
    May 10, 2006
    i guarantee that anyone who gives this record bad marks has not listened through it more than once..if that. whether it is to your taste or not, you can't take away that these songs are extremely well written, creative and emotive. if they had let frusciante handle all the vocal duties this would be the album of the year, but keidis is actually more tolerable than usual. vocals aside i guarantee that anyone who gives this record bad marks has not listened through it more than once..if that. whether it is to your taste or not, you can't take away that these songs are extremely well written, creative and emotive. if they had let frusciante handle all the vocal duties this would be the album of the year, but keidis is actually more tolerable than usual. vocals aside this is great sonic pop music with a huge scope. Expand
  99. DavidC
    May 10, 2006
    After Californication and By the Way, this album shows how Red Hot can do even better and better.
  100. nicolasg
    May 10, 2006
    i have listened to it now several times, and i have already made my personal order of the tracks to listen it in one flow. in 28 songs, there must be only 4/5 songs that i really don't fancy. but regarding the rest, it is an absolutely brilliant body of rocking creative music. truly red hot. an album for the fan. it is virtuous, honest, generous, vibrating, new. i recommend: storm in i have listened to it now several times, and i have already made my personal order of the tracks to listen it in one flow. in 28 songs, there must be only 4/5 songs that i really don't fancy. but regarding the rest, it is an absolutely brilliant body of rocking creative music. truly red hot. an album for the fan. it is virtuous, honest, generous, vibrating, new. i recommend: storm in a tea cup, readymade, 21st century, warlocks, especially in michigan, charlie, c'mon girl, snow, torture me, humb de hump, hard to concentrate, wet sand, we believe, hey, tell me baby, dani califonia, turn it again and death of a martian. if there were only these 18 songs, it would be the best album of red hot. enjoy. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 25
  2. Negative: 1 out of 25
  1. Stadium Arcadium ensures that graying Lollapalooza-era fans, indie teens, and rowdy lunkheads will all be satisfied.
  2. Somewhere along the line the Chilis got sophisticated on our asses.
  3. Frusciante's guitar work... almost single-handedly saves the project, but not quite.