• Record Label: La Face
  • Release Date: Sep 23, 2003
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 401 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 22 out of 401

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  1. Dec 21, 2021
    OutKast's duo have made a cohesive statement that not only cries at the boundaries of rap music but vaults over them to a place where the music sounds like neon colors and the only rule is that you must free your mind. Your ears will follow.
  2. Oct 4, 2018
    Outkast with yet another classic album. This is an awesome project, even Andre's R&B approached CD was better than I would have expected. However, I reckon that Speakerboxx tops The Love Below; Big Boi was on point and had some of the best verses I've heard from himself in his career (nothing will top his verses on Ms. Jackson and ATliens though). This album isn't Outkast's best but ****Outkast with yet another classic album. This is an awesome project, even Andre's R&B approached CD was better than I would have expected. However, I reckon that Speakerboxx tops The Love Below; Big Boi was on point and had some of the best verses I've heard from himself in his career (nothing will top his verses on Ms. Jackson and ATliens though). This album isn't Outkast's best but **** it is good, Big Boi and Andre deserve all the credit they recieve for this classic. 10/10 Expand
  3. Jul 16, 2018
    Two different musical worlds that combines itself in an amazing manner. Big Boi's pure rap plus Andre 3000's R&B, blues, soul and pop eclectic mix works as an unity, which paradoxically are biggest qualities of album, and it functions masterfully. The album, being too long, sometimes can tire the listener, but not leaving being incredible anytime. Although not being Outkast's best album,Two different musical worlds that combines itself in an amazing manner. Big Boi's pure rap plus Andre 3000's R&B, blues, soul and pop eclectic mix works as an unity, which paradoxically are biggest qualities of album, and it functions masterfully. The album, being too long, sometimes can tire the listener, but not leaving being incredible anytime. Although not being Outkast's best album, it's still surprising at all. Expand
  4. Jul 18, 2017
    great album........................................................................................................................................................................
  5. Aug 31, 2016
    I don't know how they did it, but they crafted the greatest hip hop double album of all time, and one of the greatest works of art, period. 40 tracks and no filler. Artistry at its finest.
  6. Aug 9, 2016
  7. Mar 7, 2016
    this album is awesome. love the production and music themes. Outkast knows how to craft good music. this one is up there with their past works. straight classic.
  8. Apr 11, 2015
    8/10 .................................................................................................................................................
  9. Jan 4, 2013
    This is not one album by Outkast, rather, it's two solo albums sold together as a group album. One is by Big Boi and the other is by Andre 3000. Unfortunately for Big Boi, 3000's record is so compelling and overwhelming that no one has time for Big Boi's album. 3000 clearly stands out, releasing an album the completely moves beyond the boundaries of hip-hop into Prince-esque territory,This is not one album by Outkast, rather, it's two solo albums sold together as a group album. One is by Big Boi and the other is by Andre 3000. Unfortunately for Big Boi, 3000's record is so compelling and overwhelming that no one has time for Big Boi's album. 3000 clearly stands out, releasing an album the completely moves beyond the boundaries of hip-hop into Prince-esque territory, combining jazz, funk, soul, pseudo-rock and hip hop into one fascinating album that has left fans thirsty for a new solo album from 3000 since 2003. Overall, Speakerboxxx/The Love Below is another astounding Outkast album, yet one could say it started the divide that has left Outkast on a hiatus ever since their mediocre followup record Idlewild was released. Expand
  10. Jul 22, 2012
    For those who rate this album low simply don't appreciate music that pushes boundaries and would rather hear the same thing over and over again. This album won album of the year at the grammy's and that should speak for itself.
  11. Apr 25, 2012
    This album instantly takes me back to 2003 whenever I hear it, but I don't think it has aged well. It's still stuck in 2003. If you only download "Hey Ya", then you're not missing much from the rest of the album.
  12. May 15, 2011
    great music and themes. great achievement. .......................................................................................................... another great album by outkast. one of the best albums of the decade
  13. Nov 21, 2010
    While Speakerboxxx is certainly a strong hip hop record, The Love Below is without a doubt the most innovative r&b album in years, and is perhaps the best album of any style of music for the entire decade 2000-2009. Pure musical genius.
  14. Oct 17, 2010
    I can't believe people gave this album negative reviews. It is obviously in the top five for best hip hop of the decade, and probably in the top 20 for best overall in the decade. Andre 3000 is a great producer, and I love the way he mixes hip hop, soul, poetry, and jazz into the music he makes. 2 cds are better than 1. Great job.
  15. Aug 27, 2010
    First, I don't like giving negative reviews. So, that is the primary reason this album receives a 6 instead of a 5 from me. I absolutely love many of the tracks on this disc, but it does need some editing in my opinion. Many of these songs find their way to my play lists, and many of them do not.
  16. RichardB.
    Dec 28, 2007
    Best album I've ever bought.
  17. James
    Nov 1, 2007
    Outkast is the greatest hip hop group out there today!
  18. Alex
    Oct 29, 2007
    Not to sound fanboyish or anything but OutKast is arguably the greatest music group to ever come out during the 21st century.
  19. ChrisR.
    Oct 6, 2007
    60 Rolling Stone Each of these albums is as noteworthy for what's missing as for what's there. What the fuck type of beating around the bush bullshit is this? I hope that their headquarters burns to the ground along melting all their cappuccino machines. I didn't listen to this album BTW, just guessing how good it is from the singles.
  20. ScottW.
    Aug 19, 2007
    The secouned is a tie at 8.0 Very fun guys to listen to, and without a dull moment once again makes this a fine secound installment.
  21. MalikM.
    Jul 15, 2007
  22. DanA
    Jun 24, 2007
    Funking amazing album. Can never stop listening to it. The Love Below is genius, and Speakerboxxx is like an extension to the previously awesome style Outkast has been known for. A classic.
  23. AaronH
    May 9, 2007
    Good music is not self indulgent. If you're looking for gangsta, this isn't it. Please, if gangsta is what you're looking for, by all means, buy a 50 Cent album. If you like R&B that borders on jazz, The Love Below has its moments. In fact, it has enough moments that someone like me, who generally avoids hip-hop, bought the album. As for the comparisons to Prince--the Good music is not self indulgent. If you're looking for gangsta, this isn't it. Please, if gangsta is what you're looking for, by all means, buy a 50 Cent album. If you like R&B that borders on jazz, The Love Below has its moments. In fact, it has enough moments that someone like me, who generally avoids hip-hop, bought the album. As for the comparisons to Prince--the resemblance is superficial. Andre 3000 is in his own territory here. Expand
  24. DavidH
    Apr 25, 2007
    absolutely incredibly orginal, outkast continue to redefine hip hop and r'n'b, while pushing the envelope to create an album that is jam-packed with weird, unpredictable, thoroughly exciting tracks, like nothing you've heard before. I think it is impossible to compare the two discs, while both are beautifully flawed, they both contain so many different strengths. While the absolutely incredibly orginal, outkast continue to redefine hip hop and r'n'b, while pushing the envelope to create an album that is jam-packed with weird, unpredictable, thoroughly exciting tracks, like nothing you've heard before. I think it is impossible to compare the two discs, while both are beautifully flawed, they both contain so many different strengths. While the love below is sexier, more soulful, with wildly bizzare hooks and some softer chilled songs, it is perfectly clear that the love below is a redefining r'n'b album, speakerboxxx redefines hip hop, containing very lively catchy jazzy songs, and then becoming very dark, more street and urban, still containing wildly catchy hooks, and both are emotionally resonant. while it is impossible to rule out one as better, everyone will have their favourite, depending on their preference to either r'n'b or hip hop. overall, one of the most successful albums ever, and my favourite album ever! Expand
  25. ShaanS
    Mar 28, 2007
    Pales in comparison to Stankonia. Not the genre molding album the critics claimed it to be. They must have needed a rap album to their top 10 lists to diversify.
  26. DorianL
    Mar 15, 2007
    2 for effort. This is the worst album of theirs that I have heard, this album made me lose alot of respect for Outkast although I have listened to them from the start. I just don't even want to listen to Idlewild. I still love the rest of their albums
  27. ToddS
    Jan 3, 2007
    Why is the an Outkast album? Big Boi and Andre do approximately 3 songs together on the entire 2-disc album. This isn't an Outkast album. It's 2 solo albums put together with Andre reinventing himself as the new Prince of the millenium, and Big Boi showing that he can't hold a solo album on his own (he has a guest featured on almost every track). Not a bad album as far as Why is the an Outkast album? Big Boi and Andre do approximately 3 songs together on the entire 2-disc album. This isn't an Outkast album. It's 2 solo albums put together with Andre reinventing himself as the new Prince of the millenium, and Big Boi showing that he can't hold a solo album on his own (he has a guest featured on almost every track). Not a bad album as far as commercial hip-hop is concerned, but nowhere near as great as their prior releases. Big and Andre need to ditch the marketing ploy and stop calling themselves Outkast for they have officially gone solo with this release. Expand
  28. RSkells
    Sep 6, 2006
    I love outkast. i really do. but this album was not up to snuff with previous efforts. Outkast is one of the greatest hip hop acts of all time with a fantastic track record and i cannot help but measure this album against records like stankonia and the incomparable Aquemini. Those albums featured two partners in music, complimenting each other perfectly. here, we see two unique artists I love outkast. i really do. but this album was not up to snuff with previous efforts. Outkast is one of the greatest hip hop acts of all time with a fantastic track record and i cannot help but measure this album against records like stankonia and the incomparable Aquemini. Those albums featured two partners in music, complimenting each other perfectly. here, we see two unique artists drifting away from each other creatively, each losing a bit of their shine in the process. there are still some good tunes on this ablum(s?) but its not the consistent brilliance that one expects from an outkast disc. Expand
  29. ivanv
    Aug 24, 2006
    wat? 90..... this album was absolute shit. I would rather listen to a 50 cent album than this crap, Hey Ya was so terrible how could any1 like it? explain please
  30. richardj
    Aug 10, 2006
    Tell me a better album that crosses over like this record does! I haven't bought a new album since this apart from the follwoing Lina's The Inner Beauty Movement and Guillemots-Through the Windowpane, as everything i have heard pales in comparison, musically. I buy a lot of old-skool records but this contempoary classic keeps Hip-Hop fans satisfied, pop/r & B fans have something Tell me a better album that crosses over like this record does! I haven't bought a new album since this apart from the follwoing Lina's The Inner Beauty Movement and Guillemots-Through the Windowpane, as everything i have heard pales in comparison, musically. I buy a lot of old-skool records but this contempoary classic keeps Hip-Hop fans satisfied, pop/r & B fans have something meaningful for a change, plus old skool fans of Prince/Funkadelic and Sly Stone now have the next artist who can carry on the mantle! THat artist is Andre 3000! if anyone slates this album as far as I'm concerned you can't know much about music writing and quality! (the quality! not dribble like Mariah Carey, James Blunt, Kelly Clarkson) The only album to me what competes in writing to this is Lina's The Inner Beauty Movement! Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Apr 17, 2012
    OutKast's duo have made a cohesive statement that not only cries at the boundaries of rap music but vaults over them to a place where the music sounds like neon colors and the only rule is that you must free your mind. Your ears will follow.
  2. Mojo
    The genius of past Outkast isn't diluted or diminished across these disks, rather it's doubled, expanded and explored. [Sep 2003, p.99]
  3. Speakerboxxx--by itself the album of the year--makes the failings of The Love Below all the more evident.