
Universal acclaim - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Aug 4, 2022
    On a musical level, Lynn imparts these songs with an unhurried grace. And while there’s an agreeable twang to “Black River” and folk-country steel on “In A Moment”, synths form the album’s bedrock.
  2. Aug 4, 2022
    Where she used to dwell in the shadows, on Something More Than Love she's basking in daylight. Within that brightness, she finds plenty of different textures and sounds, creating music that's every bit as atmospheric as her earlier records but carrying an appealingly lighter vibe.
  3. 70
    Few tracks instantly jump out, but after multiple spins, it’s easy to get lost in Lynn’s creamy, dreamy approach, her breathy yet compelling voice, and the life-questioning lyrics that define the album’s overall entrancing soundscape.
  4. Aug 4, 2022
    Lynn’s ability to balance some of her most personal lyrical matter, such as the reflections on motherhood in “What Is This Body?” and “You Are Not on Your Own”, with this newfound pop ebullience, comes through resoundingly throughout the whole of Something More Than Love.

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