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Universal acclaim- based on 133 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 4 out of 133
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  1. Oct 23, 2020
    I was really excited for this album because of the singles this year. An excitement I hadn't had in a long time for Gorillaz music... And it was justified. Song machine 1 is a really good album with such various songs and features. From Elton John to JPEGMAFIA to Slaves.

    My favourites are: Desole (The extended version is absolutely beautiful), Aries and The Valley of the Pagans.
    I was really excited for this album because of the singles this year. An excitement I hadn't had in a long time for Gorillaz music... And it was justified. Song machine 1 is a really good album with such various songs and features. From Elton John to JPEGMAFIA to Slaves.

    My favourites are: Desole (The extended version is absolutely beautiful), Aries and The Valley of the Pagans.

  2. Dec 25, 2020
    The moment you hear the song machine theme till the ending of momentary bliss you dive into the world of new Gorillaz yet so familiar. Production, distinctive sound of each element return you to the glory days of Demon days and Plastic beach. Brilliant, modern, true Gorillaz album! Desole, Aries for me stand alongside Feel good, dare, Empire ants.
  3. Oct 23, 2020
    Although this is not Gorillaz's best work (that honor definitely going to Demon Days), this is still an exceptional album. Featuring both well-respected artists like Elton John, Robert Smith, and Beck, as well as extremely talented musicians I've never heard of like 6lack, Fatoumata Diawara, and slowthai. Also, some of the messages within the songs are really poignant, and the songsAlthough this is not Gorillaz's best work (that honor definitely going to Demon Days), this is still an exceptional album. Featuring both well-respected artists like Elton John, Robert Smith, and Beck, as well as extremely talented musicians I've never heard of like 6lack, Fatoumata Diawara, and slowthai. Also, some of the messages within the songs are really poignant, and the songs themselves are pretty good. There's only really one song I don't like, and it's just because Friday the 13th isn't my personal musical esthetic, but that doesn't mean that no one won't like it. Definitely give this a listen if you love Gorillaz or are wanting to discover new musicians! Expand
  4. Oct 23, 2020
    One of the albums of the year. Every song is amazing but Valley of the Pagans, Aries, The Lost Chore and Pacman are a level above the other ones. Damon Albarn is a genius!
  5. Dec 17, 2020
    This album is great, the diversity of these tracks and how each individual track gives a feeling or a vibe is done really well, the album is very dense and rich. At first glance at the list of features you might think it's a lot, but it's actually very balanced and each feature is done well, it's like Damon is giving them their space but his presence and the rest of the band is reallyThis album is great, the diversity of these tracks and how each individual track gives a feeling or a vibe is done really well, the album is very dense and rich. At first glance at the list of features you might think it's a lot, but it's actually very balanced and each feature is done well, it's like Damon is giving them their space but his presence and the rest of the band is really there. None of these tracks bored me, I almost love each one, my least fav is Chalk tablet towers, but I like that childish vibe to it and still listen to it.
    Aries, Desole, Pac-Man, Valley of the pagans, Momentary bliss 10/10
    The lost chord, The pink phantom, Strange Timez, Dead butterflies 9/10
    Friday 13th, CTT 8/10
    As for the bonus tracks, I appreciate them but they are not that great, I like MLS
    the rest are just meh, but chilling to say the least.
    This is just a fantastic album. Thank you.
  6. Oct 23, 2020
    FAR AND AWAY MY FAVOURITE GORILLAZ ALBUM OF *ALL TIME*! All throughout the Song Machine release cycle, I wondered to myself if after 3 somewhat lackluster albums was Gorillaz about to put out an album that would usurp Demon Days in my view. Sure enough, on 22 October, 2020 CE @ 5:00.00pm PST (or 22 October, 2020 CE @ 12:00.00am GST), they finally friggin DID IT. Those crazy bastardsFAR AND AWAY MY FAVOURITE GORILLAZ ALBUM OF *ALL TIME*! All throughout the Song Machine release cycle, I wondered to myself if after 3 somewhat lackluster albums was Gorillaz about to put out an album that would usurp Demon Days in my view. Sure enough, on 22 October, 2020 CE @ 5:00.00pm PST (or 22 October, 2020 CE @ 12:00.00am GST), they finally friggin DID IT. Those crazy bastards finally usurped Demon Days and ushered in a new GOLDEN AGE of Gorillaz music. After listening to the album on Spotify, with my Deluxe CD due in the mail very soon, along with my 4 Song Machine collector's cassette tapes, I am CONVINCED of this. Possibly the best song on the album - indeed, maybe even the best song in their entire CATALOGUE now - is hands down "The Valley of the Pagans" feat. Beck. I couldn't get enough of it when it leaked, and it turns out the rumors were true - what leaked was merely a demo. The true version of the song somehow BLOWS THAT DEMO AWAY. It's got it all, incredibly succinct & pointed lyrics, a funky groove, tempo & beat you can't not dance to, wonderful instrumentation and vocals all around, and an AMAZING choice in artist collaboration. This isn't to say the remaining tracks aren't as good. This is one of those rare treasures where LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE SONG IS AN ABSOLUTE *BANGER*! Not a dud among them! Not a single song that I *EVER* felt like skipping, which basically NO other album has achieved with me. Not even the legendary Demon Days. Even it has 2 or 3 tracks that bore me. But "Song Machine, season one: Strange Timez"? Hell no. Every tracks is certified gold. Damon Albarn is back! Put The Fall, Humanz, and The Now Now in the past. Not only have we returned to the glory days of Gorillaz, Demon Days, and Plastic Beach, we have SURPASSED them imo. This has something for EVERYONE and EVERY type of Gorillaz fan will have at least ONE song that they LOVE off this, I guarantee. Most likely EVERY Gorillaz fan will love the whole thing or at least MOST of it, but even if one doesn't I *GUARANTEE* that at least ONE song will do it to 'em. Guarantee. I *ABSOLUTELY* recommended buying this album, ESPECIALLY if you're a fan of Gorillaz in ANY capacity. This is ESSENTIAL listening and an INSTANT classic. I GUARANTEE that I'll be listening to this when I'm 100 years old if I make it that far, and so will all the other fans. Could not recommend that you buy this more, CAN NOT overstate the MASSIVE level of quality to be found on this beautiful album. 10 out of 5 stars! I can NOT wait for Season Two, which Albarn has already confirmed is in the works. I am absolutely GIDDY! Here's hoping Season Two brings us a collaboration with Billie Eilish. I think she's really matured as an artist recently and is ready for a major collaboration like that, to go through the pop artist rite of passage and appear on a Gorillaz song! :) Expand
  7. Oct 23, 2020
    I love Gorillaz. Let me make that clear. I’ve been a fan for a good time, but this is not their strongest piece of work. I understand that this is just a fun project and to draw attention to newer/unknown artists and collabrate with some of their musical friends. It’s hard to get a start in the music industry. So that’s why I think the majority of the album is just collaborations. But youI love Gorillaz. Let me make that clear. I’ve been a fan for a good time, but this is not their strongest piece of work. I understand that this is just a fun project and to draw attention to newer/unknown artists and collabrate with some of their musical friends. It’s hard to get a start in the music industry. So that’s why I think the majority of the album is just collaborations. But you can tell that Jamie and Damon have lost interest in the project and they’re doing anything to keep it alive. The album had some high quality songs that will be memorable, however there are some tracks that aren’t that strong. I truly wish that there were some tracks with just Damon, I’m getting burnt out with all the collaborations though they’re to draw attention to newer artists. However, I liked some of the collaborations on this album and I most definitely will check out some of them. In conclusion, Gorillaz’ Song Machine Season 1 was a nice album, but not their best piece of work. Expand
  8. Oct 26, 2020
    'Song Machine' is a fun album. 'Plastic Beach' remains, for me, as their best effort, but the joy of putting up this project can be heard all over it. Beck, St. Vincent, and Peter Hook bring new elements to the table. There are, of course, some lethargic moments, but overall this a solid album, and I'm really enjoying it.
  9. Apr 15, 2021
    A very exciting Gorillaz album, which shows that Damon Albarn continues to be a real visionary. Truly their greatest effort since Plastic Beach.
  10. Oct 23, 2020
    Estoy realmente encantado del nivel que alcanzó la banda con este album! Si bien ya se podía sentir que algo bueno estaba en camino, escuchando los 7 episodios lanzados durante el año, sorprende como el álbum completo mantiene ese nivel y en algunas canciones lo supera!
    Song Machine acierta en todo lo que Humanz falló en su momento. Usa de manera muy efectiva los feats. de cada canción,
    Estoy realmente encantado del nivel que alcanzó la banda con este album! Si bien ya se podía sentir que algo bueno estaba en camino, escuchando los 7 episodios lanzados durante el año, sorprende como el álbum completo mantiene ese nivel y en algunas canciones lo supera!
    Song Machine acierta en todo lo que Humanz falló en su momento. Usa de manera muy efectiva los feats. de cada canción, dejando que estos se luzcan pero sin descartar la notable voz de 2D/Damon. Además cuenta con una producción y un mix de enorme calidad (toma lo mejor de TNN y lo potencia)
    Se siente un álbum totalmente fresco y por momentos los tracks se transforman en algo que jamás nos podríamos imaginar (para bien!) ej: Dead Butterflies y Opium (de la versión Deluxe)
    No tengo duda en que este disco está a la altura de Demon Days y Plastic Beach. Más que recomendado!
  11. Nov 1, 2020
    Song Machine, Season One: Strange Timez, the seventh studio album by Gorillaz is yet another example of how much they can continue to diversify their style and sound.
    There's no surprise in it, but that does not neglect the quality.
    Perhaps the real problem I have is that the same diversification makes the album feel a bit unbalanced and at a certain point even somewhat redundant.
    Song Machine, Season One: Strange Timez, the seventh studio album by Gorillaz is yet another example of how much they can continue to diversify their style and sound.
    There's no surprise in it, but that does not neglect the quality.

    Perhaps the real problem I have is that the same diversification makes the album feel a bit unbalanced and at a certain point even somewhat redundant.

    This is because, as always, there are songs that work much better than others.

    And this is quite remarkable with the deluxe edition, since they are songs that for the most part I considered filler and that lengthen an album that doesn't need it.

    A sin that Albarn has committed with this band several times.

    For the most part it's enjoyable. It's easy to listen to and it works well.
    It's not the best the band has ever done, but it's still a nice addition to their discography.

    Notable tracks

    > Strange Timez (featuring Robert Smith)
    > The Valley of the Pagans (featuring Beck)
    > Chalk Tablet Towers (featuring St. Vincent)
    > The Pink Phantom (featuring Elton John and 6lack)
  12. Oct 23, 2020
    Even though initially thought to being single episodes without necessarily planned as a album, the sequence of songs flows very well. Damon Albarn did one more great job!
  13. Nov 8, 2020
    Song Machine: Season One is the best album that Gorillaz has made in quite a while. My favourite tracks are: "The Pink Phantom", "Pac-Man", "Aries", "The Valley of the Pagans" and "Momentary Bliss".
    Super excited for Season Two!
  14. Oct 24, 2020
    Discazo de Gorillaz. La cuarentena teniendo, irónicamente, resultados más que positivos.
  15. Oct 30, 2020
    Song machine has proven that Gorillaz are musically dynamic that they have ever been before. This album was a gift to music. Each song is cleverly written and flow smoothly into the next. I would highly recommend listening to this album
  16. Oct 26, 2020
    What an album if I knew none else. This feels like the most Gorillaz album since Plastic Beach.
  17. Oct 23, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Song Machine son las palabras de lo que si se debió de hacer en Humanz y The Now Now, song Machine es un mundo distinto en cada canción, es un viaje hacia el universo gorillaz, la calidad en la producción es otro mundo distinto, es una cosa excepcional, Ame este disco de minuto a minuto, segundo a segundo, nunca desde plastic Beach me había gustado tanto un disco de Gorillaz, los colaboradores sólo ayudaron a que los demos fueran a otro nivel, la voz de Damon es excepcional, se ve que le puso amor y empeño a sus partes, este si es un álbum de Gorillaz, Opium, Dead Butterflies, Lost Chord y The Valley son los mejores temas del disco, Momentary Bliss ya se convertirá en un Himno de Gorillaz como lo fue Clint Eastwood y Feel good inc, no puedo decir mad que este si es un maldito álbum de gorillaz, lo mas increíble para un latino, es que en dead Butterflies haya una parte en español, sin más, que gran álbum de Gorillaz, tuve la fortuna de escucharlo 3 días antes y buah... Solo puedo decir que no puedo hacer un ranking bien hecho... Porque todas son mis favoritas, todas tienen lo suyo y son especiales, se guardan en tu cabeza y corazón demasiado rapido Expand
  18. Oct 28, 2020
    Song Machine is one of the best works of the band surpassing even Demon Days. After a period of Rest, Albarn's mind was preparing to create an album that commemorates what Gorillaz, the collaborators, 2D's voice (sometimes sounding more like Damon), his diversity of genres but being consistent with the album with a very good musical production, embellishing songs the most melancholic songsSong Machine is one of the best works of the band surpassing even Demon Days. After a period of Rest, Albarn's mind was preparing to create an album that commemorates what Gorillaz, the collaborators, 2D's voice (sometimes sounding more like Damon), his diversity of genres but being consistent with the album with a very good musical production, embellishing songs the most melancholic songs and others that have a good rhythm.

    Strange Timez has a good start and shows that rhythms and instruments will be used more in this album, instead "valley of the pagans" an immediate hit, it is a cynical song that talks about false icons, with a very rhythmic and moved arrangement for move on to a "the lost chord" that shows us the more sentimental and melodic side of this album, with a voice more Albarn than Damon appearing, but it gives a good melodic result. Consequently "PAC-MAN" is a new-vawe with the beat of SchoolboyQ that perhaps could have been a better mix of voices, not to say that its entrance of the rapper does not feel powerful enough, "Chalk tablet towers" is a song I see it well as another hit feels very good and the accompaniment that St Vincent gives it gives a good flavor to what you hear and makes an acceptable participation, I feel that the clash of forces live will be much more powerful than the one it has the song. But we enter with a the Pink Phantom that is a melancholic feeling that only Albarn knows how to execute with a masterful participation of Elton John with a 6lack that textures the melody with his autotune to a much more sentimental one, an excellent very hypnotic work on the bridge than Albarn does.
    "Aries" being undoubtedly one of the best songs on the album, very melancholic, and the bombast it presents makes the sound oversaturated, especially in the chorus. To then have a Friday the 13th that follows that melancholic line with a bit of trap and rock and a very colorful and deep Octavian work on bad days, it is as if you are drunk and you are trying to overcome your evils, although perhaps many despise it for the sound at the beginning, the truth is a great work that will not surpass the previous ballads but it does denote a great work.
    And "Dead buterflies" a lament for infidelity with a production of Mike will made it, denotes a very good base and the rapping of the collaborators is interesting and perhaps it will be an immediate hit, we move on to a beautiful song "Desolé" can be crowned as the best of the album the production embellishes this song too much that you simply stay within the song, also due to the length of the work, last of the standard edition we have "Momentary Bliss" that fulfills the purpose of being a very song momentary, it is very good but the happiness of listening to it ends very quickly, like happiness itself, it is a punk hymn that knows how to distance itself from the previous ballads to give a good closure, in addition to not presenting a powerful chorus it adds a guitar, but only that
    the deluxe edition is ... decent, it's not like the humanz edition, which brought the best of the album, but in short "Opium" the best of the deluxe edition, and "MLS" and "with to love to an ex" are good,
    but not perfect or masterpieces, it is hard to get very deep into "severed head", "simplicity" is very wasted the collaborator and "how far" Tony Allen (rest in peace) is not savored as it could be savored, the last are OK

    Once seen, there is a certain irregularity in all the songs (from good to excellent), but it ends up being an excellent result with songs that feel like ballads, punk, rock, trap, new way and many more explored genres. It deserves to hear it, you will not be disappointed, it is a very formidable result and I think it reaches the quality almost with Demon Days, or maybe this album in the future will see like demon days, Song Machine season 1: Strange Timez is the definition of Gorillaz
  19. Oct 23, 2020
    Easily the best Gorillaz work to this day. I am very happy in hearing Strange Times! Or should I say I am _feeling glad_ in hearing this?
  20. Oct 24, 2020
    Gorillaz have never strayed away from pushing their sound since their debut 20 years ago. Even if you are not the biggest fan of Gorillaz work, the sheer variety of features makes each song feel fresh. Artists like ScHoolboy Q, Peter Hook, Robert Smith, Beck, Leee John and Elton John bring their all to make Song Machine Season 1 a masterpiece. Damon Alburn and Co. have set a high bar and IGorillaz have never strayed away from pushing their sound since their debut 20 years ago. Even if you are not the biggest fan of Gorillaz work, the sheer variety of features makes each song feel fresh. Artists like ScHoolboy Q, Peter Hook, Robert Smith, Beck, Leee John and Elton John bring their all to make Song Machine Season 1 a masterpiece. Damon Alburn and Co. have set a high bar and I will be waiting for seasonn2 in anticipation Expand
  21. Oct 25, 2020
    Every song in here can be someone's favorite. There is a massive variety of styles as well as perfectly utilized collaborators. This album is what the fans wanted but didn't get out of humanz. Features aren't overutiluzed or put in the wrong places. And the songwriting is unmistakeably Gorillaz, even on the more feature heavy tracks. The production throughout is fantastic and the musicEvery song in here can be someone's favorite. There is a massive variety of styles as well as perfectly utilized collaborators. This album is what the fans wanted but didn't get out of humanz. Features aren't overutiluzed or put in the wrong places. And the songwriting is unmistakeably Gorillaz, even on the more feature heavy tracks. The production throughout is fantastic and the music does a great job creating atmospheres while being musically interesting as well. Expand
  22. Oct 27, 2020
    I'll have two number 9s a number 9 large a number 6 with extra dip a number 7 two number 45s one with cheese and a large soda
  23. Oct 28, 2020
    Best album since Plastic Beach, the quality of the sounds and the lyrics are amazing plus the animation videos keeps the themathic of a virtual band. Interesting and nice developed project.
  24. Nov 9, 2020
    One of the best albums Gorillaz has made in quite some time, the production in this is amazing. I loved the different styles mixed in this album, each track had a different main style, but they all end up together in a incredible way. Great album, 9/10.
  25. Nov 20, 2020

    One of the best Gorillaz releases to date. Breaking away from a clear concept has proved a fantastic idea, allowing the features to really show off their strengths. This is a very fun, unique, yet cohesive albums which explores how far genres can stretch (for example, putting Elton john on the same track as 6lack). Damon acts the glue between the features and the separate tracks,

    One of the best Gorillaz releases to date. Breaking away from a clear concept has proved a fantastic idea, allowing the features to really show off their strengths. This is a very fun, unique, yet cohesive albums which explores how far genres can stretch (for example, putting Elton john on the same track as 6lack). Damon acts the glue between the features and the separate tracks, putting the Gorillaz spin behind these features. Although a lack of transitions exist between the tracks, this album still feels cohesive and unitive. Great work
  26. Mar 11, 2021
    Gorillaz. classic sound, the right amount of features in this project and a few songs with very unlikely to work together artists like that elton john joint. some misses but thats a given. Desole is the track for me. good album, good time.
  27. Jan 12, 2021
    Gorillaz did it! Made an album that's on par with Plastic Beach and Demon Days.

    My music taste is very broad: it goes from classical music to death metal. This album incorporates many music genres that I really enjoy listening to on its own. Not only that but the album also pays homage to earlier Gorillaz album by incorporating music tones and riffs and melodies heard throughout the
    Gorillaz did it! Made an album that's on par with Plastic Beach and Demon Days.

    My music taste is very broad: it goes from classical music to death metal.
    This album incorporates many music genres that I really enjoy listening to on its own.
    Not only that but the album also pays homage to earlier Gorillaz album by incorporating music tones and riffs and melodies heard throughout the Gorillaz discography (love it!).
    My body can't stop moving throughout listening to this album it just so good! Hits the vibe check definitely, I mean I made a Metacritic account just so I could share my thoughts on this album with the world, since it deserves bigger recognition than it currently has :)
    My favourites tracks on the Album are:
    *The Valley of Pagans
    *The Lost Chord
    *Chalk Tablet Towers
    *The Pink Phantom
    *Dead Butterflies
    *Severed Head
    *With Love to An Ex
    *Taxi Back To 80s Reykjavik (Bonus Track)

    These are all 5 star tracks in my opinion!
    The rest of the tracks on the album gets 4 stars from me.

    Every single track is a banger, it's amazing. So much so that amongst all Gorillaz albums it shares a first place together with Demon Days while Plastic Beach comes in on second, The Now Now on third, self titled album on fourth and Humanz on fifth, without going into all the B-sides.
  28. Mar 29, 2021
    this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8
  29. Dec 17, 2021
    The 2d vocals and the guest feature beautiful man it's makes me so happy 31gtfg6hyhgh7 hh 34hg4
  30. Aug 17, 2022
    This is a decent album with catchy and well-performed tracks. It's way better than anything Gorillaz has released since Plastic Beach.

Universal acclaim - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 15
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 15
  3. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Oct 30, 2020
    In an era that’s become too reliant on guest features and scene-stealing cameos, here the delicately-honed collaborative approach seems to bypass any kowtowing to ego. There’s an at-ease alchemy at work. That all stems from Albarn, who doesn’t crop up when he isn’t needed.
  2. Oct 29, 2020
    Strange Timez doesn’t break a whole lot of new ground, but it’s Damon Albarn’s strongest release since Plastic Beach and an infectious celebration of the unique legacy of Gorillaz.
  3. Mojo
    Oct 28, 2020
    The most cohesive Gorillaz album since Demon Days 15 years ago. [Dec 2020, p.81]