• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Mar 20, 2007
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 282 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 12 out of 282

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  1. TimT.
    Oct 13, 2007
    This album was a big disappointment. Both CDs of the last album were utter gold, but this Album only holds a mere 2 tracks that I enjoy. Even Murphy's jokes suck on this venture, the best joke on the album featured in the title track "Sound of Silver" is used as the only lyrics in the whole 4+ minute song, I got sick of the most witty thing on the album, less than a minute into the This album was a big disappointment. Both CDs of the last album were utter gold, but this Album only holds a mere 2 tracks that I enjoy. Even Murphy's jokes suck on this venture, the best joke on the album featured in the title track "Sound of Silver" is used as the only lyrics in the whole 4+ minute song, I got sick of the most witty thing on the album, less than a minute into the song. The only thing I am really impressed with on this album is "North American Scum" which is, in my opinion, Murphy's best song to date. Just not enough innovation and improvement to Murphy's sound for me to like it. Expand
  2. JonC.
    Sep 9, 2007
    I honestly don't know what people see in this "band." I don't know how they can actually consider this music. It's just...you know...noise. A bad noise too.
  3. nigel
    Jun 13, 2007
    I agree when I heard "north american scum", I thought it was a total rip off of Fat Boy Slims "Funk Soul Brother". I thought it was a very weak single and way too radio friendly. And then I heard the album and it was very tame and just bland. And then when you read interviews with James Murphy from LCD Soundsystem, you see how he not only enjoys making very corporate friendly music and I agree when I heard "north american scum", I thought it was a total rip off of Fat Boy Slims "Funk Soul Brother". I thought it was a very weak single and way too radio friendly. And then I heard the album and it was very tame and just bland. And then when you read interviews with James Murphy from LCD Soundsystem, you see how he not only enjoys making very corporate friendly music and dreams of being on Billboard. It's no wonder you are dealing with a guy who produces Justin Timberlake and even once produced Britney Spears. The album did not do as well as they hoped it would do. The single failed and the album failed. LCD Soundsystem lost whatever cool audience they had and respect they had when James Murphy sold out for the money. If I wanted to listen to cool corporate music, I would rather listen to Daft Punk. At least they make corporate music with masks on. Expand
  4. KevinFederline
    May 27, 2007
    Man, what the hell was I thinking when I made this album?
  5. johns
    May 16, 2007
    awful..most droning boring unoriginal record ive heard this year..'north american scum' the single totally rips off funk soul brother by fat boy slim..punctuated with terribly naive unitelligent lyrics, would have liked to have seen the reaction had it repeated the line 'north iraqi scum' instead!..cant say enough bad things about this record!
  6. MCVitt
    Mar 28, 2007
    I don't get this record. It's kind of boring. I've liked LCD Soundsystem in the past, but this doesn't really do it for me. It's not New Order, without the voice and the fabulous bass line. And the rip-offs (Kraftwerk in the first song, etc.) are ... well, they don't really help. They awaken a desire without fulfilling it. A good sample or quote adds value I don't get this record. It's kind of boring. I've liked LCD Soundsystem in the past, but this doesn't really do it for me. It's not New Order, without the voice and the fabulous bass line. And the rip-offs (Kraftwerk in the first song, etc.) are ... well, they don't really help. They awaken a desire without fulfilling it. A good sample or quote adds value (Beastie Boys used to be great at this, Danger Mouse still is), but this just takes me nowhere. As another person said, Panda Bear walks all over this in its incredible studio work. Expand
  7. MikeJ
    Mar 22, 2007
    This is a really bad disco album full of pretension. Thumbs down.
  8. vzvzvhello
    Mar 22, 2007
    this album sucks!

Universal acclaim - based on 41 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 41
  2. Negative: 0 out of 41
  1. True, LCD's music is not for everyone, which may have something to do with why their fans love them as they do. If you fall into the latter category, however, Silver is gold.
  2. Under The Radar
    A big, fun, and passionate record that sounds enormous. [#16, p.92]
  3. Urb
    The vocals are where Murphy has developed the most, trading in his Mark E. Smith yelp for various crooning styles. [Jan/Feb 2007, p.75]