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Universal acclaim- based on 88 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 84 out of 88
  2. Negative: 3 out of 88

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  1. Feb 28, 2023
    Amazing album, sonically and lyrically. The retelling of myths combined with the themes of old honor and war are purely amazing. No skips, all raw emotion.
  2. Aug 9, 2018
    Trivium's creative boom. Their best structures for the songs, which sometimes gives to album epic moments. A lot of energy and aggressiveness in certain measure and too much virtuosity without looking pedant and boring. And the most important of it all, although classified as Metalcore, the band proves that is much more than it, using moments of classic metal from the best Metallica,Trivium's creative boom. Their best structures for the songs, which sometimes gives to album epic moments. A lot of energy and aggressiveness in certain measure and too much virtuosity without looking pedant and boring. And the most important of it all, although classified as Metalcore, the band proves that is much more than it, using moments of classic metal from the best Metallica, Sabbath, Death, Megadeth and Pantera schools. Expand
  3. Oct 18, 2015
    Trivium shows a remarkable dedication to and mastery of the thrash metal genre. Their work here contains a finesse that keeps things from getting stale even when a few tracks go on for longer than they should. With blistering solos and an excellent combination of the heaviness and more melodic capabilities of metal, this is an album sure to please any metal fan.

    The lyrical themes often
    Trivium shows a remarkable dedication to and mastery of the thrash metal genre. Their work here contains a finesse that keeps things from getting stale even when a few tracks go on for longer than they should. With blistering solos and an excellent combination of the heaviness and more melodic capabilities of metal, this is an album sure to please any metal fan.

    The lyrical themes often dive into stories from Greek mythology. Occasionally it uses them for some great metaphors. The song "Down from the Sky" focuses on a more political theme. Mix in those qualities with a sound the both harkens back to earlier metal bands like Metallica while simultaneously feeling modern and you have a powerful album. One that mixes the new and the old for something truly exciting.

    It's a glorious album for metal fans. One that is heavy and packed with material. Occasionally some songs might go on for just a bit too long, but this is one fairly long ride people wont mind taking. Trivium has crafted a refined and all around excellent metal album. One any fan of the genre should check out.
  4. Nov 29, 2013
    It's funny. If tracks 7 and 8 "The Calamity" & "He Who Spawned the Furies" were cut from this album, I'd have given it a 10 instead of a 9. That's how good the rest of the songs are. Epic riff after epic riff and impeccable solo after impeccable solo. The bass and drums sound great and are sufficiently high up in the mix. This album is fantastic and the songs really speak for themselves.It's funny. If tracks 7 and 8 "The Calamity" & "He Who Spawned the Furies" were cut from this album, I'd have given it a 10 instead of a 9. That's how good the rest of the songs are. Epic riff after epic riff and impeccable solo after impeccable solo. The bass and drums sound great and are sufficiently high up in the mix. This album is fantastic and the songs really speak for themselves. No embellishment here. No choirs, pianos, harps, samples, ballads, or anything to weigh it down. Apart from the two weak songs (which still would beat the hell out of half the metal bands today), this is about as good as metal gets.

    Standouts are Kirisute Gomen, Throes of Perdition, and perhaps the most amazing 9+ minute track I've heard since "To Live is To Die", Shogun.
  5. Aug 10, 2013
    Don't listen to metacritic. They do a poor job of collecting all the reviews (they also sometimes get the scores wrong on some reviews). This album is Trivium's strongest effort to date combining all past elements from their previous albums. It should be on the shelves of anyone who enjoys music in general.
  6. Mar 14, 2013
    Really epic.
    This work further emphasized this young band greatness and dedication.
    The riffs and guitar solos just perfect and stunning detail, the bass sounds more epic than the look soft and guttural vocals of Matt Heafy and letters incomparable. Shogun shows that trivium is not a simple copy of eighties thrash in a modern way, this work comes (in my view) to be comparable with all
    Really epic.
    This work further emphasized this young band greatness and dedication.
    The riffs and guitar solos just perfect and stunning detail, the bass sounds more epic than the look soft and guttural vocals of Matt Heafy and letters incomparable.
    Shogun shows that trivium is not a simple copy of eighties thrash in a modern way, this work comes (in my view) to be comparable with all epic bands of heavy and thrash metal, including the epic band metalllica.
    You can not die without having fled this epic album.
  7. Mar 27, 2012
    This album is really a big departure from the heavy thrash influence that was so prominent on their previous album The Crusade. It seems Trivium has found a nice counter balance between Ascendancy and The Crusade that pays tribute to 80's thrash and the hard edge breakdowns and hooks of today's melodic metal scene. Subject to much hate from metal heads everywhere, Trivium seems unfazed byThis album is really a big departure from the heavy thrash influence that was so prominent on their previous album The Crusade. It seems Trivium has found a nice counter balance between Ascendancy and The Crusade that pays tribute to 80's thrash and the hard edge breakdowns and hooks of today's melodic metal scene. Subject to much hate from metal heads everywhere, Trivium seems unfazed by public opinion and this band basically beats to the sound of their own drum, as if to say we don't care what you think or say about us and if you don't like it then kick rocks. Expand
  8. Feb 15, 2012
    Wow. The only I reason I didn't score this album a 10 is because I just can't see everybody out there really understanding the music. This album had one solid musical theme: To push Trivium way past what everyone was expecting. I would possibly put this album in a "Best of Decade..." list.
  9. Dec 5, 2011
    Shogun is a beautiful blend of progressive & heavy metal that keeps things interesting from start to finish. It seems the band has finally crafted a strong project that has plenty of highlights that make the entire album worth whatever you payed for it. "Torn Between Scylla and Charybdis" is so epic that I'd worry the entire album from then on wouldn't live up to the excellence set onShogun is a beautiful blend of progressive & heavy metal that keeps things interesting from start to finish. It seems the band has finally crafted a strong project that has plenty of highlights that make the entire album worth whatever you payed for it. "Torn Between Scylla and Charybdis" is so epic that I'd worry the entire album from then on wouldn't live up to the excellence set on track 2. But it does. "Down From The Sky" and "Throes of Perdition" keep the ball rolling through the mid-section before hitting perhaps the album's heaviest moments on "He Who Spawned The Furies" (appropriately named). Toward the end, the title track "Shogun" is a near twelve minute steamroller of groovin' metal-mania that does a splendid job bouncing between big moments and low, dynamic breaks to prevent the track from ever growing tiresome. Easily worth a purchase in my book. Collapse
  10. Jan 20, 2011
    I have to say this is not may favorite Trivium Album. While it still sounds great I can't say its better than Ascendancy or Crusade. The songs that i did like on this album, however, were tremendous. Songs like Kirisute Gomen and Throes of Perdition, in my opinion, are so good you can feel your face melting. Now, I cant give it a ten just because of those two songs. Songs in my opinionI have to say this is not may favorite Trivium Album. While it still sounds great I can't say its better than Ascendancy or Crusade. The songs that i did like on this album, however, were tremendous. Songs like Kirisute Gomen and Throes of Perdition, in my opinion, are so good you can feel your face melting. Now, I cant give it a ten just because of those two songs. Songs in my opinion that just missed their mark were Torn Between Scylla And Charybdis, and Down from the Sky. For some reason, and maybe it was the video, but Down from the sky reminded me a lot of Like Light to the Flies. I can't give it a perfect 10 but i will say that this band never ceases to amaze me with their metal albums. 8/10 Expand
  11. Dec 7, 2010
    Hands down. Best metal album of 2008. No excuses.
  12. Aug 30, 2010
    There is no flaw in this album. Worth your money. You will like it if you're human. The guitar work is out standing. The vocals coming from the almighty Matthew Kiichi Heafy are outstanding. The Bassist is amazing and if you listen he is audible without draining out the music. The drumming is awesome. The lyrics are a big highlight of the album. Just all around, great album
  13. MrX
    Oct 16, 2009
    The structure of their music, the epic riffs, the incredibly skilfull solos, the malicious screams, the aggressive rough vocals, the amazing clean vocals and the heavy hitting drums and bass truly make this a masterpiece album. Trivium's work is on the same level as work by At the Gates, Death, Dissection and Opeth. Can't get any better than that.
  14. MarkK
    Mar 14, 2009
    It's better then their earlier work but it still sounds like Iron Maiden done in a very hyperactive manner.
  15. ClaytonH
    Jan 13, 2009
    Greatest album of 2008 hands down. This album goes so deep that it BLOWS your mind. Every song is great. Can't put it down and can't understand why only a 66! If you are into metal, GET THIS CD!
  16. PatrickL
    Jan 7, 2009
    After reading some of these reviews it's clear to me that Trivium is not out to impress critics - or if they are, the critics just don't get it. This album is full of skilled, hard, fast metal that has enough (an understatement) personality to set it apart from other bands which is exactly what metal needs. This is an especially pleasing departure from Trivium's last album After reading some of these reviews it's clear to me that Trivium is not out to impress critics - or if they are, the critics just don't get it. This album is full of skilled, hard, fast metal that has enough (an understatement) personality to set it apart from other bands which is exactly what metal needs. This is an especially pleasing departure from Trivium's last album "The Crusade" which seemed to me to be an attempt at pleasing the aforementionned critics and more likely record companies. Final word - sick. Expand
  17. JonathanS
    Dec 25, 2008
    Shogun is a masterpiece with its mix of Ascendancy and The Crusade styles. Matt Heafy, Corey, Poalo, and Travis demonstrate their outstanding musicianship skills with this album.
  18. Pal101
    Dec 2, 2008
    The 90% guy is closest to the mark, the other reviewers seem to be very wide of the mark to me, this album is almost as good as it gets. This is Trivium's best album yet, the best heavy metal album of the year, and one of the best of the decade. An essential album for any heavy metal fan!!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Shogun is easily Trivium's most challenging and ambitious album yet, and even though it isn't likely to spawn any hit singles, it was clearly the album Trivium had to make in order to get unduly prejudiced metalheads off their backs and finally silence undue suspicions over their abundant talent and devotion to heavy metal.
  2. Q Magazine
    So while fourth album Shogun is impressive, Trivium continues ro make "...And Justice For All" when they could do with a "Black Album" instead. [Nov2008, p.107]
  3. Shogun is by no means an outstanding metal album, but it should be enough to satisfy both fans of their older material and those attracted to the meatier hooks of ‘Anthem (We Are The Fire)’ and ‘Entrance Of The Conflagration.’