• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Nov 4, 2003

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. At times a beautifully rendered album with surprisingly solid songwriting; it's an unashamedly nostalgic musical postcard from the American West Coast.
  2. A deadly naivete infects the songs, wonderful if the concept was to bring sleep, but otherwise limp.
  3. Blender
    It's nicely done, but the relentless cheerfulness grates. [Nov 2003, p.122]
  4. This is a great album, choc-a-bloc with great hooks, melodies and harmonies that evoke the great songwriting of the 70s.
  5. Sure, the lyrics are a bit weak at times, but when a band's having this much fun, you can't help but want to join in.
  6. Entertainment Weekly
    It's hard to take them too seriously, but their convincing tribute to Neil Young and the Byrds is still quite lovely. [15 Aug 2003, p.74]
  7. Filter
    A modern day West Coast classic. [#7, p.90]
  8. The smart pop hook chops displayed on So Much For the City make it clear that this is one retro-minded band that may just make it to the future.
  9. Mojo
    Top-down pop that sparkles like a lifeguard's teeth. [Jul 2003, p.109]
  10. The Thrills' external, sometime vaccuous pinching is clearly self-conscious, a carefully premeditated breach of expectation that causes more of a wince than a flash of pleasant surprise.
  11. The choice, folks, is all yours. Would you like The Thrills? Or would you prefer some excitement instead?
  12. The Thrills' sound is a marvel of kaleidoscopic ambition and fervor, as enthralled with production intricacies as it is with the pleasures of simple melody.
  13. Q Magazine
    Genuinely and heart-stoppingly bittersweet. [jul 2003, p.112]
  14. So Much for the City is dragged down by a handful of meandering slow songs, but a group of Cali-bred beach bums with an armload of Neil Young records couldn't have done much better -- and that's a compliment.
  15. Gentle harmonies and twinkling keys dot most every track, and Conor Deasy's relaxed vocals never get in the way of the band's engaging melodies.
  16. Spin
    High grade West Coast guitar pop. [Dec 2003, p.131]
  17. Sure, this is a very *accomplished* album by a band who can play their instruments: organs, pianos and strings sit gracefully beside each other, and there are some deft vocal harmonies, but The Thrills simply don’t have the songwriting skill or the sheer personality to make this anything more than a passable debut.
  18. The second half largely sounds like a lesser reprise of the first, as The Thrills' appropriation of older styles starts to feel less like inventive borrowing than a lack of imagination.
  19. Uncut
    This is the best childhood summer holiday you ever had, condensed into 45 minutes of delicately arranged, beautifully performed, big, bright, cheery music. [Jul 2003, p.118]
  20. Under The Radar
    Sometimes, the cheesy Americana is spread on too thick.... But turn the music up a bit louder, and all is forgiven. [#5, p.103]
  21. [A] sentimental cutesification of surf and country.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 16
  2. Negative: 3 out of 16
  1. Jun 8, 2012
    For a debut record it was really excellent looking back in hindsight. It was commerically successful but also critically well received. ItsFor a debut record it was really excellent looking back in hindsight. It was commerically successful but also critically well received. Its front loaded with 4 chart singles in the first 5 tracks. The first 3 songs have you thinking this is a classic summer pop album. It doesn't manage to keep the tempo up to the blistering start but the remainder of the album is still very strong with only one or two tracks that border on forgettable. Very enjoyable and the big pity is that The Thrills never followed up on the promise they showed on this. Full Review »
  2. LiamM
    Jan 6, 2004
    Feel good music....which we all need from time to time.
  3. LiamM
    Jan 6, 2004
    Feel good music....which we all need from time to time.