• Record Label: Nonesuch
  • Release Date: May 15, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 38 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 38
  2. Negative: 1 out of 38
  1. If Sky Blue Sky is the product of Wilco's newfound clarity and cohesiveness, the album's paralytic ambiguity suggests they're also still in desperate search of a purposeful vision.
  2. Billboard
    On first listen, it might seem too derivative, even dull, but Jeff Tweedy's intricate vocal melodies and Nels Cline's ferocious guitar work keep things interesting. [19 May 2007]
  3. Mojo
    Many longtime listeners... are sure to be disappointed with the radio-friendly production and sheer innocuousness of [the] lyrics. [Jun 2007, p.104]
  4. Sky Blue Sky shows his restlessness as an artist, his need to keep moving - not always forward, but never merely standing still, and certainly not dipping into the back catalogue for an idea or two.
  5. An album of unapologetic straightforwardness, Sky Blue Sky nakedly exposes the dad-rock gene Wilco has always carried but courageously attempted to disguise.
  6. If 2004's 'A Ghost Is Born' was an experimental step too far then 'Sky Blue Sky' finds a band regressing tamely in to Dad-rock. Wilco need to rediscover that middle ground that suits them so well.
  7. Uncut
    A slight disappointment. [Jun 2007, p.88]
  8. Under The Radar
    A very professional but almost inconsequential set... flat and ultimately uninspired. [#17, p.88]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 213 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 11 out of 213
  1. Jul 26, 2019
    If you listen to this expecting something like Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, you'll probably end up disappointed. But if you remove such expectations,If you listen to this expecting something like Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, you'll probably end up disappointed. But if you remove such expectations, you'll find a very solid album. Sure, it might not feel as grand or experimental as some of their previous work, and it does drag a little here and there, but by no means does that make this album bad or boring. It has a great deal of gorgeous songwriting, with "Either Way," "On and On and On," and "Impossible Germany" being some of my favorites. Also, the guitar work is on point. If you're looking for a more mellow Wilco album, you'll definitely enjoy this one. Full Review »
  2. Jan 8, 2015
    "Sky Blue Sky" is nothing if not a cohesive and consistent record. Made up of reasonably straight forward country rock, the record is easy to"Sky Blue Sky" is nothing if not a cohesive and consistent record. Made up of reasonably straight forward country rock, the record is easy to like but hard to really love. Opener "You Are My Face" is my personal favourite from the record, bring late era Beatles (mostly "Abbey Road") to mind. In fact all the best bits of this album remind me a little of "Abbey Road". There is nothing quite as ear catching to be found after "You Are My Face". The title track is a sleepy, slow paced country number, "Shake It Off" tries to be interesting but ultimately fails and again suffers from going at a snails pace - we really didn't need 5 plus minutes of this. "On and On and On" starts of very well and draws you in but Tweedy never goes anywhere interesting enough with it that is worth following. "Either Way" is a nice, decent quality tune while "Impossible Germany" again starts very well but just cruises along. Its kind of the story of the record for me - enjoyable enough with some great ideas where the execution just doesn't quite come off as well as it could have. The whole album could do with a shot in the arm, a bit more substance and a bit more courage on behalf of the band. This could have made it a really great record. The last third of the record picks things up a bit to be fair - "Leave Me Like You Found Me" and "What Light" being particular highlights. Full Review »
  3. j30
    Sep 22, 2011
    Far from their best work, but still a nice entry into their already great catalog of albums. A really good summer album that you could singFar from their best work, but still a nice entry into their already great catalog of albums. A really good summer album that you could sing a-long to around a campfire. Full Review »