
Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 17
  2. Negative: 2 out of 17
  1. Even if it is a bit less adventurous, many of the tunes are right up there with anything the band has done.
  2. Call it an age thing, but Siberia makes total sense for where Echo and the Bunnymen stands 20 years on as a band.
  3. The band is seeming lackluster and suffers from it.
  4. Sergeant blows glittering guitar lines like glass, while McCulloch overflows the vase with black roses.
  5. Siberia finds Ian McCulloch and Will Sergeant reclaiming their original spirit.
  6. If nothing else, Siberia proves McCulloch and Sergeant still have their songwriting craft in good working order, but it's hard to recommend an album on strength of craft alone-- it has to have a little verve, and unfortunately it's lacking.
  7. Siberia is... essentially a re-make of the Grey Album.
  8. The Bunnymen are just what they should be in 2005: a band comfortable with their own glorious legacy.
  9. Mojo
    Has much to recommend it. [Oct 2005, p.101]
  10. What keeps Siberia from being more of a snoozer is the fact that there’s more Will Sargeant guitar to be found here than on any other recent Echo outings, and Heaven Up Here producer Hugh Jones returns to give the band what’s arguably their fullest production values since 1984’s Ocean Rain.
  11. This is not a ‘return to form’—how could it ever be? A band of this age have some many peaks and troughs in form as to render that kind of phraseology practically meaningless. Just as Porcupine should, just as Ocean Rain should, Siberia too should be taken in isolation.
  12. New Musical Express (NME)
    There's now something a bit crumbly, a bit rattly about E&TB. [17 Sep 2005, p.58]
  13. Q Magazine
    A rich seam of quality courses through the 11 tracks. [Oct 2005, p.116]
  14. Filter
    Like an aesthetic and visceral run through the hhistory of these most miraculous of musical visionaries. [#17, p.102]
  15. Uncut
    McCulloch's misplaced his mystique, and resembles a pub singer with an over-extended tab, while Sergeant's guitar lines settle lazily at long-drawn borders. [Oct 2005, p.94]
  16. Under The Radar
    [Their] best effort since thier 1987 self-titled work. [#11, p.110]
  17. Paste Magazine
    There's something disconcerting about Siberia's familiarity. [Dec 2005, p.111]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Jan 14, 2013
    Siberia is an excellent return to form for Echo & the Bunnymen and easily the band's best album post reunion. In fact I'd go a step furtherSiberia is an excellent return to form for Echo & the Bunnymen and easily the band's best album post reunion. In fact I'd go a step further and say that this record ranks in third place behind Porcupine and Heaven Up Here. Excellent stuff! Full Review »
  2. Lynn
    Apr 16, 2006
    I had very low expectations for this album, seeing as most "come backs" ultimately fail. This album is a glorious exception! Instead of I had very low expectations for this album, seeing as most "come backs" ultimately fail. This album is a glorious exception! Instead of singing about losing their baby, and all the things young people sing about, they're singing mature songs that are Echo 20 years on, and authentic. I can't stop listening to this album or singing it in my head, there are so many catchy and honest tunes. If you're an Echo fan rush out and get this, and if you're just someone who appreciates mature, complex glorious music, you can't go wrong! Full Review »
  3. ChrisT
    Mar 17, 2006
    Probably to most mature and well produced album ever created by E&TB. Simply LOVE this album, and their live performance in Austin last night Probably to most mature and well produced album ever created by E&TB. Simply LOVE this album, and their live performance in Austin last night was brilliant. Full Review »