
Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Someone to Drive You Home is one of those albums that's honest to goodness fun, and pulling it off with as much pastiche as the Long Blondes makes it one of the year's nicest arrivals.
  2. The songs, sometimes overtly formalist and stylistically unadventurous, are invigorated by the enthusiasm and character of their delivery.
  3. The one-time Best Unsigned Band In The Country have come up trumps with a debut album brimming with whip-smart, post-riot-grrl attitude.
  4. An honest, forthright and accomplished LP.
  5. Frantic guitars, hooks that replay in your head, skeptical lust - they're all here.
  6. Mojo
    The Long Blondes sound pleasingly frayed around the edges. [Dec 2006, p.118]
  7. An excellent debut album, full of brash confidence and seductive charm.
  8. Put simply, this is fantasy pop, performed to perfection.
  9. The problem is that all this stuff sounds terribly dated already.
  10. Someone to Drive You Home is undeniably derivative, and over 12 songs the appeal of Jackson's fruity voice can dim. Still, with its cynical heart and high-octane bite, it's impossible not to warm to its visceral, lusty company.
  11. Most so-called "cinematic" records earn that distinction due to some quirk of reverb or their use of space, but the Long Blondes only have modern England's typically confined, 17-year-old-from-Doncaster guitar-dudish sound. Instead, it's the songs themselves, their narratives, and their characters that speak to the band's widescreen ambitions.
  12. Thankfully, it's even better than expected.
  13. Although none of the new material is even remotely bad, a handful of diverse tracks on the album's second half exceed the high standards set by the hand-picked singles.
  14. Q Magazine
    Over a strident indie-rock soundtrack, singer Kate Jackson comes across like a female Morrissey. [Dec 2006, p.138]
  15. Spin
    Ridiculously entertaining. [Jul 2007, p.98]
  16. The majority of these upbeat songs have howling vocals, scything guitar and, unusually for a current Brit group, a rhythm section that manages to be danceable without having to go out of its way to prove it--but it’s the slower tracks that end each side that turn the album into something cohesive.
  17. 60
    At times here it feels like Debbie Harry took a wrong turn on the way to Studio 54 and wound up with Shed 7.
  18. Under The Radar
    The Long Blondes have not only made a great album, but are a band to watch. [Summer 2007, p.81]

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 33 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 33
  2. Negative: 3 out of 33
  1. AllanC.
    Oct 1, 2007
    One of the top albums of 2007 for me.
  2. Kitty
    Jul 29, 2007
    By far the most fun I've had this year! Cool album especially for this hot summer.
  3. mikeyff
    Jun 21, 2007
    you know, i heard, sounds pompous, full of self & fos, you fuggin' lb lovers should check yourselves -too easily imressed by you know, i heard, sounds pompous, full of self & fos, you fuggin' lb lovers should check yourselves -too easily imressed by nutin'. a real pos. Full Review »