
Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 22
  2. Negative: 1 out of 22
  1. A much darker, more ambitious set of songs than the Knife's previous work.
  2. On Silent Shout, The Knife have shaken off their more tangential musical inclinations and produced an intensely cohesive album, a monochrome rainbow that has emerged from the unfocused torrential rainstorm of before.
  3. This is one of the most rich and accomplished albums of recent times. Essential.
  4. The key is minor, the tone is melancholy, the concerns are callow, but the leitmotif is redeeming.
  5. Q Magazine
    A hideous mess of electro noodling and maddeningly obtuse, tuneless vocals. [May 2006, p.126]
  6. Uncut
    The sound of a group entering their prime, Silent Shout--strange, bold and tuneful--is textbook Euro-pop. [Apr 2006, p.110]
  7. If you're looking to buy this record on the back of Heartbeats you may be disappointed as it bears little resemblance to the Knife's current work.
  8. Once you wrap your head around The Knife's strange little world, it's actually a pretty interesting place.
  9. As menacing as it is hooky, this is some bracing stuff.
  10. There hasn’t been such an overtly bleak and dangerous concept album like Silent Shout in quite a long time.
  11. Spin
    A freaky, moving masterpiece. [Aug 2006, p.80]
  12. While their sound has become immensely creepier, it has also improbably become more beautiful.
  13. It's anybody's guess what a fan of the Gonzalez and Royksopp tracks will make of this beautiful, haunted record, but its dark ingenuity is the kind that keeps electronic music alive.
  14. When they keep things a little more subtle, Silent Shout is outstanding, but in other places it's just sorta there.
  15. Far too often [Karin's] voice is put through a vocoder, multi-tracked, and treated by various other electronic procedures. The result is that one of the group's main talents is stifled and limited.
  16. And while lyrically nothing comes close to eclipsing the pop genius of "Heartbeats" from their previous release, Deep Cuts, several tracks on Silent Shout demonstrate considerable growth both lyrically and musically, making this a solid follow up from a band that has further evolved their own curious brand of synthpop.
  17. Under The Radar
    Scaring the abject shit out of you doesn’t make it a bad record. It makes it the most arresting electronica album of 2006. [Summer 2006]
  18. "Silent Shout" excels with pulsating electro-rhythms, even though they don't include drums, bass or even a drum and bass sound.
  19. Merging Siouxsie Sioux with Aphex Twin, Silent Shout twists manipulated sounds around a basic core of addictive rhythm in a convoluted game of tetherball.
  20. Magnet
    Interesting sounds? To be sure. Impenetrable songs? That, too. [#73, p.94]
  21. While many electronic acts are trying their hand at folkier compositions and attempting to squeeze warmth from the digital realm, The Knife's Silent Shout opts for ice-cold distance. The record suffers nothing for it, instead coming out monolithic and beautiful.
  22. MSN Consumer Guide (Robert Christgau)
    The musical construction is so jaunty that they can't be serious even if they're cutting their alienated fans out of the joke. [Feb/Mar 2007]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 118 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 6 out of 118
  1. Jan 23, 2013
    Well people from Q certainly have reason to feel like fools because 7 years later it's quite obvious that Silent Shout is modern masterpieceWell people from Q certainly have reason to feel like fools because 7 years later it's quite obvious that Silent Shout is modern masterpiece and one of very best albums of whole decade. Full Review »
  2. tim
    Jan 30, 2007
    No more 80s sounding. The whole 80s revival has run it course. Give it a rest!
  3. RG
    Jan 26, 2007
    if you have friends who doubt the depth of techno/dance...or think its just too cold for music, give them this album. hands down the best if you have friends who doubt the depth of techno/dance...or think its just too cold for music, give them this album. hands down the best record in 2006, this album flows beautifully. i m not even gonna try and explain the female voice which just adds another dimension to the cryptic sound, but not in a scary way, its welcoming. but once u are in u cant stop dancing, fast and slow and absorb that voice. after few listens the lyrics start to gain more light and you go even farther into this world created by this duo. Full Review »