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Generally favorable reviews- based on 74 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 50 out of 74
  2. Negative: 5 out of 74

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  1. Dan(nirv)
    Jan 30, 2007
    I saw CYHSY live in Mpls, MN and they were great. Love their debut album but really not impressed with this one. Also, and this MUST be said, the Some Loud Thunder performed on the live EP is much better than the studio recording in my opinion. Various Artists (CHYSY)- Fall 2006 Tour EP Get it and hear what could have been.
  2. AlbertP
    Jan 29, 2007
    I'm a huge fan of Clap Your Hands and absolutely still love their debut. Even went to Coachella to see them, but this album was a disappointment. It's flat-out mediocre. Stand-out tracks include Underwater (You and Me) and Mama, Won't You Keep... That said, I look forward to their third effort. By the way, if you want to check out a great album, jump on the Cloud I'm a huge fan of Clap Your Hands and absolutely still love their debut. Even went to Coachella to see them, but this album was a disappointment. It's flat-out mediocre. Stand-out tracks include Underwater (You and Me) and Mama, Won't You Keep... That said, I look forward to their third effort. By the way, if you want to check out a great album, jump on the Cloud Cult's new upcoming album The Meaning of 8. Expand
  3. brainm
    Jan 31, 2007
    This alum is a difficult listen at first and is much more noisier than their first album. Buried underneath all of the fuss are some great songs/melodies. I keep wondering what it would have sounded like if they hadn't intentionally made it murky and cleaned it up a touch. However, it is a throughly enjoyable listen if your able to spend time with it.
  4. StevenH
    Feb 1, 2007
    I try not to make hasty judgements about an established band's new album, there is always a tendency to compare it unfavorably to the previous album...especially if the previous album in question is as good as CHYSY's debut. Unfortunately, I just can't dig this new one as much as the first one. There are flashes of what could be incredible indie pop songs, but they're I try not to make hasty judgements about an established band's new album, there is always a tendency to compare it unfavorably to the previous album...especially if the previous album in question is as good as CHYSY's debut. Unfortunately, I just can't dig this new one as much as the first one. There are flashes of what could be incredible indie pop songs, but they're covered up by needless noise. Experimentation is great and fine and good, but not if it ruins the song's enjoyability. By the way, what happened to the Bassist? Was he simply told to stop playing great lines? I noticed he's completely missing on a few tracks. Why? All of the debut album's strongest songs had fantastic basslines. Some Loud Thunder has a couple decent lines, but nothing nearly as warm and engaging as Over and Over Again or Let the Cool Goddess Rust Away. I'm very disapointed. Expand
  5. JackL
    Feb 22, 2007
    i don't see where all this backlash is coming from. this album's about as good as the other one. couple good songs, most are just mediocre.
  6. MichaelK
    Mar 14, 2007
    Not all that different in overall feel from the first album, but lacks any cracking tracks similar to 'Over and Over Again' from the first disk. And 'Satan' is simply awful - thank goodness for the skip function.
  7. stephenb
    Feb 4, 2007
    half assed CD. the only people who like it are delirious fans that can't accept that their favorite musicians made a dud. the first album was grand, but this is total crap with a few good gems. raised expectations aren't the reason for the poor ratings. a lot of bands can pull off the hype and live up to what everyone wants, and this is a band that couldn't. regardless, half assed CD. the only people who like it are delirious fans that can't accept that their favorite musicians made a dud. the first album was grand, but this is total crap with a few good gems. raised expectations aren't the reason for the poor ratings. a lot of bands can pull off the hype and live up to what everyone wants, and this is a band that couldn't. regardless, they'd still be getting poor ratings no matter what the circumstance for this trash. Expand
  8. PeteM
    Feb 5, 2007
    Has none of the catchy hooks of the last album so you'd better be a true fan to appreciate an album that takes so much work to enjoy.
  9. JeffW
    Jan 29, 2007
    The first disappointment of the year. It simply doesn't have the energy that made the debut so echanting, nor the melodies to keep you humming along. Lyrics take a back seat as well, with Oundsworth going for a more Thom Yorke-ish throw anything on paper and hope it works approach. Yankee Go Home and Underwater are the standout tracks with Satan Said Dance and Love Song No. 7 decent The first disappointment of the year. It simply doesn't have the energy that made the debut so echanting, nor the melodies to keep you humming along. Lyrics take a back seat as well, with Oundsworth going for a more Thom Yorke-ish throw anything on paper and hope it works approach. Yankee Go Home and Underwater are the standout tracks with Satan Said Dance and Love Song No. 7 decent enough. The rest is forgettable and the opener hurts my ears, literally (what the hell is he doing to the vocals?). There are a lot of bands I'm looking forward to this year, unfortuantely this was near the top of my list. Hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come. Expand
  10. VincentH
    Mar 18, 2007
    Like the new Shins, this album will grow on you if you just give it a chance. Listen to it on at least 2 seperate occasions and you will see what I mean. Sorry, it's just one of those kinda records. By that I mean it is definitely "difficult", but it still has some appeal to it. The main problem with the album is not the production (which I personally like for its attempt to try Like the new Shins, this album will grow on you if you just give it a chance. Listen to it on at least 2 seperate occasions and you will see what I mean. Sorry, it's just one of those kinda records. By that I mean it is definitely "difficult", but it still has some appeal to it. The main problem with the album is not the production (which I personally like for its attempt to try something totally Dave Friedmann is a God) but as the Pitchfork review said, the songs just don't stand up under scrutiny. You can't blame bad production if the songs aren't there. You can see that their first album is already considered a modern-day classic and will be highly played and valued for many years. This will always be considered the divisive, difficult, and subpar sophomore album. There's no way around it...there are just not enough good songs on this thing. I would still recommend it to any fans of CHYSY or fans of the great Dave Friedmann. Expand
  11. matta
    Jan 29, 2007
    Fine Doug R. - Fuck me. That still doesn't take away the fact that this album is not only the epitome of a sophomore slump and a huge disappointment, but it is also, sorry to say it, pretty much a shit album.
  12. JohnS
    Mar 26, 2007
    Let's be honest, there is no backlash. This isn't a sophomore slump. People loved the purity and underdog nature of the story of their success, which translated into an affection for the band that artificially inflated our perceptions of the objective quality of the music on the first album. But the songwriting was always subpar two-chord blandness, and the quirky voice was Let's be honest, there is no backlash. This isn't a sophomore slump. People loved the purity and underdog nature of the story of their success, which translated into an affection for the band that artificially inflated our perceptions of the objective quality of the music on the first album. But the songwriting was always subpar two-chord blandness, and the quirky voice was going to get old at some point. Anyone who believed this band ever had any promise or long-term potential is crazy. Expand
  13. ToddW
    Apr 27, 2007
    Clap Your Hands Say Yeah's sophomore effort more than hints at a slump. These guys appear to have a creative monkey on their collective backs. Their first album was brilliant, despite the protestations of some of those on this blog. This offering almost begs one to stay the course. The title track is a f... you to those who can't hang for the rest of the songs. Unfortunately, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah's sophomore effort more than hints at a slump. These guys appear to have a creative monkey on their collective backs. Their first album was brilliant, despite the protestations of some of those on this blog. This offering almost begs one to stay the course. The title track is a f... you to those who can't hang for the rest of the songs. Unfortunately, the rest just aren't that good. This album seems tired and lacking in ideas at some points. No wonder. These guys have been on the proverbial road since inception. If you wait long enough, they'll be playing at a high school cafeteria near you. They appear to fallen into the same rut as Franz Ferdinand in that they never just take a break and let their music do the talking. Enough already, boys. Just put down your instruments and walk least for a while. We'll still be here when you get back to where you once belonged. Remember the saying about absence. Expand
  14. Scott
    Feb 1, 2007
  15. CasperGhost
    Jan 30, 2007
    Disaster. I feel that it's an attempt to avoid disappointing people had they continued in a similar vein as the first album. "This new record sucks"..."Yeah, but we were TOTALLY trying something different"......
  16. JamesT
    Jan 30, 2007
    I gave it a 4 because the musicians are okay but if you think the vocals are good you are only lying to yourself. The vocals suck plain and simple just like the first time around. Someone please tell that guy that he is not David Byrne - not even close. I know he says he doesn't try to sound like him but he does and he sucks.
  17. J.
    Jan 31, 2007
    Slap The Hype Say No

Generally favorable reviews - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 36
  2. Negative: 0 out of 36
  1. Urb
    CYHSY seem to have set out to make their "important" sophomore record... which is only truly important if you believe that songs gain weight at the hand of bulbous studio wankage (they don't) and that unnecessarily inflated melodrama equals more fun (it doesn't). [Jan/Feb 2007, p.76]
  2. Alternative Press
    Some Loud Thunder isn't without its successes--but it is defined by its failures. [Feb 2007, p.114]
  3. Perhaps it’s too easy to blame Fridmann for these new distractions, but I can’t imagine Ounsworth and the band leaping ahead this way without him. Here’s to hoping that Clap Your Hands Say Yeah move backward more lithely than they progress.