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Universal acclaim- based on 459 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 22 out of 459
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  1. Dec 6, 2021
    ridiculously good. St. Vincent continues to evolve and constantly impress .
    The eponymous album begins with a shaky, frantic progressive track entitled "Rattlesnake". It slowly brings the audience closer and closer to the new image Annie has given herself. By the end of the track, the hair is let down, the feet are dancing, and the ever-creative guitar shrieks emerge in full force. Crank
    ridiculously good. St. Vincent continues to evolve and constantly impress .
    The eponymous album begins with a shaky, frantic progressive track entitled "Rattlesnake". It slowly brings the audience closer and closer to the new image Annie has given herself. By the end of the track, the hair is let down, the feet are dancing, and the ever-creative guitar shrieks emerge in full force. Crank the amp up to 11, you're in for a joyride. The album's first single, "Birth In Reverse", offers an arrangement of head-scratching lyrics involving daily routines along with the type of instrumentals for a fast car ride. "Prince Johnny", an angelic, yet peculiar addition gives off simple vibes at the beginning. A seemingly innocent track trudges on until the voice of an angel cuts in to sing a few bars of nothingness. To describe the sheer beauty of this track would be an understatement, no matter how it is described. Just listen and fall in love. "Huey Newton" follows, giving quirky electro rhythms, heavy percussion beats, and soft, sultry acoustic riffs. Once again, this track explodes towards the end, letting a head-banging rock opera materialize. The following single, "Digital Witness", allows the listener to hear the obvious David Byrne influences. With a jazzy brass instrumentation, this track could be considered a bonus track from St. Vincent's 2012 collaboration with David Byrne, Love This Giant. And damn, is it ever catchy. "I Prefer Your Love" slows things down with an classic St. Vincent style, returning to the slow drums, the synth beats, and the calm vocals. This track shows that even with the power of a rock star, St. Vincent can still make a tranquil piece. However, the tranquility doesn't last long when "Regret" rolls in. With a slick bass line, heavenly acoustics, and the always beautiful vocals of Ms. Clark, it's an instant classic. "Bring Me Your Loves" is new. It's a track hidden at the end of unchartered territory. A new, frenzied pace of music sets this song apart from the rest of the album. With heavy guitar bits, an acapella section, and electronic rhythms from outer space, this brilliant, yet insane track provides a different side to the usual sounds heard. "Psychopath", a more straight-forward song, offers more bellowing guitar riffs, even if you were tired of them. With a incomparable instrumentation, it is another reminder of the David Byrne influence. As the album begins to end, "Every Tear Disappears" gives one final shout. Although it isn't an mad dash of sporadic beats, it finalizes the more unique side of Annie Clark's new-found music style. "Severed Crossed Fingers", the end of a masterpiece, the "ride off into the sunset as the credits roll" moment, is the perfect way to finish. Not only does it calm the listeners back down, it allows them to reflect on the last 40 minutes of their lives. What they just finished listening to is something exceptional. Something unable to be replicated.

    St. Vincent's fourth effort could be considered her best. It brings in new elements while remaining faithful to the style that got her where she is today. I admire St. Vincent and all she has accomplished. She is not only my favourite female vocalist, but also a top contender for the genre of indie rock. Congrats to you Annie. You and your funky, bleached hairdo.
  2. Jul 4, 2021
    Great sound designs and good energy. I like the pop sounds in this album it has a mature sound to it.
  3. Feb 6, 2020
    St. Vincent is, no doubt, one of the most creative musicians of nowadays. Her self-titled album is a perfect mix of pop, indie, electronic and Johnny Greenwood-like noisy guitars.
  4. Jan 17, 2020
    One of my favourite pop/indie rock album. Production is great, lyrics are great and vocals are great.
  5. Sep 9, 2019
    it’s so good just trust me ................………… just listen .....................
  6. Apr 24, 2018
    Annie knocked it out of the park this one. Saw her play this album and it was so good I bought the vinyl afterwards. I don't even have a record player
  7. Feb 19, 2018
    An album that sonically travels everywhere, attacking the listener from all angles in a frantic manner. One of those rare records that mixes extreme catchiness with serious invention and depth. Similar thematically to her previous work but with a definite progression. "Prince Johnny" and "I Prefer Your Love" being the notable highlights.
  8. Jan 14, 2018
    Her most extravagant and experimental album yet , my favorite album from her so far
  9. Sep 7, 2015
    One of the best albums of 2014 by far! So rich in sound, texture and guitar riffs and sky high vocals that will send chills down your spine. St. Vincent proves that she is a force to recconed with in the alternative genere ans continues to push the boundries and always reinvents her sound for the better.
  10. Apr 27, 2015
    From the first track, it’s immediate, Annie Clark’s guitar prowess leaves doubtless; she’s a beast at it. It sounds more appealing and as she said, less of a self-lacerating adventure than her previous work, the magnificent Strange Mercy but it also beats it in many aspects. Metaphors flow through these beautiful melodies, whether it’s social network criticism or religion issues, it’sFrom the first track, it’s immediate, Annie Clark’s guitar prowess leaves doubtless; she’s a beast at it. It sounds more appealing and as she said, less of a self-lacerating adventure than her previous work, the magnificent Strange Mercy but it also beats it in many aspects. Metaphors flow through these beautiful melodies, whether it’s social network criticism or religion issues, it’s subtle and most of all it never fails wherever it goes, or no matter how quick she decides to hit with dancing more pop-friendly tracks or slower more melodic pieces. It’s one of those rare records that can be enjoyed by 3 different generations, but the most careful listeners will be fully rewarded. It’s the most innovative album of 2014.

    Best track: Birth In Reverse
    Exact score: 9.4
  11. Jan 24, 2015
    St. Vincent was an interesting artist who showed promise prior to this album, but this one solidified her status as one of the greats in contemporary indie music - the album is perfect from beginning to end, rough, wild, touching and quiet at times - an extraordinary accomplishment.
  12. Dec 20, 2014
    Another amazing album from Annie Clark. What more can be said? St Vincent continues a trend that I have observed from Clark's albums, which is that every song has a certain beauty and accessibility to it, but also has a tinge of rawness that acts as her stamp on each song. I believe this quality is what makes her music so unique.
  13. Nov 21, 2014
    I love Annie's music. Seriously love. But I fear she's jumped the shark here. I understand the need to expand as an artist, but I feel somewhat alienated. Bring back the warm fuzzies, Annie! I'll be waiting.
  14. Oct 24, 2014
    Oh God is so good..She can't disappointed us..Every song has something to say..Something to give you.Really i don't find one moderate song...I fell in love with this..With "Annie"..With everything..I can't sleep with that album.Is impossible right now.The most important thing for her is,at debut album until now,move on and raise the bar.."Actor" is better than "Marry me".."Strange mercy"Oh God is so good..She can't disappointed us..Every song has something to say..Something to give you.Really i don't find one moderate song...I fell in love with this..With "Annie"..With everything..I can't sleep with that album.Is impossible right now.The most important thing for her is,at debut album until now,move on and raise the bar.."Actor" is better than "Marry me".."Strange mercy" is better than "Actor"..And "St.Vincent"(self-titled) is better than "Strange mercy"..Every time she raise the bar and for every artist is one challenge to beat your own self."Annie" do that so easy without problem..Show us,she don't have limits..For this and only,we see what special artist is.Very few bands/artists beat your own self 3 times.And i'm sure she dont say the last word..That album for sure is more mature than "Strange mercy" and more fully..Has more music styles like any old album of her discography.If that album has released 10 or 20 years ago,perhaps the ratings is 0.20 higher..I hope the new users give chances to those special artists who carry the music today.."Annie" deserve to give one more chance..I don't tell specific my thoughts for every song..Is one complete 100% masterpiece..That album really have everything.God bless that woman because for that difficult times,give us music so nicely..That album is the same difficult like "Strange mercy"..Difficult to catch it..But it grow up very easy with every hearing..Relax and enjoy people..That album at least is outstanding.And don't forget..The singles is in that album and not out..Don't confused..All packet always must see.. Expand
  15. Oct 19, 2014
    This album sounds hypnotic and is so enjoyable to listen. The instrumentals sounds so great and the vocals too. The lyrics are great. Even being good in these three aspects, sometimes we miss "something", like for me in "Prince Jhonny" and "Severed Crossed Fingers". But in the end, the album is great.
  16. Oct 10, 2014
    This is an excellent record by Annie Clark a.k.a St. Vincent. The songs are just wonderful to listen to, especially 'Prince Johnny' and 'Digital Witness' and some really interesting lyrics within 'Birth in Reverse'

    10/10 This is a modern age classic, I highly recommend to anyone, just essential to your music collection for it's phenomenal display of it's art
  17. Sep 9, 2014
    I've been a fan of St. Vincent for only 2 years. Her first three albums are really great to me, but they had an element that somehow alienated my ears. With this album that happens no more. That is the beauty of St. Vincent, with this record Annie Clark achieves something greater, being consistent with her style but being more accessible, with melodies that only make you want to sing alongI've been a fan of St. Vincent for only 2 years. Her first three albums are really great to me, but they had an element that somehow alienated my ears. With this album that happens no more. That is the beauty of St. Vincent, with this record Annie Clark achieves something greater, being consistent with her style but being more accessible, with melodies that only make you want to sing along and dance. Expand
  18. Aug 12, 2014
    Annie Clarke's fourth solo studio album establishes her as a strong force, and may even be her most personal effort to date. Juggling art pop and indie rock has never been this cohesive, thanks to her always on point guitar. The sound and the lyrical content are more accessible, compared to Strange Mercy.
  19. Jul 25, 2014
    At this point, no one can doubt about the innate talent and sense of good taste Anne has. But what this fourth album creates is something unique and transcendental, while persisting on being honest and vulnerable. Big minds are big but also humble, and St Vincent knew how to create this as well as such an ambiguous and versatile atmosphere as very few could before. A success from start to end.
  20. Jul 11, 2014
    Nem sempre o que parece a "regra" é o que deve ser o que norteia nossas opiniões, principalmente, quando se trata do mundo da música. Por exemplo: o álbum homônimo da cantora americana St. Vincent foi aclamado criticamente por muitos especialistas dando uma classificação de 89 no Metacritic. Porém, nem por isso todos que ouvirem o álbum vão achar a mesma coisa. Esse é o meu caso.

    Nem sempre o que parece a "regra" é o que deve ser o que norteia nossas opiniões, principalmente, quando se trata do mundo da música. Por exemplo: o álbum homônimo da cantora americana St. Vincent foi aclamado criticamente por muitos especialistas dando uma classificação de 89 no Metacritic. Porém, nem por isso todos que ouvirem o álbum vão achar a mesma coisa. Esse é o meu caso.

    St. Vincent é um álbum interessante e com boas sacadas, mas, na minha opinião, um trabalho apenas mediano. Não há como negar que a produção não faz um trabalho criativo e bem diferente construindo uma sonoridade pop, mas conceitual em sua estrutura minimalista misturando estilos como art pop e rock indie. Porém, dando uma boa analisada na sonoridade de St. Vincent, fica claro que mesmo envolto em um belíssimo "papel de presente" o álbum é apenas um CD de pop comum mais requintado. É fácil até notar em alguns momentos como, por exemplo, em I Prefer Your Love tem uma vibe meio Madonna das baladas dos anos oitenta misturado com a temática religiosa. Não é uma falha, mas não impressiona como vários críticos falaram. Vocalmente, a cantora St. Vincent tem personalidade bem definida sabendo como se colocar nas canções se adequando ao seu próprio estilo. Nada realmente marcante, mas um trabalho bem conduzido. O ponto negativo do álbum são as suas composições. Entendo perfeitamente e até curto quem busca algo mais autoral e indie, mas aqui o trabalho é hermético demais e não passa emoção ou mesmo um sentimento de afinidade com as mensagens passadas no álbum. É um trabalho bem escrito, mas faltou um toque mais acessível. Resumindo: regras estão aí para ser quebradas.
  21. May 31, 2014
    The sickening esotericism of St. Vincent may not be everyone's cup of tea, but there is something to be admired by anyone as to where the eccentric Annie Clark is coming from on this zigzagging metaphor for God-knows-what. Modern indie rock has nearly everything to thank St. Vincent for, and her eponymous album shows that clearly. Jittery horn and drum patterns, like the one found onThe sickening esotericism of St. Vincent may not be everyone's cup of tea, but there is something to be admired by anyone as to where the eccentric Annie Clark is coming from on this zigzagging metaphor for God-knows-what. Modern indie rock has nearly everything to thank St. Vincent for, and her eponymous album shows that clearly. Jittery horn and drum patterns, like the one found on "Digital Witness," punctuate the album, while Clark's voice gives a unique, guitar-mimicking sound that only she could produce. In the best way, Clark has taken a wryly optimistic step into the future of indie rock and rock in general, while remaining anchored to the ground with the roots that became ingrained in her debut, Marry Me. But as the album's cover (a picture of St. Vincent herself on a throne) might imply anyway, she has been exalted and isn't scared to recognize it. However, "exalted" may be pushing it, because in the track "Regret," she sings about how she is "afraid of Heaven because [she] can't stand the heights." And that's okay with us, because we'd like St. Vincent to hang around here with us Earthlings for at least a little while longer. Expand
  22. May 7, 2014
    This album is ridiculously good. St. Vincent continues to evolve and constantly impress. I'm not saying it because she did an album with him, but she is the female David Byrne.
  23. Apr 30, 2014
    Want a perfect album? Something not tried by others, yet accessible and sometimes catchy? Pick St. Vincent. It's an album that is soaring musically that it's so hard to have a catch on the lyrics.
  24. Apr 27, 2014
    I can't imagine a better album being released this year. Amazing.
    My faves for the decade?- "The Whole Love" by Wilco..."So Beautiful Of So What" by Paul Simon..."Strange Mercy" by St. Vincent & "St. Vincent" by St. Vincent.
  25. Apr 24, 2014
    This is by far her most experimental work yet, but overall, it's her least accessible album by far and for me, her worst. It's not a bad record, but it left me feeling pretty underwhelmed. The first half is pretty good, but the backside is what i'm having a problem with. They feel like tired rehashes of what was just at the beginning of the album. Even though this here most experimentalThis is by far her most experimental work yet, but overall, it's her least accessible album by far and for me, her worst. It's not a bad record, but it left me feeling pretty underwhelmed. The first half is pretty good, but the backside is what i'm having a problem with. They feel like tired rehashes of what was just at the beginning of the album. Even though this here most experimental work yet, it's still pretty safe and a tad boring. No thematic statements here, nor is it really that cohesive of a work. Feels more like a compilation. Expand
  26. Apr 14, 2014
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. St Vincent has crafted an utterly compelling album. St Vincent is lyrically mature and uncanny, and is derived from Annie Clarks keen observations and witty humour. Its starts off boldly, with Rattlesnake unfolding and flowing onto the similar thrilling next song Birth In Reverse. Not only is St Vincents third full length album thought provoking, but it is highly listenable. Dense and complex, guitars, brass and electronic beats are all present which may feel overbearing, but it only adds to the overriding tones of intelligence and wit. In two words I would describe Annie Clarks fantastic album, as idiosyncratic bliss..... Expand
  27. Mar 25, 2014
    This was the first album I listened to by St Vincent, but it's a fantastic first impression. Annie melds experimentation & accessibility together in a fantastic way, creating songs with interesting sonic flavor, clever songwriting, and awesomely catchy hooks.

    (If you wanna see my full review where I go a lot more in-depth, look up "Spin It Reviews" on YouTube.)
  28. Mar 24, 2014
    New wave-y grunge? Distorted art rock? Noise pop? It is hard to pin down exactly what St. Vincent's new release sounds like, but it is indeed a refreshing and original statement. The enormous and dirty guitars highlight the aggressive tones of Annie Clark's vocals and are tactfully compressed and localized for maximum impact. This album rarely lets up in terms of distortion and heaviness,New wave-y grunge? Distorted art rock? Noise pop? It is hard to pin down exactly what St. Vincent's new release sounds like, but it is indeed a refreshing and original statement. The enormous and dirty guitars highlight the aggressive tones of Annie Clark's vocals and are tactfully compressed and localized for maximum impact. This album rarely lets up in terms of distortion and heaviness, but when it does Annie remains a resourceful and effective songwriter. Sadly, I've found my enjoyment for this record has planed off around the 7/10 mark because while it is an enjoyable and impressive effort (especially in terms of sound and production) St. Vincent's songwriting has been better on albums like Actor and Strange Mercy. Still, for someone generally new to her music this album has proven a thoroughly entertaining and rewarding listen.

    Track Picks: Birth in Reverse, Huey Newton, I Prefer Your Love

  29. Mar 23, 2014
    Annie Clark is a goddess, for sure. Now, I don't think St. Vincent is as good of an album as Strange Mercy is, and it doesn't have the same top-end power (there is no "Cruel" on this album). But there are so many great songs, and so much variance that it's hard for someone to not at least find one or two songs they'll really love. Disregarding the pre-released singles, my personalAnnie Clark is a goddess, for sure. Now, I don't think St. Vincent is as good of an album as Strange Mercy is, and it doesn't have the same top-end power (there is no "Cruel" on this album). But there are so many great songs, and so much variance that it's hard for someone to not at least find one or two songs they'll really love. Disregarding the pre-released singles, my personal favorites are "Rattlesnake" and "Bring Me Your Loves." Expand
  30. Mar 23, 2014
    Clark's makeover and eponymous title make this album seem like the second coming of St. Vincent , and I think she does a great job of making her songs more accessible. It's definitely a deviation from her previous work, and you can hear her musical influences shift from collabs with Andrew Bird to David Byrne. The album is much more produced, but it works.

Universal acclaim - based on 40 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 40
  2. Negative: 0 out of 40
  1. This is Clark's most daring, uncompromising, infectious, and adventurous release yet, as St. Vicent features a musician challenging the very idea of what it means to be an artist in 2014.
  2. Mar 12, 2014
    Clark's exacting sensibility makes every song a new experience, finally birthing an album where every shot hits its mark.
  3. Mar 10, 2014
    St. Vincent dances with themes (family, success and the absence thereof, the isolation of the digital) but only ever seems to fringe against them in a way that doesn’t let the record add up to more than the sum of its parts.