
Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 25
  2. Negative: 1 out of 25
  1. Attempting such an ambitious concept in an age of diminished attention spans should no doubt be applauded, but overstretching itself in a stab at immortality, "Stadium Arcadium" marks a step backwards from 2002's "By The Way".
  2. Frusciante's guitar work... almost single-handedly saves the project, but not quite.
  3. Whereas poor production values and drug-fueled exuberance once excused their George Clinton worship, 20 years on, in Rick Rubin's sterile environment, the band sounds like they're in jamband training camp, filling in all the empty spaces with blippityblap reminders of Flea's virtuosity and John Frusciante's desire to use every effects pedal ever invented.
  4. Stadium Arcadium is perfectly capable and occasionally ingratiating, but whatever goodwill it musters up is trounced by its redundancy.
  5. Even the "there's a great album hiding in here!" cliché doesn't really apply, since if you conducted ten trials of picking fourteen songs at random, you'd end up with ten albums of near equal mediocrity.
  6. The trouble with virtuosity is that it doesn't always translate into songcraft, and the absence of even one hum-it-on-the-way-home track here raises the old questions again: Does this band even make sense? Are punk energy and funk grooves music's peanut-butter-and-chocolate or its oatmeal-and-sardines? And what's Anthony Kiedis talking about, anyway?
  7. Stadium Arcadium boasts virtuoso musicianship, lustrous arrangements and unpredictable flourishes, but inside all this breathtaking sonic architecture it is strangely empty.
  8. Neither disjointed embarrassment of riches à la The Beatles nor conceptual magnum opus like The Wall, Stadium Arcadium is two hours of sometimes middling, sometimes masterful, mostly pleasurable mainstream rock.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 1071 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Dec 10, 2012
    This is a very ambitious project from the Red hot chili peppers. A 28 track album! And they pull it off, so well! Being only 18, Stadium wasThis is a very ambitious project from the Red hot chili peppers. A 28 track album! And they pull it off, so well! Being only 18, Stadium was my first experience of the Chili Peppers. And it was so massive and awesome, I thought it was a best of album. I love almost all of the songs in this sprawling metropolis of Alternative rock/Funk rock. My personal favourites are Dany California, Snow, Hump de bump, slow cheetah, especially in Michigan, Tell me baby, Readymade and Storm in a teacup. Yeah...there are a lot of good songs. Charlie is the only song I don't like, and I'm sure that is just personal taste. I recommend this album to anyone, it's certainly in the top 20 albums in history. Full Review »
  2. Aug 7, 2012
    I don't care what anyone says, I hail this album as the best album of all time. It has so many songs on it and they all are great. UsuallyI don't care what anyone says, I hail this album as the best album of all time. It has so many songs on it and they all are great. Usually albums have 15-18 songs and 2,3 maybe 4 are good. Stadium Arcadium has 28 songs and they all are great. Full Review »
  3. Nov 15, 2013
    One of the greatest displays of guitar work ever. To me, the lyrics are way underrated and the long album is just what the Chilis needed. AOne of the greatest displays of guitar work ever. To me, the lyrics are way underrated and the long album is just what the Chilis needed. A great album for John to leave on. Full Review »