• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Sep 2, 2014
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 26 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 26
  2. Negative: 2 out of 26
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  1. Sep 21, 2016
    After the so-so TM: 103 album, Jeezy comes back with force on this LP, with a great drive on the mic, anger and intensity in his rhymes and an A+ production with absolute bangers like 1/4, Holy Ghost and Seen it all.
  2. Jan 9, 2015
    Seen It All is a solid album. If nothing else, Jeezy has proven that he's consistently good. He's never released an album recognized as great, but he's also never put out a record anything less than above average. I enjoyed this album, and there are several songs that I'll be revisiting for a long time. ~ 7.7/10
    Deluxe edition: 7.3/10
    Best songs: ~ "Seen It All" (feat. Jay Z): Jeezy
    Seen It All is a solid album. If nothing else, Jeezy has proven that he's consistently good. He's never released an album recognized as great, but he's also never put out a record anything less than above average. I enjoyed this album, and there are several songs that I'll be revisiting for a long time. ~ 7.7/10
    Deluxe edition: 7.3/10

    Best songs:
    ~ "Seen It All" (feat. Jay Z): Jeezy is good, the production is exceptional, and Jay Z delivers an honest, masterful, hype-af-for-real-rap-fans verse.
    ~ "Holy Ghost"
    ~ "Me OK"
  3. Oct 17, 2014
    This album truly surprised me. I have listened to much of Jeezy's discography and, honestly, I never truly loved him. He has a lot of great songs do not get me wrong, but I never found an album of his that truly clicked for me until now. There are a few tracks here I did not love, but even then, there is nothing here that sticks out like a sore thumb among these tracks. Throughout, Jeezy'sThis album truly surprised me. I have listened to much of Jeezy's discography and, honestly, I never truly loved him. He has a lot of great songs do not get me wrong, but I never found an album of his that truly clicked for me until now. There are a few tracks here I did not love, but even then, there is nothing here that sticks out like a sore thumb among these tracks. Throughout, Jeezy's flow and delivery are good and the production throughout is on point. Truly, one of the bigger surprises for me of late and one I can certainly see myself pulling up later on to listen to. Collapse
  4. Sep 6, 2014
    After releasing his last studio album “TM 103” 3 years ago, (don’t call him “Young”) Jeezy comes back on the rap game with “Seen It All: The Autobiography”.
    As Jeezy previously announced, Seen It All is the most introspective album of his career; the first project where he is able to actually tell his story.
    The quality of the songs on “Seen It All” makes it one of the most interesting
    After releasing his last studio album “TM 103” 3 years ago, (don’t call him “Young”) Jeezy comes back on the rap game with “Seen It All: The Autobiography”.
    As Jeezy previously announced, Seen It All is the most introspective album of his career; the first project where he is able to actually tell his story.
    The quality of the songs on “Seen It All” makes it one of the most interesting albums in hip-hop in 2014.
    The album opens with the aggressive “1-4 Block” and “What You Say”, the type of songs he’s been known for.
    The Akon-featured “Been Getting Money” and the first single “Me OK” are also nice and catchy songs.
    Even though the first half of the album is good, the best songs are on the second part.
    The title track “Seen It All” finds Jeezy and Jay-Z reminiscing on their drug-dealers past in one of the best songs of the year.
    There are two other stand-outs on the final part of this LP: the Mike Will Made IT-produced “No Tears” with Future and “Beautiful” with The Game and Rick Ross.
    Though, I found some songs that I didn’t fully get, like “4 Zones” where he experiments the use of auto-tune which he never did or “Beez Like”, that tries too hard to be a summer track and seems out of place in this kind of album.
    As usual, Jeezy got an amazing ear for beats on this LP both on bangers and mid-tempos.
    “Seen It All: The Autobiography” is an album that entertains the listener for the whole length of the project.
    Jeezy tells us he matured: he’s not only a drug-dealer anymore; he’s also a great storyteller.
    Rating 75/100

    Stay tuned on our official page The Next Tune on Facebook for more reviews and news.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Oct 14, 2014
    It’s by no means a bad record, but won’t be the trap pioneer’s most memorable either.
  2. Sep 23, 2014
    He tends to repeat himself and his punchlines lack punch--but Seen It All is an album you can listen to start to finish and not hate yourself for buying it.
  3. Sep 8, 2014
    Whatever the reason, Seen It All: The Autobiography shakes off all the challenges of Jeezy's lesser releases and finds new inspiration from the same old rap sheet.