
Universal acclaim - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 22
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 22
  3. Negative: 0 out of 22
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  1. Jul 16, 2019
    Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest is a quiet album that will tell you about the succession of small, resonant moments that make up a day, a month, a life. Sit still for that, soak it in and let it breathe, and you start to see the glow behind the ordinary, not just in Callahan’s album, but in the world itself.
  2. Jun 27, 2019
    Songs reflect on his outsider past (The Ballad Of The Hulk, Young Icarus), deal directly with the writer’s block he feared happiness would bring (Writing) but now boast a welcome immediacy and intimacy as he lays his new life proudly bare. ... It sure took a while, but the Smog has finally lifted.
  3. The Wire
    Jun 20, 2019
    The parsimoniously arranged, mostly acoustic sound of the record enhances its projection of intimacy. ... Callahan doesn’t entirely give up his old taste for blankly delivered disturbance; his memory of childbirth includes the blood. But he’s never sounded so open or so genuinely happy. [Jul 2019, p.48]
  4. Jun 20, 2019
    An all-you-can-eat steak buffet for listeners. ... The musical arrangements are even sparser than Callahan’s last studio album, 2013’s Dream River, yet his foghorn voice remains intimately pushed to the forefront of the mix.
  5. Jun 19, 2019
    He immediately introduces us to his new titular “Shepherd” persona, and continues to act like the consummate host to the listener throughout the record’s beautifully interwoven 20 tracks and 64 minutes.
  6. Jun 18, 2019
    Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest distinguishes itself in Callahan’s catalog not just by its subject matter, but also by the holism of its compositions. Paradoxically, they achieve their feeling of tossed-off informality through an astounding intricacy of form.
  7. Jun 18, 2019
    Abstractions give way to specifics, and the result is a cascade of feelings, ideas, and images overlapping and enhancing each other in the listener's mind.
  8. Jun 17, 2019
    At over an hour long, this isn’t an album to dip in and out of--it’s that rare album that you have to commit to, and let it wash over you.
  9. Jun 17, 2019
    A gorgeous double album. ... Full of love and appreciation for life, which makes more sense to him now than it maybe ever did, Callahan inimitably presents us with philosophical jokes and thoughtful observations on a record that is an adventurous stocktaking of his own life, set to tastefully arranged folk and an open spirit that welcomes us in.
  10. Jun 17, 2019
    Here, straightforward prettiness often abounds, particularly on the country-leaning tracks, some with the odd female backing coo.
  11. Jun 14, 2019
    Further instrumentation was added with care afterwards, but the skeleton of each song can still be discerned, pleasingly, like a pencil sketch beneath watercolours.
  12. Jun 14, 2019
    Its hour run time notwithstanding, few albums are this expansive. The acoustic arrangements and brushed drums expand its sense of the infinite, and Callahan disarms with humour and subtly shattering insight.
  13. Jun 14, 2019
    Unassuming yet frequently profound, Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest is a gorgeous and much-needed return from an artist whose powers have only grown during the time he spent living his life.
  14. Jun 14, 2019
    Before putting it on, make sure you have an hour to yourself to just let it wash over you. Callahan’s ambition and essence haven’t been diminished by him being in a good headspace. He’s a man born to tell stories, and he’s no less of a storyteller than he was in his early 30s.
  15. 80
    He leads the listener on an amazing journey, making use of cosmic, symbolic, mythological and religious images in perfect conjunction with his explorations of blunt everyday reality.
  16. Jun 13, 2019
    Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest's entirely acoustic arrangement harks to a catalog defined by stillness and moments of quiet revelation.
  17. Jun 13, 2019
    Shepherd feels like his most something album ever—his warmest, his most generous, possibly his most profound. It is his longest, for sure, lounging comfortably across four sides of vinyl, none of it wasted. It is a high note, fond and deep and sustained.
  18. 70
    At the end of the 20 tracks, you’ll feel both closer to yourself and to Bill Callahan as you drift along with his expansive, occasionally humorous, always provocative and quirky mindset.
  19. Mojo
    Jun 10, 2019
    Beautiful and surprising album. [Jul 2019, p.88]
  20. Q Magazine
    Jun 10, 2019
    These 20 songs unfold with mostly spartan acoustic guitar and voice arrangements, near-segueing from one to the other But the cumulative emotional impact is profound. [Summer 2019, p.117]
  21. 80
    Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest isn't perfect. Its sprawl lacks the tight focus of Dream River, and a few of the tracks drift in and out of focus. Give it enough time to cohere, however, and this largely successful attempt at rebooting Callahan's songwriting soon acquires a hypnotic pull.
  22. Uncut
    Jun 10, 2019
    This sprawling, beguiling collection strives to reveal all, but every answer brings more questions. [Jul 2019, p.18]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 38
  2. Negative: 4 out of 38
  1. Nov 20, 2021
    A fascinating 1hour masterpiece carried by philosophical observations, meditations on death and fatherhood. Bill has never sounded this strongA fascinating 1hour masterpiece carried by philosophical observations, meditations on death and fatherhood. Bill has never sounded this strong before pulling off 20 tracks that never feel like fillers or indulgent. The phenomenal "747" has one of the most stunning lyrics on death inspired from looking out of a plane and seeing the clouds from a higher perspective. Bill has a knack for making the mundane feel so important. Full Review »
  2. Aug 31, 2019
    Without a doubt, the best album of the year. Lana is one of the best artists of all time, an authentic, strong and powerful woman.
  3. Jul 4, 2019
    Love how Bill Callahan wrapped cute love and introspective stories up in a serene, ambient, and dark way. Frightening at first, but at someLove how Bill Callahan wrapped cute love and introspective stories up in a serene, ambient, and dark way. Frightening at first, but at some point it feels more relentless as it goes through till the end; makes it dull and unfulfilled its purpose to deliver. Full Review »