• Record Label: Empire
  • Release Date: Dec 7, 2018

Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 9
  2. Negative: 3 out of 9
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  1. Dec 17, 2018
    There’s nothing here quite as aurally arresting as Moonlight, off XXX’s ? LP, but his recasting of Slim Shady as an eclectic depressive indelibly coloured this year.
  2. 60
    Some of Skins is good, some of it is not good. Musically, the tone is, mostly, consistent and effective, and the album’s overall effect is that of a sickly, vivid insight into a troubled life. And there’s not much else to say about it.
  3. Dec 14, 2018
    The album never makes a case for X as anything other than a thinly subversive figure and never even rationalizes the baggage that comes saddled with it. X’s musical legacy will forever be interlinked to violence. Skins is merely a shallow attempt to overwrite that legacy gone awry.
  4. Dec 11, 2018
    The songs are short, not mixed particularly well and--perhaps due to his untimely passing--feel unfinished. Had X been around to see this album all the way through and hash out some of its rushed wrinkles, it has the potential to have been his best project yet. But as it sits right now, Skins renders itself another opportunity for XXXTentacion's cult-like following to continue enjoying new music.
  5. Dec 10, 2018
    Many of the album’s nine songs feel unfinished, with only half managing to crack the two-minute mark.
  6. Dec 10, 2018
    Skins barely leaves a mark. The ideas aren’t original. The record is short--clocking it in at just 20 minutes--but feels extremely threadbare. ... The songs on Skins are shards, sketches. Even calling them demos feels generous.
  7. Dec 7, 2018
    Skins takes that unrealized potential and cobbles together these tracks--basically b-sides and outtakes--strictly for fans who needed just ten more reasons to hear his voice.
  8. Dec 7, 2018
    Staring at the Sky is awful, like a snarky parody of a self-pitying grunge track that’s evidently meant in deadly earnest. There are really chilling moments, not least Train Food, with its ominous piano chords and feedback-laden guitar backing given a creepy intimacy. ... And there is stuff that just seems slight, as if its disjointed brevity isn’t always just an aesthetic decision, but occasionally also a way of covering up a scarcity of ideas, a lack of material.
  9. 60
    SKINS is another fiery blast of catharsis, a largely metaphor-free space where depression isn't hinted at poetically but invited to throw down. ... There are no songs as refined or showing such potential as ?'s “infinity (888)” and “Moonlight”, and many of them feel like half ideas.
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 186 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 50 out of 186
  1. Dec 11, 2018
    Not a fan of this XXXTentacion album. Hopefully his next album will be better
  2. Dec 11, 2018
    XXX has released 3 albums and i'm still failing to see what is so appealing about his music... Skins is just unnecessary cash grab, by whoeverXXX has released 3 albums and i'm still failing to see what is so appealing about his music... Skins is just unnecessary cash grab, by whoever is gonna profit from the sales of it.

    It is clearly compilation of unfinished work, with plenty songs with X just making some "melodic" sounds to the mic, over some amateurish beat selection and blend samples.

    The song one minute sees Kanye West just attention seeking and a very out of place, screaming XXX, the instrumental does not fit with what XXX wanted to achieve. Together with the single BAD! Which i can barely call a song, with so little said and what was said was basically said mumbling.

    Small highlights are the 2 first songs, Guardian Angel and Train Food, that show a more rapping XXX, more sharp with his delivery, even though lyrically it's nothing out of this world, but those 2 songs are definitely more pleasing to listen to then the rest of this album, unfortunately they aren't good enough to make this album any less of a drag to listen to. Really my least favorite album this year

    Favorite Tracks: Guardian Angel, Train Food
    Least Favorite Tracks: Rest of the album
    Full Review »
  3. Dec 11, 2018
    I mean, it's not downright terrible and I probably will listen to it occasionally, but it's extremely short and quite forgettable.