• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Aug 28, 2020
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  1. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. TUCKED, Cry About It Later, Teary Eyes, Not The End Of The World, Only Love, MEU DEUS QUE ÁLBUM PERFEITO, KATY PERRY VOCÊ É PERFEITA ENTENDA ISSO. ❤️ Expand
  2. Jul 29, 2023
    Um album divertido, mas nada diferente do que Katy Perry já tenha feito antes.

    Pontos Positivos: "Harleys in Hawaii", "Daisies", "Cry About It Later"

    Pontos Negativos: album um pouco genérico, "Smile" péssima
  3. Jul 7, 2023
    First of all, this album already ended Traumatica with ease. Lady Gaga doesn't deserve rights after releasing the terrorist atomic bomb named "Chromatica", or Traumatica for wise ones. Smile shows Katy Perry has definetely changed since Witness. She's more mature and, in my opinion, this is not a chiclé based those stupid critical reviews. Smile describes her real feelings and the realFirst of all, this album already ended Traumatica with ease. Lady Gaga doesn't deserve rights after releasing the terrorist atomic bomb named "Chromatica", or Traumatica for wise ones. Smile shows Katy Perry has definetely changed since Witness. She's more mature and, in my opinion, this is not a chiclé based those stupid critical reviews. Smile describes her real feelings and the real Katy Perry, and we love it. Definetely top 3 on the best albums of 2020. Congrats for Daisy Dove Bloom, Katy, love u Expand
  4. Jun 13, 2023
    Katy has proven once again that she is one of the greatest popstars with this albums including great lyrics and a great production. Perfect over all.
  5. May 28, 2023
    Katy Perry experiencing a new one after the disastrous "Witness" was, showing new Indie sounds, the perfect mix surpassing albums like "Teenage Dream". Although the album was not well received by the general public it is a good album if you want a "PERRY EXPERIENCE".
  6. Apr 19, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es impresionante como supo manejar la temática del álbum, los vídeos musicales y las canciones. No fue buena la elección de los sencillos, pero no afectó al álbum en los absoluto. Es un concepto que es triste pero oscuro a la vez, dándole lo que quiere a sus fans. Canciones increíbles como Tucked, Harleys In Hawaii, Smile, Not The End Of The World, Never Really Over, y casi todas, aunque Resilient es un poco diferente a las demás. Sin duda le dió a sus fans lo que querían. Expand
  7. Apr 15, 2023
    Em meio tanta negatividade, Katy serviu um álbum cheio de alegria, vocais e muito conceito e ainda por cima com uma produção maravilhosa que faz o impulso de dançar e sorrir ser incontrolável! Dentre tantas músicas negativas lançadas recentemente, é bom poder parar e só se divertir escutando música boa.

    update: envelheceu muito mal, as músicas se demonstraram bem fracas.
  8. Apr 13, 2023
    Katy PerryKaty PerryKaty PerryKaty PerryKaty PerryKaty PerryKaty PerryKaty Perry
  9. Apr 7, 2023
    Esse álbum me ajuda com a minha ansiedade, e me tirou da depressão. Ouvi o álbum, ele é simplesmente perfeito
  10. Apr 2, 2023
    Smile is very different than Katy's albums from before. The new chapter feels like this the most personal artist's project to the date. Lyrics are beautiful, songs are very catchy. Listening to this album truly feels like Perry takes you to the "Smile Park". At last procution makes this album quite unique. Optimistic move which was very anticipated and needed!
  11. Mar 16, 2023
    A sweet, but simplistic album, Katy Perry is a pop legend. Despite it not being no 'Teenage Dream' Katy delivers pop bangers such as Harleys in Hawaii
  12. Jan 30, 2023
    I really can’t understand what’s goin on with all the criticism about this album: it sounds like a great leap forward for Katy, has a very different style compared to her older records (such as Teenage Dream and Prism), and keeps up with the current music taste (which was not granted at all considering that Katy has been around since the 2000s, and many artists who have crossed the decadesI really can’t understand what’s goin on with all the criticism about this album: it sounds like a great leap forward for Katy, has a very different style compared to her older records (such as Teenage Dream and Prism), and keeps up with the current music taste (which was not granted at all considering that Katy has been around since the 2000s, and many artists who have crossed the decades just can’t adapt with the time passing). The dance and trap vibes of some tracks are really great. I think it might be her best work up to now, and the commercial success just confirms it once again. Expand
  13. Dec 21, 2022
    I honestly really love this Album a lot. This was not be Katy's best work in her career but it certainly was a step in a better direction than her previous Album "Witness" which imo was just an absolute trainwreck and awful but on this Record "Smile" which was her 6th Studio Album, this definitely turned out to be probably the most mature Album she has made which isn't to bad honestly. NowI honestly really love this Album a lot. This was not be Katy's best work in her career but it certainly was a step in a better direction than her previous Album "Witness" which imo was just an absolute trainwreck and awful but on this Record "Smile" which was her 6th Studio Album, this definitely turned out to be probably the most mature Album she has made which isn't to bad honestly. Now this Album soundwise was pretty hit and miss, they were some excellent and amazing pop bangers on here like the lead single "Never Really Over" which dropped in May 2019 which was her first Billboard Top 20 Hit in a while which was well deserved considering how great that track is. "Not The End of The World" is 100% the most underrated track from this Album cause of how amazing and great the beat was on there and also how catchy and **** perfect Katy's vocals were on that track I absolutely loved it. Tucked was also another fantastic and very relatable track imo with a much more softer sound to it which was pretty amazing. But as much good as there were on here I do have to say that this Record even tho it was really better than "Witness' was still a pretty meh Album in some cases like with the production on a majority of these songs being really bad or just not fitting the vibe of the song. But Yeah Katy definitely had some of her best work in a while on this record and I don't think its her Worst Album like I see many people saying it it, sure it's a bit too cheesy and lame and cliché with some of the self impowerment lines on here but I really like a majority of them honestly. So Yeah Overall I definitely am one of the people who actually really enjoys and loves this Record I think Katy did a fantastic job on it and it's a really Strong 7 out of 10 imo and I will also defend this Album honestly cause it's not like perfect or amazing but it really was a good Album. Expand
  14. Aug 28, 2020
    I love this album and katy Perry is doing soooooooooo good ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  15. Aug 28, 2020
    This is a skipless album! Everything is good and Katy did it all by herself, no features, her is just enough!

    Smile was all about moving on, rising up, contentment, being loved again, and self-discovery. It's a wonderful work of music. YOU DID A GREAT JOB KATY!
  16. Aug 28, 2020
    Oh my God!!! Smile isn't just an album, it's a whole Experience, it's not just music, it's medicine! I love it and just can recommend. ❤️
  17. Oct 14, 2022
    I think this album is the most underrated album of 2020. Every song has a different vibe, cute and poppy and straight to the point. The last 2 songs are more adult pop but the rest are made for everyone! Never really over is a strong way to start the album! Although I do wish it was a bit more cohesive and she let the 70s theme, I do enjoy the clown/circus theme as it does fit very wellI think this album is the most underrated album of 2020. Every song has a different vibe, cute and poppy and straight to the point. The last 2 songs are more adult pop but the rest are made for everyone! Never really over is a strong way to start the album! Although I do wish it was a bit more cohesive and she let the 70s theme, I do enjoy the clown/circus theme as it does fit very well with the title track. Teary Eyes has to be my favorite track, I’d love to hear in a club! Expand
  18. Sep 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. He deserves to win a grammy for his talent for his hits from prisma and Teenage dream Expand
  19. Aug 28, 2022
    At first listen this album really did not resonate the message I wanted to hear, but in the two year perspective a lot has happened.

    The songs are catchy, relatable and pleasing to the ear. This may not have been the “comeback” album us fans are waiting for but I can say that this body of work really contribute to my SMILE today.
  20. Aug 22, 2022
    love the album ! my fav songs are cry about it later, tucked, nro, daisies and more ! can’t wait for kp6 )
  21. Aug 21, 2022
    BAD album. shes over..........................................................
  22. Aug 21, 2022
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  23. Aug 21, 2022
    I love this album so much I think it deserves 1, never really over and tucked are my favorite
  24. Aug 21, 2022
    Katy é uma artista que sabe o que está fazendo, assim como todos os outros álbuns receberam críticas negativas desse site, hj todos eles são aclamados pelo mesmo, ela está à frente do seu tempo, Smile possui músicas que deveriam ser mais trabalhadas e que poderiam ser enormes hits como “Cry About It Later”, “Tucked” e a incrível “Harleys In Hawaii”. Além disso, o álbum possui um ciclo, comKaty é uma artista que sabe o que está fazendo, assim como todos os outros álbuns receberam críticas negativas desse site, hj todos eles são aclamados pelo mesmo, ela está à frente do seu tempo, Smile possui músicas que deveriam ser mais trabalhadas e que poderiam ser enormes hits como “Cry About It Later”, “Tucked” e a incrível “Harleys In Hawaii”. Além disso, o álbum possui um ciclo, com início, meio e fim, que mostra a jornada de Katy desde a recuperação da sua saúde mental ao amor incondicional. Expand
  25. Aug 28, 2020
    Such a good Pop album and so underrated. Would strongly recommended people to actually listen to the album instead of hating on it for no reason. Love you Katy!❤️
  26. Aug 21, 2022
    One of her best albums so far, good lyrics and awesome vocals. She's an amazing artist!
  27. Aug 28, 2020
    One of her best project, makes me wanna listen to more of her albums, an amazing voice and instrumentals
  28. Aug 20, 2022
    O álbum smile mostra bem a alegria e a fraqueza da cantora em suas diversas músicas
  29. Aug 28, 2020
    Katy Perry got back her smile in style. With lively and powerful songs. She is amazing, creative and one of the greatest artists of all time.
  30. Aug 2, 2022
    tudo que essa mulher faz é bom, então esse álbum não tem como ser ruim de forma alguma

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Sep 8, 2020
    Without fleeting moments of bad taste, Perry does indeed sound mature, but she's also not quite as fun. That's a conscious choice, though. Smile is intended to evoke memories of her frivolous younger days while pointing toward a sustainable pop future.
  2. Sep 4, 2020
    While Perry finds the occasional moment of quality here (Smile and Tucked both feel like the best possible music we could get from Katy Perry in 2020), Smile is an album searching for an identity—and when it fails, it falls back on lazy writing.
  3. Aug 31, 2020
    Like Joanne before Chromatica, Smile plays like a necessary centering exercise, indulging her insecurities and less surefire instincts. If Witness was overdetermined, Smile is an earnest exhale, for better or for worse. It delivers an image of her journey towards inner peace that is honest (if corny) and catchy (if not exactly inventive).