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Universal acclaim- based on 134 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 11 out of 134
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  1. Apr 23, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The New era maiden will never be the same as the old maiden, but will never disapoint. What a masterpiece. Title track is epic and strong. Stratego is fast and a show apart of McBrain. TWOTW is a mark. A music after 6 years, and it's incredible. Lost in a Lost World for me is lovely, beautiful and incredible riffs. Days of future past is fast, and that's good. A fast maiden song. Time machine is another Harris/Gers mega song. Amazing closer for the first side. Darkest hour is the 3rd best on the album. Just amazing. Death of the Celts gets better when you listen more and more. Parchment is the second best. Just no words for this masterpiece. Hell on earth is the best maiden song in the album and maybe the best since Sign of the Cross. Perfect end, perfecr album. Up the irons. Expand
  2. Feb 20, 2023
    The creativity of this album just jumps through the roof. The open mind of the band is just shown on the record. From the first minute to the final chords Iron Maiden is showing that they have evolved through these years and now they can play music with elements of eastern music (classical guitars, keyboards, etc.). The album has no flaws, it's probably one of the best in their entireThe creativity of this album just jumps through the roof. The open mind of the band is just shown on the record. From the first minute to the final chords Iron Maiden is showing that they have evolved through these years and now they can play music with elements of eastern music (classical guitars, keyboards, etc.). The album has no flaws, it's probably one of the best in their entire career. The cover is sickening at its best. Expand
  3. Jul 27, 2022
    Esse álbum é perfeito para qualquer ocasião, é tão divino que ao escutar em fones de ouvido eu me sinto em outro mundo.
  4. Jul 26, 2022
    Безупречный альбом, я довольно долго слушаю эту группу, поэтому для меня было заметно, что он довольно отличается от классики iron maiden
  5. Mar 20, 2022
    Bu şeyi dinlerken hazzın doruklarına ulaşıyorum inanılmaz bir albüm her zaman her yerde dinleyebilirim
  6. Nov 4, 2021
    Probably the best metal band ever and another great work.

    If you have never tasted the epicness of Iron Maiden you can taste it with this new album. Yes, does not have the impact of some of their older epics, because Iron Maiden isnt new, their epic status is not a secret.
  7. Oct 23, 2021
    From a hardcore iron maiden fan, absolutely overrated and overhyped, not good music in the slightest, songs are forced in every way and unoriginal, sounds like they have just used samples from 17 albums and mashed into 1 album, songs are long just for the sake of being long and don’t even go anywhere, very very dissatisfied
  8. Oct 3, 2021
    Iron Maiden's seventeenth studio album comes without a doubt at a great time for the group. Six years after their previous album, the group explore Classic Metal in its finest, with breathtaking solos for songs such as The Writing On The Wall, Retro Rock styles like Stratego , and the thunderous Death Of The Celts. Iron Maiden have little to improve on, except that for a 10-track album, itIron Maiden's seventeenth studio album comes without a doubt at a great time for the group. Six years after their previous album, the group explore Classic Metal in its finest, with breathtaking solos for songs such as The Writing On The Wall, Retro Rock styles like Stratego , and the thunderous Death Of The Celts. Iron Maiden have little to improve on, except that for a 10-track album, it is 81 minutes total, 3 tracks exceeding the 10 minute mark. The shortest song, Days Of Future Past, is still 4 minutes long. The longest being The Parchment, which is over 240% the length of Days Of Future Past, just over the 12 minute mark. My total tally says that these six guys are still going strong, and shouldn't stop with the good vibes this album gives off.

  9. Sep 15, 2021
    Great album of the masters of Heavy Metal. Yes, maybe some songs are too long, and we can push out one or two song to have a real perfect album.
    Special mention to "Hell on Earth" wich is one of the best song of Iron Maiden EVER ! Just too bad that this song doesn't have 2 more minutes with the chorus again. For a band who is known to have long repetitions ... for this one, it's
    Great album of the masters of Heavy Metal. Yes, maybe some songs are too long, and we can push out one or two song to have a real perfect album.
    Special mention to "Hell on Earth" wich is one of the best song of Iron Maiden EVER ! Just too bad that this song doesn't have 2 more minutes with the chorus again. For a band who is known to have long repetitions ... for this one, it's frustrating !
    And also, the voice of Bruce is much more cleaner and pleasant than the Book of Souls, wich I liked, but the tired Bruce's voice gave me an unpleasant feeling. Senjutsu avoid this probem !
    Hope it will not be the last !
  10. Sep 14, 2021
    Can’t say the album grabbed me entirely on the first listen… but setting down and really getting into the second go around I realized just how really damn good it is. Easily their best since BNW. Book of Souls was really good but this flys right past that. Definitely a new classic
  11. Sep 13, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The songs are unoriginal with various riffs "recycled" from other older iron maiden songs. All the tracks are lame and have a "false sense of atmosphere and epicness". Personally I'm very disappointed; this album doesn't even sound like it was made by such a big and great historical band like iron maiden. It sounds like some generic modern metal band with Bruce's voice put on. Expand
  12. Sep 10, 2021
    Iron Maiden is still kicking ass with their albums. This is a great track and can't wait to see its tour. Some really strong entries in there include:

    The Writing on the Wall
    Days of Future Past
  13. Sep 10, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The New Album For Iron Maiden Is Good Album With Heavy Metal
    The Book of Soul Is Good But Long Is Progressive Metal Vibe Is Good But Bizarre And Wierd With Band Name Iron Maiden. But Senjutsu Is Good Rock And Metal Album Senjutsu Or Tactics And Strategy
    Is Bettre With The Finel Frontier With 2010 The Book of Soul 2015 Make No Mistake This Is A Good Album But Too Long For Me But Is Good Album (I Talking Abut The Book of Soul Anyone Who Loves Progressive Metal Is As Good As Me I Love This Album) Lest Go Review (Short Message Is A Double Album But With Is Good To Taste And With Yours Who Loves Heavy Metal Is Your Album)
  14. Sep 10, 2021
    Im putting it out there...this is the best Maiden album since 1988...we may of had to wait 33 years to reach the heights of Seventh Son of a Seventh Son but by golly have we got there. During the 33 years its not been lacking good music from the Maiden boys, god no, but this album is right up there.
    Bombastic start of Senjustsu, catchy Strategy, Southern Rocker 'Writing on the Wall' ,
    Im putting it out there...this is the best Maiden album since 1988...we may of had to wait 33 years to reach the heights of Seventh Son of a Seventh Son but by golly have we got there. During the 33 years its not been lacking good music from the Maiden boys, god no, but this album is right up there.
    Bombastic start of Senjustsu, catchy Strategy, Southern Rocker 'Writing on the Wall' , epic Lost in a Lost World. The next 3 songs are mid album bangers. But then we have the 3 album closers all penned by Harris (what a man) Death of the celts i can see the appeal and many will like it but for me its the weakest of the 3 epics we have here. The Parchment & Hell on Earth though are absolutely mind blowing. I will not say anything revealing. Its best you just listen to them yourself (ideally after just sitting through the previous 8 songs just to give it an all the more epic feel!) What an album. What a band. ROCK ON
  15. Sep 9, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. My god, what an album. This is by far the best Maiden album since Bruce came back. The whole album is a master piece, but the last 2 songs, The Parchment and Hell on Earth, are both sublime. "The Parchment" gave me the chills, there was even a moment I burst into tears, when Bruce sings: "Meet me thereeeeeeeee" and holds the note. Goose bumps.

    These guys are geniuses. They made the album in the breaks during the Legacy tour. And specially, Harris. He is the sole writer of the last 4 songs of the album.
  16. Sep 8, 2021
    For those who are looking for sound from first albums…forget about this new one…but who expects irons being the same after over 40 years on stage? For all the others, this is a new amazing work I really recommend to listen through!!!
  17. Sep 8, 2021
    one of their best album i love it..bruce is still the best singer on metal planet. up the rions forever
  18. Sep 7, 2021
    I'm not a big fan of Iron Maiden, my favourite album, Brave New World, is probably scorned by many "true" fans, with whom I greatly disagree. That said, I think this album is fantastic and definitely worth at least a single listen, especially in the age of music streaming services. For me personally it became an instant classic, only brought down by slightly muddy mids and lows in someI'm not a big fan of Iron Maiden, my favourite album, Brave New World, is probably scorned by many "true" fans, with whom I greatly disagree. That said, I think this album is fantastic and definitely worth at least a single listen, especially in the age of music streaming services. For me personally it became an instant classic, only brought down by slightly muddy mids and lows in some tracks.
    Titular track and Hell on Earth are my favourites, most tracks are quite long, but it's not wasted on repeating a single part for 5 minutes, there's a lot happenning ALL the time.
    Even though I said mids and lows are muddy, guitar tones are probably the best and most varied to date and the album is full of great solos. I also liked the drums, nothing groundbreaking, but their oldschool, yet modern sound got my attention.
    Overall, best album of 2021 thus far and I doubt it'll be topped, fitting very well into the fall and winter season and a very pleasant surprise, especially since the last few albums were 7/10 at most IMO.
  19. Sep 7, 2021
    This is quite possibly some of the best Iron Maiden work to date. The musicianship is next level, song construction very solid and a varying number of musical offers. They've stayed true to their sound and you can always count on Steve and Nicko working together in perfect synchronicity. An album for the ages and well justified rave reviews from the mainstream music press.
  20. Sep 7, 2021
    Absolutely amazing album. The songwriting is as strong as ever. The performances are stellar and Bruce sounds great also. Definitely impressed with this, more balanced than Book of Souls.
  21. Sep 6, 2021
    Úžasný album, podľa mňa jeden z najlepších z ich tvorby. Jeden z albumov roka !!!
  22. Sep 6, 2021
    I just listened the whole album and I can say easily that the old guys are still in fit. Especially voice of Bruce is still reminding me his prime. With all my respect, It's a wonderful album.
  23. Sep 6, 2021
    Senjutsu is a prime example of why Iron Maiden are still highly regarded after 40 years. Dickinson's voice is smooth and powerful, Harris' lyrics are as poignant as ever, and the triple guitar attack of Smith, Murray, and Gers absolutely shreds especially on the song "The Parchment" which showcases the three with nearly 6 minutes of solos.
  24. Sep 6, 2021
    Generally good to (sometimes) great songwriting, and I enjoy the album A LOT.
    "Hell on Earth", especially, is spine-tingling when listened to in the right mood.
    Some riffs and especially arrangements are a bit repetitive vs. previous albums (especially when you listen back to back with "A Matter of Life and Death" this effect becomes quite noticeable). Plus, a few songs (looking at
    Generally good to (sometimes) great songwriting, and I enjoy the album A LOT.
    "Hell on Earth", especially, is spine-tingling when listened to in the right mood.

    Some riffs and especially arrangements are a bit repetitive vs. previous albums (especially when you listen back to back with "A Matter of Life and Death" this effect becomes quite noticeable). Plus, a few songs (looking at you, "Death of the Celts") would have benefited from editing them down to 10 minutes.

    Worst part of the album (as usual for the last few) is Kevin "Cavemen" Shirley's muddy production. Sometimes, the instruments become one big bowl of goo, and Dickinson's voice drowns in the background. I can't for the life of me figure out why Harris lets Shirley do this, unless he is like Beethoven - a musical genius also losing his own hearing.
  25. Sep 5, 2021
    Iron Maiden's new album, despite the songs being very long, is an album that deserves respect as the band showed their willingness to innovate without fear of long-lived criticism of Iron Maiden.
  26. Sep 4, 2021
    Masterpiece Their best work! Awesome Awesome Awesome!!! For a band that's been out for 40 years this album is amazing!
  27. Sep 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers. The best songs for me are in this order: "Hell on earth" (it reminds me a lot of "When the wild wind blows" in terms of atmosphere, the first time I heard it I said "this is a spectacular song")
    "The Parchment" which is full of very Maidean instrumental parts, a typical Harris epic song and "Lost in a lost world" which is another Harris masterpiece, with a touch of reminiscence of A Matter of Life and Death album. Maybe I could rank it as the best Maiden album of this century.
  28. Sep 4, 2021
    Outstanding work. One of the best maiden albums of all time. Up the irons!!!
  29. Sep 4, 2021
    I did not expect their 17th studio album to be this good to be honest. I really enjoyed their new music.
  30. Sep 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. "Senjutsu" is not for everyone, but for the people who like the new Iron Maiden's incarnation, it is awesome. Basically, the same style. Some of the riffs are borrowed from other Iron Maiden songs, for example, "The Time Machine" has almost the same introduction as "The Talisman". Despite borrowed parts, there's no lack of creativity. Some people say Janick Gers' "karaoke guitar" is annoying and just messes up the songs. I don't think it does - there so much more points to pay more attention than this. Expand
  31. Sep 4, 2021
    Probably my favourite (won't say "best") album after the 7 originals (well, you can't top these giants no matter what)
    It is a complete, amazing and powerful album! I just can't stop listening to "The Parchment" and "Darkest Hour".
    Awesome work as always, guys! UP THE IRONS m/
  32. Sep 3, 2021
    Excellent album!!!! Especially last 3 Harris songs. Can't wait to see them live.
  33. Sep 3, 2021
    esse álbum é uma obra prima, com o sempre kenye um gênio. Críticos brancos jamais entenderiam.
  34. Sep 3, 2021
    This album is high quality Iron maiden work. Stands in a row with their all albums. Such songs as Hell on earth, Stratego, The writing on the wall, senjutsu and lost in the lost world seem for me as masterpieces. Most importantly, they experiment and develop their style and sound. and this is not just a new album of my favourite band - it is a new breath and inspiration in their music
  35. Sep 3, 2021
    Best reunion-era album. Mix of classic maiden tropes and new ideas with amazing lyrics and dramatic power
  36. Sep 3, 2021
    Samurai EDDIE! Been watching these guys since I was as young as them when they started. I was there for the start of the British wave of heavy metal (and was born in the home of metal, Midlands UK) they inspired me through the 80's at monsters of rock festivals and still continue to inspire. This is imo better than book of souls. Its not as ferocious as the early days (really is anyoneSamurai EDDIE! Been watching these guys since I was as young as them when they started. I was there for the start of the British wave of heavy metal (and was born in the home of metal, Midlands UK) they inspired me through the 80's at monsters of rock festivals and still continue to inspire. This is imo better than book of souls. Its not as ferocious as the early days (really is anyone expecting that ?) I purchased because its damned good old school metal, and Steve Harris has found that 'gallop' again. Is it their, but its solid and your head will bang. It also means another tour and another download festival outing down the road with my family. See you all there, because that's where it with the maiden! UP THE IRONS ! Expand
  37. Sep 3, 2021
    The most refreshing Iron Maiden album since the return of Bruce and Adrian. Some of the songs are not what you would call typical Iron Maiden while others are more recognizable- and that’s a really good thing. There are nods to the Powerslave era as well as totally new ground for the band and songs that sounds a bit like Dickinsons solo project, especially in collaboration with Adrian fromThe most refreshing Iron Maiden album since the return of Bruce and Adrian. Some of the songs are not what you would call typical Iron Maiden while others are more recognizable- and that’s a really good thing. There are nods to the Powerslave era as well as totally new ground for the band and songs that sounds a bit like Dickinsons solo project, especially in collaboration with Adrian from The Chemical Wedding. The latter half of the album are Epos made by Steve Harris and they are somewhat what we’ve been used to hear for the last two decades, but they feel more diverse and contain some fun details that breaks up some of the repetition that I’ve personally felt have plagued their longer songs for many years. Great stuff Expand
  38. Sep 3, 2021
    I really enjoyed the new album listening to it all at once. This band never disappoints me and the new sounds mixed with the classic ones are a big yes for me. Another great work from them!

Universal acclaim - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Mojo
    Sep 22, 2021
    Never sounds less than game. [Nov 2021, p.87]
  2. Sep 7, 2021
    Senjutsu is Iron Maiden’s strongest offering in some time, looking forward whilst occasionally peering back over its shoulder. In tone it’s the band’s darkest album, but the sheer coherence and confidence of the playing, writing and production makes it feel filled with light and positivity. There’s conflict all over the album, but this is the sound of a band firing on all cylinders.
  3. Sep 7, 2021
    The epic Senjutsu is another distended late-career triumph, albeit one that requires multiple spins to set up camp in your Homeric metal-craving cranium.