• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Mar 17, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
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  1. Mar 16, 2017
    Robust and fearless, Spirit may end up being one of the earliest and best salvos of its political era.
  2. Apr 24, 2017
    You have to go back to 1993’s Songs of Faith and Devotion to find a more consistently flawless record from the band. Lyrically the trio is in top form.
  3. Feb 28, 2017
    That soulfulness amid the misery is the key to making sense of Spirit.
  4. 70
    Only diluted by a couple of thin tracks, Spirit is an impressively robust late-career album. Emotionally naked yet clad in thick, metallic armour, Depeche Mode are growing old angrily, and it suits them.
  5. Mar 20, 2017
    Best to appreciate them for what they are: a noble effort that likely won’t have a marked impact on the world at large.
  6. 91
    It’s the political songs, however, that give the album cohesion and purpose, not to mention an outlook that’s admirably unafraid to express contempt.
  7. Mar 15, 2017
    With their latest release, Depeche Mode prove they have both the musical depth and strength of conviction to outlast us all.
  8. Mar 31, 2017
    The momentum does slacken, though, and the album doesn’t feel particularly structured. Still, songs such as the fierce ‘Scum’ and the stately ‘No More’ are worthy additions to the band’s catalogue, and have far more grit and vividness than you’d expect from any band 37 years into their career.
  9. Feb 28, 2017
    Blow by blow, it all adds up to Depeche Mode's best album in years. [Apr 2017, p.95]
  10. Apr 10, 2017
    Spirit is, ironically enough, sometimes lacking in that, with a few too many downbeat, mid-tempo brooding numbers for comfort. For a soundtrack to a revolution, we’re going to need to party more.
  11. Apr 5, 2017
    Rather than going for broke, Depeche Mode eked out a half-decent release that doesn't do either the theme or their abilities any justice. It may be called Spirit, but this album is sorely lacking in soul.
  12. Mar 20, 2017
    It’s an occasionally comical throwback to when they were at their biggest, with a few good-not-great moments. One can only hope they chill out and come up with something better in a few years.
  13. Mar 20, 2017
    This is a band whose effortlessness can misguide you into thinking they’re not trying. Don’t be fooled.
  14. Q Magazine
    Mar 14, 2017
    Here their sound is largely sharpened and polished by their unmistakable anger. [May 2017, p.98]
  15. Mar 31, 2017
    On Spirit, Depeche Mode aren’t quite repeating themselves, nor is there real revolution in their sound. But they are nevertheless going forwards, and fans will be happy to join the march.
  16. Mar 16, 2017
    They sometimes drift into heavy-handed polemics ("Where’s the Revolution"). But with a smart mix of techno-leaning keyboards and bluesy guitar, à la their 1990 high-water mark, Violator, it’s easy to get swept away in their gospel.
  17. Mar 17, 2017
    In many ways, this is Delta Machine taken into a more organic direction, offering glimpses of past efforts in the process. The decision to let the songs breathe through airy layers was wise, because you can easily focus on them this way.
  18. Mar 16, 2017
    On Spirit, the moments where inspiration dips are few, far between and swamped by those where Depeche Mode sound raw and alive and rigidly opposed to merely going through the motions.
  19. 40
    On Spirit, Depeche Mode get serious and political, which doesn’t really suit them.
  20. 80
    It's their best since 1993’s Songs of Faith and Devotion.
  21. Mar 20, 2017
    The main drawback is that hip producer James Ford isn’t allowed to conjure up as much newfangled ju-ju as Spirit could stand. Songs like So Much Love could come from any era.
  22. The Wire
    Jun 2, 2017
    Now more than ever, political songs need engagement and direct prescription. In that respect Spirit rarely cuts it. But as with many DM albums, it can still resonate in quieter moments such as “Cover Me”, and the group’s continued existence is one of the great love affairs between man and machine in modern music. [Apr 2017, p.56]
  23. Uncut
    Feb 28, 2017
    2013's Delta Machine saw Ben Hiller help them access their mid-life pain in dark post-dubstep. This stint with James Ford, though, has effected a more overt compromise. [Apr 2017, p.26]
  24. Mar 20, 2017
    The group's 14th album, Spirit, produced by James Ford (Arctic Monkeys, Florence and the Machine, Foals), sounds fresh and current.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 123 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 93 out of 123
  2. Negative: 12 out of 123
  1. Mar 17, 2017
    Boring. Where is the dynamics of the old DM? It might be a small step up from the horrid last couple of releases, but there is absolutelyBoring. Where is the dynamics of the old DM? It might be a small step up from the horrid last couple of releases, but there is absolutely nothing left of the great song-writing, arrangements or sonic palette (Oh how we miss you, Alan). Also, I cannot get over how one of my favorite vocalists is now a parody of his old self, continuously growling his OTT R O C K god act.

    My, oh, my, what happened to the band I fell in love with the moment I heard "Love In Itself"? The first 20 years where great. Let´s pretend they split up after that.
    Full Review »
  2. Mar 17, 2017
    Wow! This album is ridiculously good! For me, Poorman is the highlight as to me, it serves as an excellent build up song like Never Let MeWow! This album is ridiculously good! For me, Poorman is the highlight as to me, it serves as an excellent build up song like Never Let Me Down. Dave and Martin's voices are as beautiful as ever. For me, this is their best album since Ultra because, unlike Exiter, Playing the Angel, Sounds of the Universe and Delta Machine, this album easily absorbs you into its dark and bleak world. Well done Depeche Mode! Full Review »
  3. Mar 19, 2017
    This is Depeche Mode's strongest record since 1993's Songs of Faith and Devotion. On Spirit you will find a frustrated and angry DM with aThis is Depeche Mode's strongest record since 1993's Songs of Faith and Devotion. On Spirit you will find a frustrated and angry DM with a production to match it. Still, despite all the rage there are moments of absolute beauty as found on "Cover Me", perhaps the album's best track.

    Other Standout Tracks:
    "So Much Love"
    "No More (This Is The Last Time)"
    Full Review »