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  1. Aug 2, 2023
    This is the first time I pay attention to Little Dragon, even though it has come in between several albums I've heard throughout my time reviewing music. Now that I can "see them to the face", I find them incredibly appalling. They merge several feelings and genres which, even if in this album, it doesn't succeed in bringing the best of each song, it does succeed in proving theirThis is the first time I pay attention to Little Dragon, even though it has come in between several albums I've heard throughout my time reviewing music. Now that I can "see them to the face", I find them incredibly appalling. They merge several feelings and genres which, even if in this album, it doesn't succeed in bringing the best of each song, it does succeed in proving their creativity, cleverness, authenticity and mindfulness over their music.
    The fun parts are awesome, and the slower parts are nice enough. I do would suggest a little bit less playfulness on the energy, so we can see a more empowering side of their music; and just as a little bit more danger, risk or maybe challenge on the ambientations they explore.
    These are just suggestions I consider will help them give a direct jump to being an incredible and important group, but they are already doing interesting and entertaining thing this easily that is just exiting to hear what they come up next. Hopefully it is bigger and powerful than this.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Jul 20, 2023
    “Tumbling Dice” and “Easy Falling” also feel a little indistinct. The former has a pleasing descending melody and uptempo drum beat but isn’t particularly memorable. Meanwhile, “Easy Falling” is a floaty, washed-out ending track that, while peaceful, isn’t an especially strong closer. Slugs of Love is nonetheless a great return to form from Little Dragon.
  2. Jul 14, 2023
    The singer confesses to being "a neurotic mess" in the opening "Amöban," and there's sorrow in the purposefully ragged "Kenneth," but letting go, living it up, and delighting in overindulgence win out thematically across the album. The best of the lot might be "Frisco," a discreet declaration of liberation that with equal ease could be transformed into an acoustic jazz ballad or a storming house anthem.
  3. Jul 11, 2023
    Occasionally, Slugs of Love meanders off course. .... But the album rebounds on its celestial closing track, “Easy Falling,” a plush comedown that breezes by on gentle guitar and Nagano’s leisurely melodies. Like the album’s best songs, it offers a worthwhile escape with understated grace.