• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Mar 20, 2007

Universal acclaim - based on 41 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 41
  2. Negative: 0 out of 41
  1. Compared to the first LCD Soundsystem album, Sound of Silver is less silly, funnier, less messy, sleeker, less rowdy, more fun, less distanced, more touching.
  2. In the end, the nine songs and fifty-five minutes of Sound Of Silver find LCD Soundsystem really hitting a stride. It's no less playful, but at the same time it's more focused and varied. This is one I'm glad I gave a chance.
  3. True, LCD's music is not for everyone, which may have something to do with why their fans love them as they do. If you fall into the latter category, however, Silver is gold.
  4. This is music that hits the head, heart and hips all at once.
  5. Billboard
    The lyrics brim with grouchy wit. [24 Mar 2007]
  6. Blender
    Turns out there's a functioning soul beneath the smirk. [Apr 2007, p.115]
  7. [A] strong contender for album of the year.
  8. While opening track ‘Get Innocuous’ gently apes his own ‘Losing My Edge’ for the first minute and a half, the rest of the LP gradually moves onwards and upwards; either improving and tightening the previous template, or trying new things altogether.
  9. Make no mistake – the beats are still rigid, dabbling in taut funk and squelching electro as much as snotty punk moves and glorious polyrhtyhms. These nine songs, however, ring with a clarity of purpose and a true intent that was previously altogether lacking, presenting a far more cohesive image of Murphy and his many strengths.
  10. While Sound of Silver still delivers terrific buzzy dance-space jams ... it also contains wispy hints of New Order and Bowie... and Murphy's best song-making efforts to date.
  11. It's a straight-up masterpiece, blending indie-rock attitude and clattering dance beats with lethal sardonic humor.
  12. The most extraordinary aspect of the album is that Murphy has managed to simultaneously make his music both more experimental and more thrillingly danceable.
  13. Murphy succeeds by stretching in two directions — finding a new musical center, and showing his humanity beyond the laughs.
  14. Cleaned up, stripped down, and melding dance music seamlessly with post-punk, Sound Of Silver is as solid as a dance album can get.
  15. Mojo
    A fantastic consolidation of everything good about LCD. [Apr 2007, p.108]
  16. Taken end to end, Sound Of Silver is a thrilling, exhilarating ride on a fast machine.
  17. Whereas Murphy's wise enough never to let his showing off spoil the fun, he can't avoid investing these songs with heart and soul.
  18. I’d be surprised if the genre can produce anything much better than this.
  19. This sounds more like an album and less like a collection of singles and ideas, and the pop and funk elements are a bit more refined than before.
  20. It's occasionally like a dream collaboration between Bill Hicks and New Order, with Giorgio Moroder producing.
  21. As close to a perfect hybrid of dance and rock music's values as you're likely to ever hear.
  22. 'Sound Of Silver' is the album of the year.
  23. You won’t likely be amazed this time around, but be prepared to be thoroughly satisfied, all the same.
  24. As a cohesive album and a personal statement, Sound of Silver is superior in most every way.
  25. Q Magazine
    Not only do the rhythms here sound tighter and more intensely focused, Murphy's presence as a songwriter and frontman is a revelation. [Apr 2007, p.110]
  26. Mostly he just wants to make big, fun, Bowie-esque declamations or work out a nervy punk jones.
  27. Spin
    Over and over, these songs reveal how a wisecracking record geek can still achieve rapture. [Mar 2007, p.98]
  28. The great thing about this album is the same as was great about the last full length LCD Soundsystem album, and that is its effortless blend and execution of mix.
  29. Yes, of course, it’s a total homage to his favorite music—but it’s an extraordinarily moving one, both emotionally and physically.
  30. Sure, lots of other people have done this lately, but few do it with Murphy's flair.
  31. This is dance-rock for grown-ups: extraordinary.
  32. The strongest stuff of Mr. Murphy’s career.
  33. Uncut
    Rarely has anyone making such exciting and fashionable music been so unapologetic about being mature, too. [Apr 2007, p.97]
  34. Under The Radar
    A big, fun, and passionate record that sounds enormous. [#16, p.92]
  35. Urb
    The vocals are where Murphy has developed the most, trading in his Mark E. Smith yelp for various crooning styles. [Jan/Feb 2007, p.75]
  36. Vibe
    He's winking, sure, but this time it's through real tears. [Apr 2007, p.134]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 282 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 12 out of 282
  1. MattB.
    Sep 7, 2007
    This album is extraordinary. The man is a genius Funk Soul Brother? Nigel, get a clue.
  2. May 13, 2021
    Benefiting from an iconic start and a breathtaking end, 'Sound of Silver' simply stands out as the origin of many of the music industry's mostBenefiting from an iconic start and a breathtaking end, 'Sound of Silver' simply stands out as the origin of many of the music industry's most enduring samples. Between those two tracks extends an impressive palette of songs that delimit the immense playground of LCD Soundsystem. The amount of different atmospheres they manage to craft is stunning. The mixture of several genres is certainly the recipe for success of James Murphy.

    But if 'Get Innocuous!' managed to amaze us all, I personally have to admit that the rest of the album struggled to maintain such an intensity. Murphy's vocals, which span nearly an hour and all nine tracks, yet reach a point of repetitiveness and boredom accentuated by the endless rhythmic patterns, despite the deep and interesting lyrics. The overall versatility of tracks and lyrics clearly avoided us to sink here.
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  3. Mar 15, 2021
    This was bound to be a masterpiece. The prequels of the self titled and Ep's hinted at greatness even delivering it on some tracks (see:losingThis was bound to be a masterpiece. The prequels of the self titled and Ep's hinted at greatness even delivering it on some tracks (see:losing my edge&daft punk is playing at my house) but this album is the culmination of those whims. It is the fullstop at the end of Shakespeare's play:mark to signal the end of greatness.
    This manages into its' nine tracks to fit so much raw emotion with slick and clever execution. Everything feels specific:the grief,joy and meaninglessness of it all. Seems sacred in the way it is given to us. The heart attack that is "Someone Great" takes loss and suspends it bare. From the universal indifference the world has to death :"The worst is all the lovely weather,
    I'm stunned, it's not raining.
    The coffee isn't even bitter,
    Because, what's the difference?" Perfectly summarises how death cannot be cliche. It's not rain,black clouds and black clothes. It's real as shown in the same verse:
    "There's all the work that needs to be done," life doesn't hault. It matches on. Accepting this is the hard part. The song inspired by the death of Murphy's psychologist keeps the personal and specific even when it's universal. "Sound of Silver" uses regret and irony to reminisce on youth and idealism and the trauma we shrink with time . Never is momentum lost from start to finish. With so many great points picking a highlight would be harder than killing your pet. The lighter moment's such as the euro disco bop "Us vs. Them" uses anticipation and repetition to build towards a satisfying climax. The humor centerpiece(and the most memorable track out of the nine)"North American Scum". It's just as critical as the title suggests as it goes on an aggravated rampage. Skewering American culture and himself, as a North American. The sarcastic edge to his delivery holds an otherwise wordy song together. How he is able to take us through that narrative without losing the musicality is impressive. In summary Sound of Silver is a electronic dance masterpiece that pays homage to the greats(eg. Daft Punk) and creates it's own mystique. It is an artist at their creative best. Just beginning and having way too much fun to stop soon
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