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Universal acclaim- based on 459 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 22 out of 459
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  1. Jul 11, 2014
    Nem sempre o que parece a "regra" é o que deve ser o que norteia nossas opiniões, principalmente, quando se trata do mundo da música. Por exemplo: o álbum homônimo da cantora americana St. Vincent foi aclamado criticamente por muitos especialistas dando uma classificação de 89 no Metacritic. Porém, nem por isso todos que ouvirem o álbum vão achar a mesma coisa. Esse é o meu caso.

    Nem sempre o que parece a "regra" é o que deve ser o que norteia nossas opiniões, principalmente, quando se trata do mundo da música. Por exemplo: o álbum homônimo da cantora americana St. Vincent foi aclamado criticamente por muitos especialistas dando uma classificação de 89 no Metacritic. Porém, nem por isso todos que ouvirem o álbum vão achar a mesma coisa. Esse é o meu caso.

    St. Vincent é um álbum interessante e com boas sacadas, mas, na minha opinião, um trabalho apenas mediano. Não há como negar que a produção não faz um trabalho criativo e bem diferente construindo uma sonoridade pop, mas conceitual em sua estrutura minimalista misturando estilos como art pop e rock indie. Porém, dando uma boa analisada na sonoridade de St. Vincent, fica claro que mesmo envolto em um belíssimo "papel de presente" o álbum é apenas um CD de pop comum mais requintado. É fácil até notar em alguns momentos como, por exemplo, em I Prefer Your Love tem uma vibe meio Madonna das baladas dos anos oitenta misturado com a temática religiosa. Não é uma falha, mas não impressiona como vários críticos falaram. Vocalmente, a cantora St. Vincent tem personalidade bem definida sabendo como se colocar nas canções se adequando ao seu próprio estilo. Nada realmente marcante, mas um trabalho bem conduzido. O ponto negativo do álbum são as suas composições. Entendo perfeitamente e até curto quem busca algo mais autoral e indie, mas aqui o trabalho é hermético demais e não passa emoção ou mesmo um sentimento de afinidade com as mensagens passadas no álbum. É um trabalho bem escrito, mas faltou um toque mais acessível. Resumindo: regras estão aí para ser quebradas.
  2. Apr 24, 2014
    This is by far her most experimental work yet, but overall, it's her least accessible album by far and for me, her worst. It's not a bad record, but it left me feeling pretty underwhelmed. The first half is pretty good, but the backside is what i'm having a problem with. They feel like tired rehashes of what was just at the beginning of the album. Even though this here most experimentalThis is by far her most experimental work yet, but overall, it's her least accessible album by far and for me, her worst. It's not a bad record, but it left me feeling pretty underwhelmed. The first half is pretty good, but the backside is what i'm having a problem with. They feel like tired rehashes of what was just at the beginning of the album. Even though this here most experimental work yet, it's still pretty safe and a tad boring. No thematic statements here, nor is it really that cohesive of a work. Feels more like a compilation. Expand
  3. Mar 20, 2014
    After reading a very positive review on this album, I thought I would give it a listen. I have very mixed feelings about this album. I love some of the songs and I think she has an incredible voice, however I feel like the lyrics are a bit abstract and don't really make much sense. Also in some of the songs I feel like the melodies are very off and don't go with each other at all. MyAfter reading a very positive review on this album, I thought I would give it a listen. I have very mixed feelings about this album. I love some of the songs and I think she has an incredible voice, however I feel like the lyrics are a bit abstract and don't really make much sense. Also in some of the songs I feel like the melodies are very off and don't go with each other at all. My favourite tracks are Prince Johnny and Severed Crossed Fingers and my least favourite song is Huey Newton. Expand
  4. Feb 25, 2014
    Let me preface by saying I am a big St. Vincent fan. I'm not here to rip Annie or anyone who appreciates this album, but as much as I wanted to love it, I am personally disappointed by it. I was skeptical of how it would turn out after hearing the relatively unimpressive first two singles "Birth In Reverse" and "Digital Witness", and unfortunately my concerns were legitimized after gettingLet me preface by saying I am a big St. Vincent fan. I'm not here to rip Annie or anyone who appreciates this album, but as much as I wanted to love it, I am personally disappointed by it. I was skeptical of how it would turn out after hearing the relatively unimpressive first two singles "Birth In Reverse" and "Digital Witness", and unfortunately my concerns were legitimized after getting through the full record. Now I will give Annie credit for continuing to think outside the box. This album is like Strange Mercy's freaky love child. Definitely more quirky and out there than anything she's done. And while it's not a bad effort by any means, what I've come to expect from St. Vincent is nothing but the best, and I find this album lacking the substance found in her previous LPs. I'm a little puzzled at the absurdly high reviews to be honest. You figure there's going to be the St. Vincent fanatics that will give Annie a high score regardless of what it sounds like, but as you can see all of the reviews are overwhelmingly positive. Not here to disagree with anyone else's views on the album, just here to give the perspective of someone who very much likes St. Vincent, but couldn't fully latch on to this new record. To me it just seems to lack all those engrossing hooks and melodies from albums past. But perhaps it's a grower, who knows. I still love St. Vincent but I have to call a spade a spade in cases like this. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 40 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 40
  2. Negative: 0 out of 40
  1. This is Clark's most daring, uncompromising, infectious, and adventurous release yet, as St. Vicent features a musician challenging the very idea of what it means to be an artist in 2014.
  2. Mar 12, 2014
    Clark's exacting sensibility makes every song a new experience, finally birthing an album where every shot hits its mark.
  3. Mar 10, 2014
    St. Vincent dances with themes (family, success and the absence thereof, the isolation of the digital) but only ever seems to fringe against them in a way that doesn’t let the record add up to more than the sum of its parts.